Title: Solutions to Disproportionality: Small group activity
1Solutions to Disproportionality Small group
Please leave these sheets on your table so
NCCRESt staff can collect and compile your work.
2Affiliation _________________________________
Issue/Problem Features Think about all the
aspects of this arena and the various issues and
problems posed for schools. Consider the
perspectives of students, parents, teachers,
other educators, and the general public.
If it helps, use the back of this
sheet to draw a web or schematic of all the
problems/issues faced by schools in
Issue Variations Do the issues and problems look
different in different parts of your state? Or
for different groups of people? Or under
different unique conditions? If so, list these
and bullet some reasons why.
31. What are the values explicit in
disproportionality discussions?
Affiliation _________________________________
Discussion 2 Brainstorming Stories Solutions
4. Who will need to be involved in this break
the mold effort?
2. What molds need to be broken?
3. What would schools look like if it were
accomplished in the most innovative creative
way we now know how to think about this problem?
4Discussion 3 Identifying FEATURES of good
Affiliation _________________________________
- What five or six (or ?) things should we keep
asking of each strategy/activity that gets
offered to make sure it really will - break the mold?
- address the problem as we understand it?
- result in real change in the lives and learning
of children and youth?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.