Title: CBS MarketWatch: ExchangeTraded Funds User Poll
1CBS MarketWatch Exchange-Traded Funds User Poll
Confidential and Proprietary
2User Poll Objectives and Methodology
- Poll objectives
- Provide added value internal research to
advertising clients on ETF consumers - Gauge/predict CBS MarketWatch users investment
behavior with ETFs - Gain insight on who the ETF investor is
- Learn about the ETF information or research
consumers are looking for to assist in our ETF
Center content development - Run dates May 17th, 2004 May 20th, 2004
- Recruitment Pop up questionnaire off of CBS
MarketWatch story.asp pages to 1 out of every 10
visitors. - Total completed responses 451
3Summary of Results All Respondents
- For all respondents (N 451)
- ETF knowledge level On a scale of 1 (no clue) to
5 (extremely knowledgeable), CBS MarketWatch
survey respondents knowledge level averaged a
2.7. 27 ranked themselves a 4 or 5 (extremely
knowledgeable) and 42 ranked their knowledge
level as a 1 (no clue) or 2. - ETF Interest level On a scale of 1 (not at all
interested) to 5 (very interested), 38 of CBS
MarketWatch respondents ranked interest level in
ETFs a 4 or 5 (very interested) and 40 of CBS
MarketWatch survey respondents ranked their
interest level a 1 (not at all interested) or 2. - Top 3 ETF topics survey respondents interested in
learning Advantages and disadvantages of ETFs,
the best and worst ETFs, and the costs (and fees)
associated with ETFs. - Frequency of ETF investments 11 of survey
respondents invest (or trade) ETFs on a daily
(1), weekly (5), or monthly (5) basis. 55
have never invested in ETFs. - For survey respondents who have invested in ETFs
(N206), 38 typically hold ETFs for 1 year or
less before selling or trading. - Likelihood of investing in ETFs next 6 months
28 of survey respondents ranked likelihood of
investing in ETFs in the next 6 months a 4 or 5
(very likely) and 55 ranked their likelihood a 1
(not at all likely) or 2.
4Summary of Results Have ETF Knowledge
- For respondents who are knowledgeable about ETFs
(N 142, ranked knowledge level a 4 or 5) - Interest level On a scale of 1 (not at all
interested) to 5 (very interested), 67 of CBS
MarketWatch respondents ranked interest level in
ETFs a 4 or 5 (very interested) - Likelihood of investing in ETFs next 6 months
55 of survey respondents ranked their likelihood
of investing in ETFs in the next 6 months a 4 or
5 (very likely) - Frequency of ETF investments 28 of survey
respondents invest (or trade) ETFs on a daily
(4), weekly (12), or monthly (12) basis. 19
have never invested in ETFs. - Age 58 are ages 45
- Investor type 31 are financial advisors or
institutional investors - Professional/Career level 16 are Sr. Management
- Investment Transactions past 12 months 41 have
made 50, 24 have made 100 - Household Income 30 have HHI of 150,000
- Current Market Value of Portfolio 40 have
portfolio value of 500,000
5Summary of Results No ETF Knowledge
- For respondents who are not knowledgeable about
ETFs (N 225) ranked knowledge level a 1- no clue
or 2) - Interest level On a scale of 1 (not at all
interested) to 5 (very interested), 19 of CBS
MarketWatch respondents ranked interest level in
ETFs a 4 or 5 (very interested) - Likelihood of investing in ETFs next 6 months 8
of survey respondents ranked their likelihood of
investing in ETFs in the next 6 months a 4 or 5
(very likely) and 77 ranked likelihood a 1 (not
at all likely) or 2. - Frequency of ETF investments 79 have never
invested in ETFs. - Age 68 are ages 45
- Investor type 9 are financial advisors or
institutional investors - Professional/Career level 8 are Sr. Management
- Investment Transactions past 12 months 14 have
made 50, 9 have made 100 - Household Income 16 have HHI of 150,000
- Current Market Value of Portfolio 15 have
portfolio value of 500,000
6Summary of Results Current ETF Investors
- For survey respondents who have invested in
ETFs (N237) - Knowledge level On a scale of 1 (no clue) to 5
(extremely knowledgeable), 48 of CBS MarketWatch
survey respondents ranked knowledge level in ETFs
a 4 or 5 (extremely knowledgeable) - Interest level On a scale of 1 (not at all
interested) to 5 (very interested), 60 of CBS
MarketWatch respondents ranked interest level in
ETFs a 4 or 5 (very interested) - Likelihood of investing in ETFs next 6 months
51 of survey respondents ranked their likelihood
of investing in ETFs in the next 6 months a 4 or
5 (very likely) - Age 68 are ages 45
- Investor type 20 are financial advisors or
institutional investors - Professional/Career level 13 are Sr. Management
- Investment Transactions past 12 months 33 have
made 50, 17 have made 100 - Household Income 26 have HHI of 150,000
- Current Market Value of Portfolio 32 have
portfolio value of 500,000
7Summary of Results Cross tab Comparison
8Results All Respondents
9ETF Expertise
of Respondents ETF Expertise
Question On a scale of 1 5 (1no clue and
5extremely knowledgeable) please rank your
investment expertise as it pertains to
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)? N451
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
10Interest in ETF
of Respondents Interest Level in ETFs
Question On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means
not at all interested and 5 means very
interested how interested are you in
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)? N451
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
11ETF Trading/Investing Frequency
of Respondents ETF Trading Frequency
Question How often do you invest (or trade)
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)? N451
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
12Holding Period for ETFs
of Respondents Holding Period for ETFs
Question How long do you usually hold
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) before you sell or
trade them? (For all respondents who have
invested or traded in ETFs) N206
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
13Likelihood of Investing in ETFs in next 6 months
of Respondents Likelihood of Investing in ETFs
in next 6 Months
Question In the next six months how likely are
you to invest in Exchange-Traded Funds
(ETFs)? N451
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
14ETF Topics Users interested in
of Respondents Preferred Topics
Question What topics about ETFs are you
interested in learning about? (choose all that
apply) N451
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
15Other ETF topics interested in learning, Fill in
Question What topics about ETFs are you
interested in learning about? (choose all that
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
16Other ETF topics interested in learning, Fill in
Question What topics about ETFs are you
interested in learning about? (choose all that
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
17Respondent Demographics
18Age Gender
of Respondents
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
19Investor Type
of Respondents
Question Which of the following bests describes
you N451
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
20Education Level
of Respondents
Post Graduate
College Graduate
Some College, Trade, Technical, or Vocational
High School
Question Last level of education completed N
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
21Professional/Career Level
Question What category best describes your
professional/career level? N 451
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
22Household Income Level
of Respondents
Question Average Household Income N 353
(respondents answering Prefer not to disclose
have been left off of this slide)
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
23 of Investment Transactions in past 12 months
of Respondents
Question Number of Investment Transactions
youve made in the past 12 months N451
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
24Current Value of Portfolio
of Respondents
Source CBS MarketWatch ETF User Poll, 5/2004
Question Current Value of Portfolio N310
(respondents answering Prefer not to disclose
have been left off of this slide)