Title: Thinking in the Adolescent Years
1Thinking in the Adolescent Years
2Ask yourself
- How did your thinking change when you became a
teenager? - What did you think about?
- How did you think?
- Do boys think differently than girls?
3Cognitive Development in Adolescence
- New cognitive competencies
- Thinking about what is possible, not just actual
events - Making generalizations as a basis for specific
4Teens can go beyond concrete operational thought
- They move away from only the here-and-now
- They are more logical and systematic in analyzing
5Three keys to formal operational thinking
- Seeing possibilities
- Scientific reasoning
- Skillful combining of ideas
6Major Achievement of Adolescence
- Formal or abstract thinking
- What if? It could happen
- You take mental note of factors that might affect
a situation - You test the effects of certain behaviors and
examine them carefully - Converting formal reasoning from a goal to a tool
7Formal or abstract reasoning
- Helps teens argue with their parents more
skillfully - Contributes to the stereotype of teens being
rebellious - Makes teens more skillful at cultivating
friendships, dates, social contacts
8Formal or abstract reasoning also
- Helps them to imagine and anticipate consequences
- Leads them to be more interested in philosophical
questions - the meaning of life, love, politics - Enables them to see contradictions
- Human cognition is a complex storage and
retrieval system - It has an executive control system that transfers
information between short-term and long-term
memory - It organizes information for efficient handling
10Adolescent Information-Processing
- Increased capacity for taking in, organizing, and
remembering larger amounts of information - Structural capacity increases greater mental
power and cognitive ability - (like having bigger and more powerful muscles
than a child)
11Increased functional capacity
- Ability to make efficient use of mental abilities
- Improved performance because they can coordinate
their movements - They can coordinate existing skills to best
12Improved thinking comes from both
- Structural capacity
- Functional capacity
- Greater ability to hold information and to
process it
13- Wisdom comes with experience
- Knowing when to apply firm principles and when
to accept that not all of lifes problems are
resolved by logic
14Moral Development Beliefs About Justice Caring
- Abstract thinking leads to their developing
personal morality - Increasingly sophisticated ways of caring about
friends, family self - Increasingly logical and abstract principles
related to fairness and justice
15Gender Differences in Moral Development
- Boys emphasize ethical thinking about justice
- Girls emphasize ethics of caring
16Moral Action
- Does not always follow from moral belief.