Title: Theres Summat about Himmat
1Theres Summat about Himmat
- Emma Robinson Senior Research Officer
- West Yorkshire Probation
- What is the Himmat project?
- Working with the Probation Service
- Local evaluation of the Project
- Conclusions/key learning points
3The Himmat Project
- Established in 1991, supported by Home Office
grant - In 1996 Himmat became a charity and limited
company - Centres in Halifax, Bradford and
- Keighley (Ummid)
4Himmat WYPA Partnership
- The Himmat project is focused on complementing
the work of Offender Managers to ensure that
clients from South Asian cultural backgrounds
have better and relevant access to service
- Acting as a bridge between South Asian offenders,
their families, Offender managers and Youth
Justice Workers. - Working as consultants (cultural interpretation)
with Offender Managers in the preparation of
court reports. - Supervising Asian offenders on statutory orders
with due regard and understanding of the
religious and cultural dynamics of the clients.
- Do Himmat help to improve order completions?
- Do Himmat help to improve offender compliance and
reduce the likelihood of breach? - Do Himmat enable more appropriate proposals to be
made in court reports? - Do offenders value the service?
- Used quantitative and qualitative methods
- Data extracted from probation case recording
system (CRAMS) and performance information to
look at - - appointments kept
- - of cases without breach
- - whose order/licence had been
- successfully completed
- Interviews with offenders and offender managers
8Results File Read
- Of 903 NS appointments arranged, 801 (90) were
kept by offenders in the Himmat sample - A total of 31 offenders (91) did not have any
breach action instigated in the first 26 weeks of
their order/licence and 21 offenders went on to
complete their order or licence period
successfully (88 excluding those with ongoing
9Results Compliance
- 2006/7 Asian offenders in Calderdale showed
compliance rate of 90, compared to - -79 for total Calderdale
- -84 for Asian offenders across area
- -76 for area total (all offenders)
- 2007/8 figures much closer but high compliance in
Calderdale maintained (93)
10Results - Interviews
- Offender Managers appreciative of support
- ability to challenge Asian offenders
Oh yes, without a doubt, I mean you can do
things between you that you cant do by yourself.
I mean you cant challenge someone who says
this is my culture even if it seems like its
clearly not
There are some interviews Ive done where he
hasnt been involved in the interview but Ive
still talked to him about the case and it is
useful to talk to him about things like religion
and domestic violence in the community. He knows
a lot about feuds in the area. He knows the
undercurrent stuff and its quite useful to know
because it enables you to challenge things
I am already confident being an Asian myself but
their input and knowledge of family dynamics
locally was extremely useful. Gave an additional
perspective and enhanced the work I was able to
11Results - Interviews
- Offender Managers - value of Himmat seen in the
way they can assist Asian offenders in dealing
with personal issues linked to relationships,
employment, family and health, whilst taking into
account the offenders culture - Offenders - spoke of the value of Himmat in
terms of having flexibility around arranging
appointments and how this had impacted positively
on their compliance with probation supervision
12Results - Interviews
- The value of having a service with an
understanding of the Asian community was
mentioned by both staff and offenders. Offenders
felt it was easier to open up to someone from the
same community and the same cultural background. - Belief amongst respondents that service should be
expanded to other areas (main suggestion for
13Recommendations/Next steps
- That the service continues and the Management
Committee looks into possible expansion out to
other West Yorkshire districts. - Consider whether a similar flexibility could be
given to offenders across the West Yorkshire
caseload as a way of potentially increasing
compliance (e.g. increase the number of home
visits offered. - Where the HIMMAT service is available (and
similarly for UMMID in Bradford), all offender
managers should be made aware of the organisation
and its aims in terms of meeting the needs of
Asian offenders as usage may be variable amongst
probation staff at present.
- Contact
- emma.robinson_at_west-yorkshire.probation.gsi.gov.uk
- View all our reports on
- www.westyorksprobation.org