Title: Pricing Concepts
1Pricing Concepts
- It is the _____ that is exchanged for products in
a marketing transaction. - It is a key element in the marketing mix because
it relates directly to the generation of
________________. - It is the ____________________ variable in the
marketing mix.
3Because price has a psychological impact on
customers, marketers can us it ___________________
_. By pricing high, they can emphasize the
_____________ of a product and try to increase
the __________ associated with its ownership.
4The oldest form of exchange (trading of products)
is known as
5- Price Competition emphasizing price and
______________________ competitors prices. - Elements involved in price competition
- - Emphasis on _____________
- - Competitors price _____________
- - Price ______________________
- - ________________ price changes
6- i.e., __________ shampoos emphasize that other
shampoos may cost more but dont work any better
than ______________. (Competition on
7- __________ Competition sellers that emphasize
distinctive product features to encourage
__________ preferences among customers. - Adv. A firm can build _____________
- A product under nonprice competition would most
likely ________________ in the market if it is
easy to ________.
8______________ Demand Curve
Price ________
Quantity demanded _____________
9__________ Product Demand Curve
Price rises
10_____________ Demand Curve
Total revenue will _________
11_____________ Demand Curve
Total revenue will _________
12Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions
Other _____ __________ variables
__________ objectives
_________ objectives
Pricing decisions
________ Regulatory issues
_________ __________ expectations
___________ Interpretation response
13Organization Marketing Objectives
- Marketers should set prices that are consistent
with the organizations __________________________
14Pricing Objectives
- 1. _______________ Adjust prices so that profits
2. ___________ Maximization It is rarely
operational because it achievement is difficult
to _________________________.
15- 3. Return of Investment pricing to attain a
specified ________________________. - - It is achieved by ___________________ because
not all cost and revenue data are available when
prices are set. - 4. ___________________ used to maintain or
increase a products sales in relation to total
industry sales. - - it can be used effectively whether total
industry sales are ____________________
16- 5. Status __________ used when the organization
is in a favorable position and desires
____________________. - - it _______________________ price and can lead
to a climate of _________ competition in an
industry. - 6. ___________________ set prices to recover
cash as quickly as possible.
- A company can not survive if it sells below cost
- _______________ technology
- ______________ on expenses
18Other Marketing Mix variables
- _________ a high price may result in low unit
sales, which leads to _______ product costs per
unit. - Price is linked to ___________ (place).
- Price Promotion __________ prices often
included in advertisement. _________________
prices if you have to ask you cant afford it
19Channel Member Expectations
- ___________ Quantity Functional.
Customers Interpretation Response
- Internal reference price a price developed
through ___________.
- _________________ reference price a comparison
price provided by others
20- Generally, customers are most likely to rely on
the price-_____________ association when they
___________ judge the quality of the product for
themselves. - The perception of price depends on a products
__________________ and consumers
___________________ regarding price.
21- __________-conscious consumers are concerned
about both the ________ and the ____________
aspects of a product. - __________-conscious consumers are striving to
pay ____________ prices. - _______________-sensitive consumers are drawn to
products that signify prominence and
________________. - i.e., people notice when you buy the most
expensive brand of a product
- _______________________
- _______________________
- _______________________
- _______________________
- __________________-Patman Act it prohibits price
discrimination that lessens competition among
wholesalers and _______________. - Robinson-Patman _____________ Acts limit the
use of price _____________________________.
24Pricing for Organizational Markets
- 1. ________ (___________) Discounts discounts
given to a purchaser for performing activities
such as ________ _______________________________.
25Pricing for Organizational Markets
- 2. _________________ Discounts
- . _____________ Discounts Quantity discounts
aggregated over a ________ period. - i.e., the company will give a discount if the
retailer purchases 300 shirts ____________________
26- b. _________________________ Discounts
- i.e., the company will reduce the price of its
shirts if the retailer purchases over 100. - 3. ____________ Discounts i.e., price 50
- Term ___/____ net ____ or __/___, n/___
- - involves a cash discount (_____) if paid
within _________ days (price 49) - - full amount due by the _______ day (50)
274. Allowances
- _________________________
- _________________________
285. Geographic Pricing
- 1. F.O.B. (Free on Board) ___________ the price
of the merchandise at the factory
_________________________. - i.e., price 425 25 (freight charge)
- 2. F.O.B. __________________ A price indicating
that the producer is absorbing ___________________
__________. - i.e., price freight 425
29- 3. Uniform Geographic (______________) Pricing
- Charging _____ customers the _____ price,
regardless of geographic location. i.e., everyone
in the U.S. get the _______ price. - 4. _______________ Pricing Pricing based on
________________ costs within major geographic
_____________________. - i.e., The fact that gas station in LA. Pays
less for fuel than a gas station in CA.