1PREMIS Geospatial Resources
Stanford Digital Repository
- Nancy J. HoebelheinrichKnowledge MotifsSan
Mateo, CA
- Brief descriptions
- High Resolution orthoimagery (HRO)
- GIS dataset
- Complexities using PREMIS for these Geospatial
Resources - Further investigations
3High Resolution Orthoimagery (HRO) Monterey Bay
- Description
- Collection of various files comprising a classic
shapefile - Additional files created by SW for rendering
- Curatorial Decisions
- What is to be archived?
- For what purpose?
- What is context for the artifact?
- How much of context should be archived?
4Compiled GIS Dataset Network of San Francisco
Bay Area snapshot
- Description
- Compilation of data layers
- Only certain data points featured from layers
- Output
- Image as tourist map
- MS Access personal geodatabase
- Curatorial Decisions
- What is to be archived?
- For what purpose?
- What is context for the artifact?
- How much of context should be archived?
5Application of PREMIS to HRO GIS Dataset
- Structural Aspects
- Contextual Aspects
- Function / purpose of data subset created
- Provenance whats important to record
- Events to be recorded
6Application of PREMIS to GIS Dataset Structure
of artifact
- Dependent upon
- archival unit
- ?map output
- ?compiled dataset output as .mdb
- ?each layer component
- ?all of the above
- how determine relationships got MD?
- Use of ltobjectgtrelationship
- Or,
- Use of METS
- Both
7Application of PREMIS to GIS Dataset Context
Provenance with artifact
- Intention To make earth science data useful to
the scientific community, longterm
- Earth science data community emphasizing the
importance of context provenance
8Guidance from NASA NOAA from US Global
Change Climate Report
- As necessary the processing software, instrument
operations history and related science
documentation - Information intended to support understanding and
use of the data in the long term (i.e., after
instrument operations end) - Standard linkages among the critical data and
instrument information, including provenance
information - NOTE Lineage or provenance data considered as
the processing steps used to create scientific
data product
9Guidance from NASA NOAA more specifically,
- Instrument/ sensor characteristics such as
- performance measurements
- calibration data method
- Processing algorithms their scientific basis
for creation of the product, for example - Bibliography of pertinent Technical Notes and
articles reporting on research using the data set - Feedback from users of the dataset
- etc.,
10Context Provenance in PREMIS where?
- ltobjectgt
- significantProperties using extension element?
- objectCharacteritics using extension element
- Use elements from domain specific MD standards,
e.g, - FGDC see ref in Sources
- North American Profile of ISO 191152003
Geographic Information, Metadata - Data Documentation Initiative (DDI)
11PREMIS Complex Geospatial Data
- For more detail on using domain specific
metadata, see An Investigation into Archiving
Geospatial data Formats prepared for NGDA
Project, funded by NDIIPP (http//www.ngda.org/res
earch.php) - Approaches of FGDC, PREMIS, and Center for
International Earth Science Information Network
(CIESIN)s Geospatial Electronic Record (GER)
model on basis of - Environment/ computer platform
- Semantic underpinnings
- domain specific terminology
- provenance
- data quality
- appropriate use
12Context Provenance in PREMIS where?
- What influenced or impacted the creation of the
dataset to understand the data - Addition of metadata to the resource, e.g., USGS
which added FGDC MD to HRO from Monterey Bay
Water Resource
Example Event to be documented Merge
c\temp\states1c\temp \states2 c\temp\USA
13Context Provenance in PREMIS where?
- ?Agency adding descriptive MD to HRO, e.g., USGS
addition of descriptive info from the Monterey
Water District
14Implementation issues
- Heavy emphasis upon receiving documentation,
metadata, and reference materials at time of
creation and/or acquisition from - governmental agency sponsoring
- research scientists creating
- In order to do this practicably, need to be able
to determine factors for creation / archiving the
artifact. -- include link to taxonomy in the
PREMIS schema in lieu of TYPE semantic unit - How?
- Chance of being built into tools eventually,
e.g., GeoMedia, ESRI ArcGIS tools - In process of building domain concensus of
importance of archiving
15Further investigations
- ESIP Federation building a MD testbed for
preservation MD (NOAA NASA, etc.,) - American Geophysical Union position statement
follow-up - NDIIPP geospatial projects including NGDA and
collaborative states - Discussions of significant properties /
characteristics Dappert, Farquhar article
- US Global Change Research Program
ata2009.ppt - An Investigation into Archiving Geospatial data
Formats prepared for NGDA Project, funded by
NDIIPP (http//www.ngda.org/research.php) - NAP ISO 191132003 http//www.fgdc.gov/standards
a - ESIP Federationhttp//www.esipfed.org/
- Preserving the Context of Science Data. Greg
Janée and James Frew (2008). Eos, Transactions,
American Geophysical Union 89(53), Fall Meeting
Supplement, abstract U13D-06. - Preserving Geospatial Data The National
Geospatial Digital Archive's Approach. Greg Janée
(2009). Archiving 2009 Final Program and
Proceedings (Arlington, Virginia May 4-7, 2009)
25-29. - Significance is in the Eye of the Stakeholder,
Angela Dappert, Adam Farquhar, The British
Library (2009)
17Questions? / comments?
- Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich
- nhoebel_at_kmotifs.com