Title: Building Green Homes, Green Jobs
1Building Green Homes, Green Jobs Green
- Supervisor Steve Bellone, LEED AP
- Babylon, New York
2Green Policies
- 12x12 Initiative to Combat Global WarmingBabylon
commits to reduce carbon footprint 12 by 2012 - Energy Star Standards for New Home
ConstructionFirst Town on Long Island, 11 of 13
L.I. Towns follow - Most Comprehensive Green Building Code in the
NationLEED Standards for all new public and
private buildings
3Babylons Consumption
Residential housing accounts for 38 of the
Towns energy consumption, adding 1,146,690 tons
of CO2 into the air every year.
green your house, slash your energy bill, reduce
your carbon footprint
at little or no cost to you.
5(No Transcript)
6Financing Green Homes
Redefined solid waste to include energy waste
based on its carbon content Apply a benefit
assessment on the home homeowner assumes no new
debt, pays for improvements with energy savings
- 122 Homes audited and/or completed
- Average cost of improvements 6,997.96
- Average annual savings to homeowner 995.66
- Reduced CO2 emissions by 156 tons
8Green Policies
Economic Development
9Green Homes Green Careers
- Local Jobs
- Increase in jobs of 23.5
- Green Careers
10Wyandanch Rising
- Most economically distressed community on Long
Island - Green Revitalization