Title: Designing An Effective Direct Mail Program
1Designing An Effective Direct Mail Program
2Designing An Effective Direct Mail Program
- Donor and market analysis
3Designing An Effective Direct Mail Program
- Donor and market analysis
- Creative letters that will stand out
4Designing An Effective Direct Mail Program
- Donor and market analysis
- Creative letters that will stand out
- Trends in direct marketing
5Designing An Effective Direct Mail Program
- Donor and market analysis
- Creative letters that will stand out
- Trends In direct marketing
- Tips on how to upgrade donors
6Designing An Effective Direct Mail Program
- Donor and market analysis
- Creative letters that will stand out
- Trends in direct marketing
- Tips on how to upgrade donors
- How to evaluate and compare available technologies
- A personal letter from one with whom you share
common values informing you of an issue of mutual
interest and asking your support. - - Joe Walton
- Net revenue
- Long term economic gain
1. Reaches 100 of intended audience 2. Can be
adjusted to fit audiences 3. Supports other
development methods
1. Highly competitive 2. Cost! 3. Balance between
percent of return and average gift.
14Stay Informed
Fund Raising Management Direct Marketing Non-Profi
t Times Chronicles of Philanthropy Non-Profit
Marketing Report
15Stay Informed
N.S.F.R.E. D.M.A. Books Bob Stone, Ed
Nash A.A.F.R.C. N.P.N. Video series
16The Mail Package
- Not that the story need be long, but it will
take a long while to make it short. - - Thoreau
17Check List For Success
1. Is there a Big Idea? 2. Is it believable and
simply stated? 3. Is there a story with human
interest? 4. Are you telling the reader how to
respond? 5. Do you make any claims that cannot
be substantiated? 6. Have you
exaggerated? 7. Do too many facts or statistics
get in the way?
1. Does the first paragraph contain important
news for the reader? 2. Does the first
paragraph state a pressing problem? 3. Does
the first paragraph establish a close
relationship with the reader?
4. Do the middle paragraphs a. amplify the
story? b. offer solutions to the
problem? c. tell the readers how he will
benefit by giving? d. refer to any enclosures
which develop the proof or story?
5. Does the closing a. ask for a gift? b. tell
the reader how to enclose the gift? c. tell the
reader when to make the gift? d. thank the reader
in advance? 6. If a P.S. is added, does it
restate or summarize the basic message?
1. Is the basic premise stated in clear,
understandable terms? 2. Is the basic premise
restated in different terms? 3. Does the
letter have a beginning, a middle, and an
end? 4. Is the supporting evidence to the basic
premise logical?
5. Does the message contain action phrases and
words instead of passive? 6. Have all the
pompous, impersonal, or jargon words been
eliminated? 7. Have all the foreign words and
phrases been removed? 8. Do proper connecting
words and phrases make the flow of ideas smooth?
24Design and Layout
1. Are the elements of the package
coordinated as to design, color, and
stock? 2. Is the package design in keeping with
the nature and level of the appeal? 3. Does
the letter have a commonly accepted form, such
as block or indented?
25Design and Layout
4. Is the letter optically centered? 5. Has a
proper salutation been used? 6. Has enough space
been left for ample margins? 7. Is the
signature a deep blue or black (different for
1. Have all mailing permit numbers been checked
for accuracy? 2. If the letterhead carries a
list of the board of directors, are names and
addresses correct and current? 3. If a date is
used, is it far enough ahead for the required
processing time?
4. Has the letter been proofread for spelling
and grammar by more than one person? 5. Have
all postal regulations been checked for the
size and wording of the envelope? 6. Is the
design of the reply envelope in accordance with
postal regulations?
- A final note about the length of the appeal
- -- The only true guideline is that substance
should prevail over form. A worthwhile story or
appeal, clearly and effectively stated, will be
read no matter what the length.
29Follow-up and Acknowledgements
30Follow-up and Acknowledgements
A. Intensify the renewal effort 1. add new
mailings to the existing series 2. use copy
follow-ups 3. test billing style formats 4. end
the series with an action format
31Follow-up and Acknowledgements
B. Create multiple appeals 1. promote a special
gifts solicitation side-by-side with other
appeals 2. incorporate information on a planned
giving program 3. plan a special event 4. set
up special classes of members
32Follow-up and Acknowledgements
C. Increase the average gift 1. upgrade prior
donors in early mailings 2. ask for the same gift
in middle mailings 3. suggest any size gift in
final appeals 4. mention last gift and put
platform under current gift 5. include
contribution envelopes in acknowledgements
33Who Is Your Donor
Demographics Psychology Synchronization Market
34Direct Responsive vs. Demographically Enhanced
36Factors to Consider
Size of mail program Budget Staffing
37Five Secrets to Success
38Five Secrets to Success
Referrals Deferrals
39Five Secrets to Success
Referrals Deferrals Multiple
response devices
40Five Secrets to Success
Referrals Deferrals Multiple
response devices Reciprocity
41Five Secrets to Success
Referrals Deferrals Multiple
response devices Reciprocity Ink on
42Statistical Analysis