Title: Thinking
- Cognition
- mental activities associated with thinking,
knowing, remembering, and communicating - Cognitive Psychology
- study of mental activities
- concept formation
- problem solving
- decision making
- judgment formation
- organizes perceptions
- processes information
- interprets experience
2The Matchstick Problem
- How would you arrange six matches to form
four equilateral triangles?
Directed thinking
General Problem Solver
Try to solve problems by judging truth, making
decisions on facts
Spatial thinking
Determining shortcut between solutions
4Problem Solving Strategies
- Trial error Law of Effect
- Algorithm
- Systematic, step-by-step problem-solving
strategy, guaranteed to provide a solution - Heuristic
- Rule of thumb that allows one to make judgments
that are quick but often in error - Meansend analysis - heuristic in which
difference between starting situation and goal is
determined then steps taken to reduce
difference. - Insight
- -sudden perception of a solution to a problem.
5- Algorithm
- methodical, logical rule or procedure
that - guarantees solving problem
- Concept
- mental grouping of similar objects, events,
ideas, or people - Prototype
- mental image or best example
- matching new items to prototype provides
- quick method for including items in
category - (comparing feathered creatures to prototypical
bird robin)
6- Heuristic "rule of thumb
- simple thinking strategy often allows us to make
judgments - solve problems efficiently
- usually speedier than algorithms
- more error-prone than algorithms
Contagion heuristic people avoid contact with
people or objects viewed as "contaminated"
Effort heuristic
value of object is assigned based on amount of
perceived effort that went
into producing object.
7Blind Spots in Problem Solving
- Representativeness Heuristic
- Tendency to estimate likelihood of event in terms
of how typical it seems does it represent the
norm? may cause us to ignore other
information - Availability Heuristic
- Tendency to estimate likelihood of event in terms
of how easily instances of it can be recalled
Is the memory
available? - Plane crashes happen often because we
have a vivid memory
available of them. - Illusion of Control
- Tendency for people to believe they
can control chance events
that mimic skill situations
8Peak-end rule judge past experiences on how they
were at peak (pleasant or unpleasant) and how
they ended. All other information discarded,
including pleasantness or unpleasantness,
and how long
experience lasted.
This heuristic was first suggested by Daniel
Social proof aka informational social
influence, in ambiguous social
when people are unable to determine
appropriate behavior. Makes
assumption that surrounding people possess more
knowledge about situation, behavior of others
considered as appropriate.
9- Functional Fixedness
- think of things in terms of
- usual functions
- Overconfidence
- tendency to be
more confident - than correct
to overestimate - accuracy of ones
- beliefs and
10- Mental Set
- tendency to approach
- problem in particular way
- especially if successful in
- past but may not be help
solving new problem
Confirmation Bias -
Inclination to search only for -
evidence that will confirm -
ones beliefs - Belief Perseverance
- clinging to initial conceptions after basis
on which they were
formed has been discredited
11- Anchoring Effect (focalism) cognitive bias
- describes human tendency to rely heavily,
or "anchor," on one trait or piece of information
when making decisions. - Framing Effect
- biasing effects on decision making due
to way in which a choice is worded
Best way to market ground beef
as 25 fat or 75
12All apples are fruit. All fruits grow on trees.
Therefore all apples grow on trees.
Deductive reasoning
Top-Down reasoning
Spain Portugal are near each other they
have similar languages.
Sweden Denmark are near each other have
similar languages.
Therefore, countries that are near each other
have similar languages
Bottom-Up reasoning
Inductive reasoning
13- Artificial Intelligence
- designing/programming computer systems
- to do intelligent things
- simulate human thought processes
- intuitive reasoning
- learning
- understanding language
- True flexibility of human thought processes has
yet to be developed in machine.
14The Matchstick Problem Solution