Title: Year 7 Information Evening
1Year 7 Information Evening
- Thursday 13th September 2007
2Secondary School Daily Routine
08.45 Electronic Registration 09.00 Lesson
1 09.55 Lesson 2 10.50 Morning break starts (20
minutes) 11.10 Lesson 3 12.05 Lesson
4 13.00 Lunchtime 14.00 Lesson 5
swipe 14.55 Lesson 6 15.50 End of School
Day 16.05 Buses depart
3Year 7 Curriculum
4Sets and Groupings
- Most subjects are taught in mixed ability tutor
groups except - Year 7
- French sets based on ability and experience
- Maths 3 bands of students until Christmas Then
sets based on ability and experience - 2nd Language mixed groups
- Years 8 9
- French sets based on experience and ability
- Maths sets based on ability
- Year 9
- Science students are broadly banded based upon
ability - Years 7, 8 9
- Art Design/ Students are taught in half tutor
groups. DT groups are on Technology/ICT a
carousel basis
5Key Dates
- Initial Review Students new to BSB October by
telephone - Autumn Term ReviewSeptember CEM Centre
Baseline testsNovember one page summary
followed by parent consultation 5th December - Spring Term ReviewApril one page summary
followed by parent consultation 10th April - Summer Term July Full Report
- Guidelines 2 or 3 subjects per evening
- 20-30 minutes per subject
- Plus up to 1.5 hours per week extra on
subjects such as Art, Technology, Music and
IT which do not appear on the homework
timetable - Plus 20-25 minutes reading per day
7Student Support and Learning Group (SSLG)
- Assistant Head Kerry Nicholls
- Head of Senior Section Gillian Radusin (Years 12
13) - Deputy Head of Paul Christmas
- Senior Section
- Assistant Head of Julie ThompsonSenior
Section - IB Coordinator John Knight
- Year Group Leader Sandy Pescod (Years 10 11)
- Assistant Margaret Broster
- Year Group Leader Esther Haney (Years 7, 8 9)
- Assistants Mark Andrews
- Melanie Chambers
8Learning and Teaching
9Who am I?
- Esther Haney
- Year Group Leader Key Stage 3 (YGL KS3)
- What is my brief?
- To deliver an effective system of pastoral care
and ensure that students maximise their full
academic and social potential.
10What is happening now and in the first few weeks
of term?
- Settling in
- Getting to know school routines and tutor
- Introduction to people within school who can
support them through whole school, Key Stage and
Year Group Meetings and Assemblies
11Who is there to support your child?
- Tutors
- Elizabeth (7E) Heidi (7H)
- Jo (7J) Louise (7L)
- Rowena (7R)
- Assistant Year Group Leaders
- Melanie Chambers
- Mark Andrews
- English as an Additional Language Department
(EAL) - Julie Hinton
- Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) and
- Educational Psychologist
- Jack Gillman
Counsellor Gavin McPherson Prishnee
Datta Personal, Social, Health and Careers
Education (PSHCE) Sheila Emmett Nurses
12What initiatives are in place to support learning
in the classroom?
- Differentiation
- Planners
- Reward Structure
- Mentoring / Target Setting
13Mentoring/Target Setting Session 1 Autumn
Term You have just received you report. Your
tutor will have a copy of the report. You will
use this sheet as a basis for your
conversation. Which subject did you do best in?
_____________________________________ Why do you
think you did well in this subject?
___________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________ ______
_________ What have you noticed helps you in your
learning? ________________________ _______________
Which subject(s) did you not do so well in?
______________________________ What is blocking
your learning in this subject(s)
__________________________ _______________________
If you wish to add further subjects you can write
them on the next page.
14What if my child needs extra support?
- Discussion - can involve the student, tutor,
teacher, parents - Concerns can be followed up by a round robin
email to all teachers - If necessary the student is monitored
- Parents are kept informed throughout the process
via the most appropriate channel which can range
from a note in the student planner, phone call,
email, letter or a personal meeting
15Student Support and Learning Student Monitoring
16Student Support and Learning Student Monitoring
17What can my child look forward to during Year 7?
Intellectual curiosity Bewilderment Excitement Exh
austion Satisfaction Community
18Our Goal
- To challenge and inspire our students to realise
their potential, both academic and personal, in a
stimulating and caring community, enabling them
to become responsible and engaged citizens of the
- Year 7 Parents and Staff
- You are cordially invited to
- Refreshments
- In Rubens Hall
- At 2045
20- Elizabeth 7E - Esther
- Heidi 7H - Mark
- Jo 7J - Melanie
- Louise 7L - Sue
- Rowena 7R - Kerry