Title: Network Attack and Defense
1Chapter 18
- Network Attack and Defense
2The Most common attacks
- http//www.sans.org/top20/
- This is the list of the top 20 attacks.
- How many does encryption solve?
- How many does firewalls solve?
- How many are software flaws?
3Script kiddies/Packaged defense
- Hacking is becoming de-skilled
- TCP/IP suite designed to work in open sharing
honest environment - Various levels of hackers
- script kiddies
- download script run it have no real idea what
they are doing - Experienced hackers (typically excellent
programmers) - Many companies can not find or afford proper
security personnel - Easy to find tools to automate hack
- Hard to trace international hack, requires
international cooperation. - Massive amount of information on how to hack on
the internet.
4Denial of Service Attacks
- Jolt2
- source code widely available
- sends identical fragmented IP packets
- systems use 100 resources attempting to
re-assemble these malformed packets - can attack servers as well as routers
- patches exist for most systems
- some firewalls recognize the malformed packets
and drop them
5Denial of Service Attacks
- SYN flood
- violates 3-way handshake by establishing a large
number of half open connections - Eventually fills storage allocated for these and
system does not allow new connections - Prevention, well if you limit the number of these
connections, then legit users still can not
access system - Various OSs are working on changes to prevent
these attacks, need to adjust how ½ openeds are
6Denial of Service Attacks
- Smurf, Papa Smurf, Fraggle
- Uses forged address to send packets (ICMP) to
broadcast address ( - All machines on the network then attempt to
respond to the forged address - Simply generates large amounts of traffic on both
networks - address where original message sent
- forged return address when all respond
7Denial of Service Attacks
- Smurf amplifiers are sites that
- allow ICMP echo packets to broadcast address
- allows ICMP replies out
- nmap can also be used to find Smurf amplifiers
- www.netscan.org reports 1730 amplifiers
8Denial of Service Attacks
- So smurf attacks basically use the following
- hacker
- amplifier
- misconfigured system
- router broadcasts packets to subnet
- machines respond to pings/echoes
- victim
- receives all the responses
9Denial of Service Attacks
- as you can see most of these attacks utilize
networking protocols - sending malformed packets cause problems for the
attacked machine - IP spoofing is typically used to hide source of
attack - Not going to cover all of these from the chapter,
please read them though. - Many Many others exist and most are available on
Packet Storm just search on DOS
10Distributed Denial of Service
- In February of 2000 these became famous
- Amazon
- ETrade
- Yahoo
- eBay
- ..
- all attacked and brought to their knees
11Distributed Denial of Service
- The seeds were in the wind before 2000
- In August of 1999 University of Minnesota was
subject to a 2 day attack. - Before we look at these attacks we need to
understand a little about them.
12Distributed Denial of Service
- These attacks use compromised machines to attack
others. - Hackers over time develop a network of
compromised machines that are set to do their
bidding that is attack. - these are often called zombie machines
- or just zombies
13Distributed Denial of Service
- Once the network of zombies are built
- specific commands typically on specific ports
instruct the zombies where to attack - dos would launch the attack
against that address
14Distributed Denial of Service
- OK so Trinoo was the first major one
- Used to launch attack against U of Minnesota
- Did not use IP spoofing from attacking machine so
admins were able to contact compromised machines
and stop the attack - Most of these machines were Solaris 2.x systems
- While doing this the attacker simply continued to
release new Zombies against the network - Progressed for 2 days.
15Blind IP Spoofing
From address To address
Spoofed Address
- Configuration management
- Current copies of OS
- All patches applied
- Service and config files hardened
- Default passwords removed
- Organizational discipline to make sure stays this
- Hardware and software
- Protects internal network from external
- Installed between internal and external
- Uses rules to limit incoming traffic
- Uses rules to decide what traffic is allowed in
and what traffic is not allowed in
18Firewall techniques
- Basic Packet filtering
- Stateful packet inspection
- Application gateways
- Access control lists
- Egress filtering
- Lawsuits stemming from DOS
- Intrusion Detection
- Intrusion/Penetration testing programs
- Satan saint