Title: User Level Communications and Fast Messaging Layers
1User Level Communications and Fast Messaging
2Presentation Layout
Introduction and Problem Specification
Approaches for Faster Communications
Specialized Hardware Solutions
Software Optimization Solutions
2. User Level Communications
1.TCP optimization
Implementation Survey
3Introduction and Problem Specification
Introduction and Problem Specification
Approaches for Faster Communications
Specialized Hardware Solutions
Software Optimization Solutions
2. User Level Communications
1.TCP optimization
Implementation Survey
4Message Passing
Sender Memory
Receiver Memory
User Address Space
User Data
User Data
Message Passing Library
Message Passing Library
Kernel Protocol Stack
Kernel Protocol Stack
Kernel Address Space
NICs address space
NICs address space
5Communication Layers in a Typical OS
- TCP protocol offers in order, reliable data
transmission - UDP protocol offers unreliable data transmission
Socket API
User Level
Transport Layer ( TCP / UDP )
Network Layer ( IP )
Kernel Level
Network Programming Interface (D.L packets)
Device Driver
6Communication Layers in a Typical OS (cont.)
- TCP/IP is by far the most popular protocol suite
- Local Area Networks are getting Faster...
- ... but Applications throughput was not raised
at same rate - Was it TCPs fault?
7Measurements and Comparison 5
8Overhead Analysis
- An Analysis of TCP Processing Overhead in 1989 by
Clark et al. 2 shows that TCP itself is a
flexible protocol (proved also highly scalable) - Overhead is mainly generated at
- Bad Implementation of TCP/IP suite
- Several Copies of data in Memory
- Timer usage and CRC computation
9Overhead Analysis (cont.)
- ...But the main overhead of protocol is though
the actions need to be taken by OS not the code
of protocol itself
10Approaches for Faster Communications
Introduction and Problem Specification
Approaches for Faster Communications
Specialized Hardware Solutions
Software Optimization Solutions
2. User Level Communications
1.TCP optimization
Implementation Survey
11Approaches for Faster Communications
- In order an application to exploit the raw
network bandwidth different ways has been
followed - Specialized Hardware Solutions
- Software Optimization Solutions
12Specialized Hardware Solutions
- Networks of Parallel Machines
- Virtual Architecture Interface (VIA)
- Myricoms Myrinet NIC and Switches
Introduction and Problem Specification
Approaches for Faster Communications
Specialized Hardware Solutions
Software Optimization Solutions
2. User Level Communications
1.TCP optimization
Implementation Survey
13Software Optimization Solutions
- Efforts to optimize the overhead factors of
TCP/IP - Implementation and Usage of lightweight
proprietary protocols
Introduction and Problem Specification
Approaches for Faster Communications
Specialized Hardware Solutions
Software Optimization Solutions
2. User Level Communications
1.TCP optimization
Implementation Survey
141. Optimization of TCP/IP overhead factors
Introduction and Problem Specification
Approaches for Faster Communications
Specialized Hardware Solutions
Software Optimization Solutions
2. User Level Communications
1.TCP optimization
Implementation Survey
15TCP Overhead Factors
- Overhead is mainly generated at
- Bad Implementation of TCP/IP suite
- Several Copies of data in Memory
- Timer usage and CRC computation
16Memory Access Overhead
- Two memory copies for user data is much overhead
- For small packets (like NFS traffic) found that
25 of packet processing time spent in memory
User Process Pages
1.Copy User Data to mbufs structure in Kernel
Kernel Pages
2.Copy Packet to Devices address space
17Memory Access Techniques
- User accessible interface memory
- Kernel-Network shared memory
- User-Kernel shared memory
- User-Kernel page remapping with Copy on Write
18Timer and Checksum
- Faster Timer implementations must developed
- Checksum may be avoided whenever possible (p.e
19Checksum Overhead
202. Lightweight Protocols
Introduction and Problem Specification
Approaches for Faster Communications
Specialized Hardware Solutions
Software Optimization Solutions
2. User Level Communications
1.TCP optimization
Implementation Survey
21Common Message Path
User Process
- Traditionally protocols are implemented inside
Kernel Communication Protocols
22Implementation of Lightweight Protocols
- If we develop a proprietary protocol it isnt
always easy to put it in kernel because - Bugs may pop at anytime
- Debugging of kernel is difficult and prevents
other users from using the workstation - Kernel code isnt always available
23Implementation of Lightweight Protocols (cont.)
- Also it isnt always efficient to put them in
Kernel because - Context Switch between User Level and Kernel is
expensive - Memory Copies from User Space to Kernel Space is
User Process
User Buffers
Kernel Communication Protocols
Kernel Buffers
24User Level Communications
User ProcessProtocol Library
- A Solution to those problems is implementation of
protocols as Communications Libraries, utilized
directly by User processes
25User Level Communications Problems
- Address Translation, since User processes knows
Virtual Addresses - Control Transfer without kernel intervention
- Protection, since each User accesses NIC directly
- Efficient utilization of NIC between processes
26Implementation Survey
Introduction and Problem Specification
Approaches for Faster Communications
Specialized Hardware Solutions
Software Optimization Solutions
2. User Level Communications
1.TCP optimization
Implementation Survey
27User Level Implementations 1, 4
- Active Messages
- Fast Messages
- Fast Sockets
28Active Messages 3
- Very popular lightweight protocol
- Uses Handlers to place packet data in User Space
29Fast Sockets 6
User ProcessFast Sockets API
- Fast Sockets presents traditional sockets API to
User Application
Active Messages
- R. A.F. Bhoedjang, T.Ruhl and H. E. Bal,
User-Level Network Interface Protocols, IEEE
Communications Magazine, pages 53-60, Nov. 1998. - Clark, D.D., Jacobsen, V., Romkey, J., Salwen,
H., "An Analysis of TCP Processing Overhead, "
IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 27, No. 6,
1989. - T. von Eicken, D. E. Culler, S. C. Goldstein and
K. E. Schauser, Active Messages A mecchanism
for integrated communication and computation, In
The 19th Annual International Symposium on
Computer Architecture, pages 256--266, Gold
Coast, Australia, May 1992 - T. von Eicken and W. Vogels, Evolution of the
Virtual Interface Architecture, IEEE
Communications Magazine, pages 61-68, Nov. 1998.
- J. Kay and J. Pasquale, Mesurement, Analysis and
Improvement of UDP/IP Throughput for the
DECstation 5000, In Proceedings of the Winter
1993 USENIX Conference, pages 249--258, San
Diego, CA, 1993. - S. H. Rodrigues, T. E. Anderson and D. E. Culler,
High-Performance Local Area Communication with
Fast Sockets, In Proceedings of Usenix Annual
Technical Conference, 1997.