Options at Retirement for Irish Pension Savers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Options at Retirement for Irish Pension Savers


Firm of Actuarial Consultants. Not pension consultants ... 'Money's Worth Analysis' suggests approximately 15% of the premium goes on ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Options at Retirement for Irish Pension Savers

Options at Retirement for Irish Pension Savers
  • Dermot Corry Managing Director, Life Strategies
  • Insurance Institute of Dublin
  • 15th October 2008

Life Strategies
  • Firm of Actuarial Consultants
  • Not pension consultants
  • Clients are mainly life insurance companies.
    Advise on
  • Solvency and Financial Management
  • Pricing of products
  • Product Development
  • Strategic Direction
  • Also advise Government, especially on pension
    policy areas
  • Pensions Board, Department of An Taoiseach,
    Department of Finance, Benchmarking Body on
    Public Service Remuneration, Comptroller and
    Auditor General
  • Have also advised IIF and IAPF on pension policy

  • Background
  • Options at Retirement
  • Annuity advantages and disadvantages
  • ARF advantages and disadvantages
  • How are annuities priced?
  • Are annuities really expensive?
  • New alternative products developing Variable

  • The pensions market mainly focuses on the
    accumulation of pension assets before retirement
  • Defined Benefit or Defined Contribution
  • PRSA/Group Scheme/Executive Pension/Self
    Administered etc
  • Mandatory/Soft Mandatory/Auto Enrolment/Voluntary
  • Much less attention paid to post retirement how
    to use the cash after you retire
  • Some focus on annuity rates pension consultants
    consider them to be too high
  • In recent years trend towards using ARFs rather
    than annuities
  • There is lobbying to allow greater freedom in use
    of ARFs
  • Trend in the UK for DB schemes to buy out their
    annuity liability

Volumes of Business
  • Business written by Life Companies in 2007
  • Annuity 379m
  • ARF 731m
  • Substantial amount of ARF business does not go
    through Life Companies
  • Life Strategies/Indecon report to the Department
    on An Taoiseach indicated that assets at
    retirement will grow at 7 per annum in real

What is an Annuity?
  • Agreement from the Life Company to pay an
    annuitant a fixed amount for life
  • Typically a level payment
  • Can be increasing (at fixed rate, at CPI or
  • Can be payable for a fixed period even if the
    annuitant dies (typically 5 or 10 years)
  • Can have a reduced amount payable to surviving
    partner on death (e.g. 50 spouses pension)
  • In any event life company is committed no matter
    how long the person lives
  • Each payment is part return of capital and part
  • Effectively the reverse of a mortgage (except
    that term is uncertain)

What is an ARF
  • ARF Approved Retirement Fund
  • Maintain assets in unit linked fund after
  • Leave assets to build up and withdraw funds as
  • Withdrawals can vary to suit the annuitants needs
  • Pensioner takes longevity and investment risk
  • Remaining fund on death goes to the pensioners
    estate can be tax efficient inheritance
  • Heavy tax penalty unless at least 3 withdrawn
    each year

Options at Retirement
  • Defined Benefit Scheme
  • Liability falls on the Trustees
  • Trustees can purchase an annuity or pay the
    benefits directly from the fund
  • No option other than taking benefits according to
    scheme rules i.e. no ARF
  • Defined Contribution Scheme
  • Employee can take a tax free lump sum
  • The remainder must be used to purchase an annuity
  • Executive Pensions/RACs/PRSAs/Self Administered
  • Can take a tax free lump sum
  • Balance can be used to purchase an ARF (subject
    to minimum income rules) or to buy an annuity

  • Background
  • Options at Retirement
  • Annuity advantages and disadvantages
  • ARF advantages and disadvantages
  • How are annuities priced?
  • Are annuities really expensive?
  • New alternative products developing Variable

Annuities - Advantages
  • Customer is buying certainty
  • Guaranteed to be paid a known pension for the
    rest of life
  • It does not matter if stock market returns are
  • Real value of this is more apparent now!
  • It does not matter if customer lives for a long
  • Can build in a minimum payment period or a
    dependants pension

Annuities - Disadvantages
  • Pension fund no longer exists it has been into
    an income for life
  • There is no flexibility once annuity is taken
    out customer cannot change it
  • The pension will cease when customer dies (unless
    minimum payment period or dependants pension

ARF Advantages
  • Customer has flexibility and control
  • Can invest in a wide range of assets with
    potential for the fund to continue growing
  • Can choose the level of income he/she wants each
    year (though taxed on at least 3 of the fund)
  • When customer dies the rest of the fund goes to
    the estate

ARF - Disadvantages
  • Customer is taking on a risk
  • If customer withdraws more than the fund earns
    the value of the fund will reduce
  • Pension fund could run out if investment returns
    are poor or customer lives too long
  • Charges are generally somewhat higher

Summary of Features
Comparison of ARF and Annuity for a 65 year old
male (3 ARF investment return)
Comparison of ARF and Annuity for a 65 year old
male (6 ARF investment return)
  • Background
  • Options at Retirement
  • Annuity advantages and disadvantages
  • ARF advantages and disadvantages
  • How are annuities priced?
  • Are annuities really expensive?
  • New alternative products developing Variable

