Title: PIP Training Version 1'0 Updated August 2006
1PIP TrainingVersion 1.0 Updated August 2006
- Texas AM University
- Famis-aid_at_tamu.edu
- Understand who gets PIPs why
- Define a PIP
- Learn how to check your In-box
- Learn to handle a PIP
- Learn to inquire on a PIP
3Your Goal
- To get payments made as quickly as possible and
to avoid late charges.
4What is a PIP?
- A Purchasing Invoice Problem document
- PIPS hold the key to why a document will not pay
- Document Format PIPAMI400004
- 2 types
- FYI-For Your Information
- FYA-For Your Approval
5Payment Origin
Receiving Preliminary Assets
6Department Routing
7PIPs Origins
- FMO - Financial Management Operations
- Accounts Payable auditors create them once they
have identified a problem with the document - Routing determines who gets them
8Your In-box (Screen 910)
- Check Screen 910 daily
- You will see many different document types in
your In-box - Sort by PIP to check all of your PIPs first
- Only discard after you have adequately fixed the
9Screen 910
10Are you on the Creator Desk?
11Creator Desk
- A unique desk.
- Being on this desk does not allow you to create
documents, it allows you to receive PIPs - FYA PIPs route to all people on the Creator Desk.
- So, if the original document creator is not on
the desk then he/she will not get the PIP!
12 FYI PIP-For Your Information
- Some action may be necessary before FAMIS can pay
the bill. - Signer needs to sign
- No receiving
- FMO changed something
13Example of a FYI PIP
- Kevin creates L400049.
- Mary Kay, Accounts Payable auditor, audits the
L-number voucher. - Mary Kay sends PIPAMI400004 to Kevin.
14FYI PIP Routing
Mary Kay, creates and routes the PIP at FMO
Kevin, the original department creator, receives
the PIP
15View Screen 914 for Routing
16It ends up in Kevins in-box
17On pop-up, open PIP.
18Read PIP.
FMOFAX number is 845-9415
19Handle Discard PIP
Type DIS and press Enter to Discard from your
20View Routing Screen 914
21Creator is unavailable.
Anyone on the Creator Desk can access documents
on Screen 911.
22Summary Handling FYI PIPs
- Read the FYI PIP.
- Research/handle the problem.
- Discard the PIP from the in-box, but only after
you have handled the problem!
23FYA PIP For Your Approval
- A document needs help.
- Accounts Payable will fix it, but with your
approval. - Change account number
- Need more funds approved
- Account is over budget
- Never Never Never recall the purchase document
and fix it. - Always respond to the PIP
- Let the auditor in Accounts Payable fix it.
25FYA PIP Routing
Accounts Payable Creates PIP
Accounts Payable PIP Creator
26Kevin created L400050 The amount does not match
the invoice.
Creator Desk Kevin, Pat, Ed
Mary Kay Creates PIP I400005
Approver Desk Kim, Damon
Mary Kay fixes L400050
Signer Desk Kim, Damon
27PIP Goes to All Creators
28Kevin handles it
X and Press F8
29On Pop-up, open PIP
Press F6 to View PIP
30Read PIP
31Respond to PIP Type NOT and press enter to add
- Enter the notes-press enter-capitalizes
- Date and author at top
- Stays with the document
- Press PF4 to exit notes.
33Approve the PIP.
- Type APP and press Enter
- Type Y to Approve the PIP
- You may type REJ, and reject The PIP if
34FYA PIPs Routing
35Back to Mary Kays in-box.
36Mary Kay fixes L400050 discards PIP from her
37Handling an FYA PIP
- Read PIP.
- DO NOT recall original document.
- Place notes on PIP to tell Accounts Payable how
to fix the problem. - APP the PIP to send it into dept routing
- After signer signs, it goes to the Accounts
Payable auditor, the PIP creator. - Auditor corrects the original document.
38Inquire on a PIP
- Select L/E/P number on 350
- On 358, press F6 to read PIP
- Always, always handle any type of PIP promptly to
avoid paying interest. - REMEMBER The only time that you can reject a
PIP is if the original document is not going to
be paid.
40One last note
- Contact FAMIS Security about access and the
Creator Desk Famis-aid_at_tamu.edu - Sign up for Purchasing Inquiry training!
- Your Office Manager is the ONLY person who can
put you on the Creator Desk! - If you have questions always contact the Accounts
Payable auditor that sent you the PIP. - Please contact me if you have questions
- mbarnes_at_vpfn.tamu.edu