Title: Progressive Era Benchmark Review
1Progressive Era Benchmark Review
2The Progressive movement flourished between 1900
and the start of WWI.
3The Progressives wanted to fix these problems
- Brutal Working Conditions
- Child Labor
- Political Corruption
- Urban overcrowding
- Abuse of consumers/workers by big business.
4Goals of the Progressives
- Protecting Social Welfare
- Promoting Moral Improvement
- Creating economic reform
- Foster Efficiency
5The government should solve all ills of society.
6Believed monopolies were bad.
7The Progressives sought to correct political
economic injustices by using the power of the
8Progressives believed government should protect
workers and consumers from abuses of big
9Progressives fled government had been corrupted
by big business and political machines.
10Investigative reporters were called muckrakers.
11Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle. Readers
demanded government regulate these businesses.
12Passed the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food
and Drug Act.
13Cities were controlled by political machines.
14Political machines provided immigrants with jobs
and housing in exchange for their votes.
15Machines stole money from government through
bribes and padded contracts.
16Progressive Amendments
- 16thGraduated Income Tax
- 17thDirect Election of Senators
- 18thProhibition
- 19thWomens Suffrage
- 20thLame Duck (Mar 4 to Jan 20)
- 21stRepeals Prohibition
17Initiativepeople propose laws.
18Referendumpeople vote on laws.
19Recallvoters remove public official from office.
20All give people more control over the government.
21Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and
Woodrow Wilson were the 3 Progressive Presidents.
22TR believed he should use Presidential power to
protect the public interest. Called Bully Pulpit.
23TR introduced Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food
and Drug Act.
24TR also promoted Conservationprotecting nature
created national parks.
25TR thought there were good and bad trusts.
Didnt condemn all big businesses.
26TR broke up many big businesses earned the
nickname the Trustbuster.
27William Howard Taft became president after Teddy
28Taft not active enough, fell out of favor in the
Republican party.
29TR forms the Bull Moose Party. Divides
Republican partyGuarantees Democrat Woodrow
Wilson wins 1912 election.
30Wilson lowers tariff. Passes 16th amendment
(graduated income tax).
31Income tax now main source of revenue for federal
32The 17th amendment Direct Election of Senators.
33Senators used to be picked by State Legislatures.
34Wanted to make Senators responsive to the will of
the people.
35The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote.
36Right to voteSuffrage
37WWI hastened passage/ratification of this
38NAACP (National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People)Full equality among the races.
39Founded by W.E.B. DuBois.