How are Annuities Priced?
  • In return for a single premium, life company
    agrees to pay a defined income for life
  • To determine price life company needs to
  • How long it will need to pay the annuity (i.e.
    life expectancy of the annuitant)
  • What investment return it will earn
  • What expenses it will incur
  • What profit margin it requires
  • Life company can only make assumptions about
    these real profit margin will come out after
    annuitants have all died
  • Life Company will need to set aside additional
    capital to ensure that it can pay annuities
    price will allow for the return on this capital

Pricing of Annuities Findings
Trends in Annuities and Long-term Interest Rates,
Pricing of Annuities Findings
age-standardised population mortality rates
  • Recent years have seen dramatic reductions in
    mortality rates
  • Uncertainty re future mortality is critical
  • Annuity providers can lock-in the interest rates
    on which they have priced
  • But cannot lock-in (or hedge) the mortality
    assumptions they have used in setting the price,
    other than through reinsurance

Insurer assumptions
  • Interest rates
  • Mortality
  • Mortality Improvements
  • Expenses
  • Commission
  • Reserves required and solvency margin
  • Cost of capital
  • Profit margin

Determines life expectancy
Are annuities expensive?
  • Life Strategies and Indecon Economic Consultants
    did a report last year for the Dept of An
  • Compared the prices in the market with a model
  • Table below shows comparative prices for a level
    annuity of 10,000 for a 65 year old man (5 year
  • Prices are all at January 15, 2007

Are Annuities Expensive (2)
  • Best price in the market is 1.7 higher than
  • Median price is 4.6 higher than model for this
    case (range from 3.9 to 7.5 depending on
  • 4.7 range from highest to lowest price
  • Most business is transacted at or close to lowest
  • Some small profit margins but overall not very
    profitable considering the risks

Other Pricing Findings
  • Moneys Worth Analysis suggests approximately
    15 of the premium goes on expenses, profit and
    other costs
  • This is very similar to the UK market
  • We break down this 15 as follows
  • Expenses and commission 2.6
  • Cost of regulatory capital 5.2
  • Margin for risk/profit 7.2
  • Total 15.0
  • Reduction in Yield for annuities ranging from
    0.9 to 1.25 - compares with 1.5 to 1.75 for

Some policy considerations
  • Government should consider some easing of rules
    regarding DC members
  • Some minimum level of annuitisation required for
    all and/or
  • Some flexibility regarding timing of annuity
  • Government should consider issuing government
    bonds linked to CPI
  • Would enable a better match between assets and
    liabilities for CPI-linked annuities (leading to
    less need for risk margins)
  • Need for enhanced information to be supplied to
    consumers as part of overall set of measures to
    improve market transparency
  • Consideration could be given to examining some of
    the current Revenue rules governing the types of
    annuities that may be provided e.g. newer
    flexible annuities

  • Background
  • Options at Retirement
  • Annuity advantages and disadvantages
  • ARF advantages and disadvantages
  • How are annuities priced?
  • Are annuities really expensive?
  • New alternative products developing Variable

New Variable Annuity Products
  • Unit Linked products with guarantees
  • Very popular in the US - 180bn sales last year
  • Can range from simple guarantee at maturity to
    products which manage drawdown
  • Most relevant for pension business is called
    Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit
  • Equivalent to an ARF with some guarantees
  • Becoming popular in the UK sometimes called 5
    for life
  • Many of the companies offering these products in
    Europe are based in Ireland Aegon, Allianz,
    AXA, Hartford Life, Met Life
  • No company has offered these in Ireland yet

GMWB provides return of principal through
periodic withdrawals over a number of years
  • Guaranteed Amount the value that will be
    returned over time through withdrawals is equal
    to the initial premium or account value at time
    of election, even if account value drops to zero
  • Often includes reset options in which the
    remaining guaranteed amount may be stepped up to
    the account value
  • Benefit payment amount equal to a pre-stated
    percentage, is maximum withdrawal that may be
    taken each year

Typical features
  • 5 of premium guaranteed to be paid each year
    until death
  • Guaranteed benefit increases if fund value
  • Flexibility given to select from a range of funds
  • Specific charge for the guarantee
  • Client has flexibility in the amount that he/she
    withdraws but large withdrawals impact on
  • Remaining fund is paid to estate on death

Income from ARF Variation with Fund Performance
Income from Variable Annuity Variation with
Fund Performance
Benefits of Variable Annuity
  • Client is protected against living too long
  • Also protected to some extent against poor
    investment performance
  • Maintains flexibility of withdrawals
  • Will get an increasing income if investment
    markets do well
  • Can control investment decisions
  • Remaining fund goes to estate
  • But
  • Lower initial income than annuity
  • Higher charges than ARF
  • Customer must decide if the product is still

  • The at retirement market will grow steadily in
    coming years
  • Current choice between Annuity and ARF
  • Volume of annuity sales has been low in recent
    years as ARFs became more popular
  • Main benefit of annuities is that they give
  • ARF gives flexibility but moves investment and
    longevity risk to the customer
  • Despite a perception of being poor value,
    annuities give quite good value
  • New variable annuity products being developed
    which combine guarantees and investment/withdrawal

Options at Retirement for Irish Pension Savers
  • Dermot Corry Managing Director, Life Strategies
  • dermot.corry_at_lifestrategies.ie
  • Insurance Institute of Dublin
  • 15th October 2008
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