Title: The Year of Change 200809 Title IID
1The Year of Change2008-09 Title II-D
- Formula Accountability Webinar
- Call-in 602.771.9955
- Response to Findings
- EETT Federal Audit Findings
- USDOE EETT Desk Monitoring
- ADE Agency Findings
- Potential reauthorization-ATTAIN
3Title II-D Formula Current Monitoring Requirements
- EDEN reporting elements
- Technology Survey
- Technology Plan
- 25 PD
4New EDEN reporting elements
- There are 4 EDEN (Education Data Exchange
Network) reporting elements - Technology literacy for instructional personnel
- School level computer Internet access
- LEA fully integrated technology status
- 8th grade technology literacy
5LEA Fully Integrated Technology
- Curriculum integration embeds appropriate
technology to support student learning across all
curricular areas.
6Definition of Technology Literacy
- Technology literacy is the ability to
responsibly use appropriate technology to
communicate, solve problems, create products and
access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create
information to improve learning in all subjects,
to use information to improve learning in all
subject areas and to acquire lifelong knowledge
and skills for the 21st century.
7ADE Technology Survey and Assessment
- http//www.ade.az.gov/technology/downloads/08adete
chsurvey.pdf - http//www10.ade.az.gov/SelectSurveyNET/TakeSurvey
- Required for those districts who receive 10,000
or more - Judith Romero jromero_at_learning.com
- (800) 580-4640 x468 press 2
- http//www.learning.com/help/az/
9Technology Plan
- Title II-D requirement
- Required to have a current plan on file prior to
submitting application for funds - Should provide guidance for program activities
and use of funds - State revision process
- http//www.ade.az.gov/erate/approved.xls
- http//www.ade.az.gov/technology/TechPlanTemplate0
11Professional Development
- Title II-D requirement
- At least 25 of the allocation spent on PD
- Provide professional development in the
integration of advanced technologies, including
emerging technologies, into curricula and
instruction and in using those technologies to
create new learning environments, such as
professional development in the use of technology
12Professional Development
- To provide ongoing and sustained high quality
professional development - Does your PD promote sustained capacity?
- ADE has adopted the National Staff Development
Councils PD Standards http//nsdc.org/
13Eligible Uses for PD
- Use of technology to
- Access data and resources to develop curricula
and instructional materials - Enable teachers to
- Use the Internet to communicate with others
- Retrieve Internet-based learning resources
- Improve classroom instruction in the core
academic subjects and technology literacy - Section 2416-A1-A-C
14Guiding Your PD
- Standards Assessment Inventory
- http//www.ade.az.gov/asd/hqp/StaffDevelopmentSurv
eyOpportunity.pdf - Candy Burch 602-364-2192
- Teacher Technology Assessment
We cannot assume that our schools will naturally
drift toward using technology effectively
- Stipend/Salary for district trainers
- Stipend for teachers to attend workshops
- 3rd/Vendor delivered PD
- Peer Coaching
- Stipends for Intel or Thinkfinity workshops
- Free service-Statewide Instructional Technology
Project - Intel Teach, IDEAL, Thinkfinity, and iSafe
- http//www.ade.az.gov/technology/sit/
- Ed Tech Conferences (AzTEA, MEC, NECC)
17New Title II-D Monitoring
- On-site monitoring visits
- Desk monitoring
18On-site monitoring visits
- Title I monitoring schedule
- Evidence of Professional Development
- Time and Effort
- Fiscal review and asset process
- Services to Eligible Private Schools
- Programmatic site visit
19Title I Cycle 4
- Amphitheater
- Balsz
- Crane
- Lake Havasu
- Mesa
- Murphy
- Red-Mesa
- Sacaton
- Sanders
- White River
- Window Rock
20Evidence of PD
- PD logs/Sign-in sheets
- Course catalog/descriptions
- Process
- Registration
- Documentation
- Certificates
21Time and Effort
- OMB Circular A-87
- If federal funds used for salaries, then time
distribution records are required. - Must demonstrate- If employee paid
- with federal funds, then employee worked on that
specific federal program/ cost objective. - Specific grant award or other category of costs
that requires grantee to track specific cost
22- Any employee working on a federal program
- All employees paid with federal funds
- Some employees paid with non-federal funds
23100 vs Multiple Cost Objectives
- Semi-annual certification signed by supervisor
and employee - For the month of September, 2006, I
- spent my time 50 on Title I Program Services
and 50 on nonfederal programs.
24Personnel Activity Reports (PAR)
- After-the-fact record
- Total activity for which employee compensated and
the funding source - At least monthly
- Signed and dated by employee
26Other Monitoring Activities
- Fiscal Review and Asset Process
- Eligible Services to Private Schools
- Programmatic Site Visit
27Desk Monitoring
- Phone call, webinar, or submission of evidence
- Evidence of Professional Development
- Time and Effort
- Fiscal review and asset process
- Services to Eligible Private Schools
28Desk Monitoring Cycles
- Aligned to Title I
- Cycle 1
- Fiscal review and asset process
- Cycle 2
- Evidence of Professional Development
- Cycle 3
- Time and Effort
- Cycle 5
- Services to Eligible Private Schools
- Cycle 6
- Full desk monitoring
29Desk Monitoring
- Bullhead City
- Cedar Unified School District
- Chinle Unified School District
- Creighton Elementary School District
- Flagstaff Unified School District
- Indian Oasis-Baboquivari
- Isaac
- Peoria Unified School District
- Phoenix Union
- Phoenix Elementary
- Pinion
- Tempe Elementary
- Tempe Union High School
- Washington
31ADE Ed Tech Staff
- Cathy Poplin
- Deputy Associate Superintendent
- cathy.poplin_at_azed.gov
- 602-364-1349
- Nan Williams
- Director of Educational Technology
- nan.williams_at_azed.gov
- 602-542-4214
- Brett Hinton
- Educational Program Specialist
- brett.hinton_at_azed.gov
- 602-542-5233