Title: The role of policy advisers in policy learning
1The role of policy advisers in policy learning
- Wolfgang Polt-
- Joanneum Research
- Institute for Technology and Regional Policy
- wolfgang.polt_at_joanneum.at
- 6CP Conference
- 23-24 May 2006
2(No Transcript)
3Structure of the presentation
- Definition of policy learning
- Barriers to policy learning
- How not to do policy learning
- What you need for policy learning
- Role of policy advisers in policy learning
- Policy advise in a systemic context
4What is policy learning ?
- Policy learning is defined as all those
processes by which policy systems generate and
incorporate knowledge and understanding about (i)
underlying causes and conditions of policies and
initiatives (ii) the effects of policy and
initiatives. This knowledge is derived throughout
the policy cycle and policy learning provides
feed-back to all stages - (Hjelt et al., in OECD 2005 Governance of
Innovation Systems, p.196)
5Barriers to policy learning
- Reluctance to confront the past
- Communication failure(s)
- Lack of adoption capacity
- Loss of institutional memory
6Reluctance to confront the past
- Why look back at old programmes / initiatives?
We are forward looking ! - Evaluations are dangerous because of potential
negative outcomes - Not making an experience, is not learning at
all !
7Communication failure(s)
- Communicating in different codes
- Communicating not at all
- Not accepting or understanding different
perspectives !
8Lack of adoption capacities
- Policy stripped of ressources
- Information overflow
- Coordination overload
- Not being able to capitalize on available
information !
9Loss of institutional memory
- Loss of personell
- Institutional shake-ups
- Not being able to retain and pass on available
knowledge !
10How better not to learn
- Path dependency of learning (Superstitious
learning) - Indicator driven policy (Superfical learning)
- Available information is processed, but without
knowledgable interpretation !
11What you need for policy learning
12What you need for policy learning
- Communication within a system of distributed
strategic intelligence - Needs knowledge infrastructures, institutions,
openess, incentive structures, shared codes
13Role(s) of policy advisers
- The policy adviser as
- the irritation of the system
- the process / communication enabler
- the information filter
- the store of information and knowledge
14Role(s) of policy advisers
- The policy adviser as
- the scapegoat
- the legitimizer
- the substitute policy maker
15Policy advise in a systemic context
- The relation to policy makers truth speaks to
power? - The policy advisor as an expert in superior
knowledge of the system? - The policy maker in posession of power?
16Policy advise in a systemic context
- Analysing the RTDI policy system with the tools
of system analysis - Recognising the implications of the systemic
character of policymaking - Inherent limitations on what we can know about a
complex system - Inherent limitation of communication between
systems - Inherent limits to foresee the effects of an
intervention in a complex system
17A sketch of the Austrian Institutional STI policy
18The Austrian System of IST / e-Government Policy
Making (simplified version)
19Policy advise in a systemic context
- Policy adviser as an expert on the subject matter
of policy and the related policy process - Policy adviser as a the one who asks the right
questions not the one providing the right
answers from the position of superior knowledge - Policy adviser in co-evolution with the clients
system, i.e. change of roles in the policy cycle
20Policy advise in a systemic context
- Policy adviser as an expert on the subject matter
of policy and the related policy process - Policy adviser as a the one who asks the right
questions not the one providing the right
answers from the position of superior knowledge - Policy adviser in co-evolution with the clients
system, i.e. change of roles in the policy cycle - Probably we need a rather fundamenal change of
our perception of the role of policy advise
21.. A last look back at the Austrian Info-Society
case successful policy learning ??
22Thank you for your attention !