Title: The study about subway traffic
1The study about subway traffic
- Executive summary prepared by OR for Beta Cons
and Euromedia
- The context and the objectives of the research
3 - Commercials attitudes and awareness
...................11 - General profile of the subway user.............
....16 - Subway types of consumer .......................
..............21 - Audience indicators ..............................
3The context and the research objectives
- Romanian media and advertising market knows an
accelerated development from the investments
points of view as well as people professionalism
and involved companies. - Although for the Romanian outdoor market does not
exist a systematic instrument and a measurement
objective of the outdoor advertising impact and
efficiency. - Thus, in June-August 2006, Operations Research
has realize a research to measure the advertising
impact for the subway. - The research had two principal aims
- Obtaining the information concerning the
performance of the advertising impact function of
location, socio-demographics characteristics and
contexts. - The construction of performance indicators of the
exposure to advertising medium (GRP, Reach,
Frequency, stations profiles/socio-demographics
indicators) compatible with those already used
for planning and the evolution of advertising
campaigns on others media supports print, radio,
TV. - It was desired to offer to the local advertising
markets a performance information, compatible
with the rest of the media markets, to use as an
evolution points in the relation with the clients
and agencies.
4The research stages
The methodology guided by the question What type
of audience indicators we want?
Representative panel for the Bucharest
Panel subway users
Panel refresh (trimestrial)
Underpanel representative subway users
5Methodology and sample
WHAT? Quantitative research PANEL We started
from a larger panel, representative for all
Bucharest population, of 2,000 persons. The panel
has been aleators stratified multistage,
stratified according to field distribution and
with the fallowing selection stage street
(selection from the Bucharest stree list),
household (aleators, according with the initial
number, according to selection step, according to
the random method route), person (aleators
according to the most near birthday). For the
panel, the sample consisted in 431 persons
ANALYSIS Uni and multi variated analysis. Both
samples have been balanced. Panels share have
been the ones obtained from the total sample.
WHERE? Bucharest WHEN? 12 July 8 August
6Subway custom habits
7The use of subway
Bucharest citizens
Bucharest citizens
Base n2000
Base N1,719,100
Use subway
Use subway
- For all sample, 23 or 403,600 Bucharest citizens
declared that they use subway frequently
- From the ones that use subway more than half (60
- 250,000 Bucharest citizens) are constant users
probability for high exposure
Base N1,719,100
Baza n486
8Subway use - reasons
Principalul motiv o singura mentiune
- The most frequent reasons to use the subway refer
to work and visits half of the one that
answered mentioned this reasons. - 1 of ten Bucharest citizens use the subway to go
to work. This is the main reason for the use of
the subway.
The reasons of subway use multiple choice ()
Baza utilizatori metrou
9Number of rides for a day
- Half of the subway users take 2 rides for a day
10Number of station used in one month
- 1 of 4 subways user use in a month only 2
station. Interpretation for Reach, one campaign
must have a large variety of subway stations.
For GRP must be used station with a high number
of passengers.
11Commercials attitudes and awareness
12Subway use activities during waiting process
Dedicated activities one mention
- Two types of main activities described by the
participants are waiting in the same place (66)
and walking on the platform (31) - There is an agreement in the data from te
observation (platform), and sample (households)
Noticed activities - main activity (alternative
methodology subway surveys)
Base subway users
13Advertising panels - impact ()
How often do yow look at the advertising panels
in the subway..
- More than half of the subway users (59) look at
the panels often/ always - Only 15 of the subway users declare that they
look at the panes rarely or never.
14Awareness subway commercials
- A number of 12 Ads (presented in the subway
stations during the study were tested.) For each
commercial the respondents were asked wich was
the location/station (an answer was considered
correct only if the location was correctly
identified). - 58 of the respondents mentioned spontaneously
one of the 12 Ads, recognizing correctly the
location and almost half (42) recognized at
least one AD.
Assisted (Reproduction)
Spontaneously (Reproduction)
- 25 of the subway users did not recognized any
of the tested Ads (interpretation for a
hypothetical campaign having the respective
combination of panels, reach 1 is 76/ 307,000
Bucharest citizens had seen at least one time the
commercial the same, 121,000 have been exposed 3
or 4 times)
15Attitude for the subway commercials
- Almost half of the subway users (44 - composite
value) have a positive attitude for the
commercials, and only 1 of 5 users have a neutral
attitude or hostile. - The benefits associated with the commercials are
entertainment type 1 of 3 respondents
totally agree that the subway commercials chase
- Interpretation The intense positive attitude for
the commercials is the result of the target
profile and context.
Total agrreement
Described in another chpater
Total disagreement
16Subway general profile of the users
17Subway general profile of the users ( users)
Educated population more than half have medium
studies and 1 of 4 have superior studies.
Almost half of the subway users are adults and
young adults
Women and men
18Subway user profile
Household position
A few categories of jobs stand in front
pensioner, non manually ocupation and students.
Almost half (38) are the ones who shop or take
the shopping decisions. Approximate 1 of 3
subway users are the ones who bring the most
money in the household.
Often medium income and high income. Half of the
respondent have a medium or high income
Even if 1 of 4 persons that take the subway are
pensioners - less than 6 from the total rides
with the subway are made by these (data presented
in the next chapter )
19Subway types of consumer
20Subway use use intensity
- Interpretation persons that have a high affinity
(use subway with a higher intensity, having a
higher pshare in GRP ) are women as well as men,
teenagers, and medium income. - Use subway reaches a specific target (described
above). To maximize some profiles the graphic
will be replied on the important stations.
Nota metodologica procentele sunt calculate ca
si consum metrou (nr. calatorii ) / utilizatori
metrou (profil sociodemografic)
21Audience indicators GRP and Reach
22Rides in a month (GRP)
- Interpretation From the point of view of the
travellers (GRP), cumulated, the biggest subway
stations (Unirii, Universitate, Grigorascu,
Victoriei Romana) attract approximately 500.000
visits/ month.
23Persons in a month (Reach)
- Interpretation From the points of view of the
persons (cumulated Reach) the biggest stations
are Unirii 2 (8 from the total of Bucharest
citizens 14 passed through a station during a
month), fallowed by Universitatii (7 from the
total of Bucharest citizens 14
24Monthly use frequently
- Interpretation The station with a high fidelity
are Nicolae Grigorescu, Gorjului, Piata Iancului
si Pasaj Eroilor. They are stations with a GRP
less than the average, but with a repeated
exposure of the message to the same persons.
25Monthly use frequently
- There are 5 types of stations
- Unirii, Universitate stations that have GRP and
Reach over given (gt300) - Piata Romana ? Aviatorilor stations that have
GRP and Reach above average (250-130) - Crangasi ? Dristor 2 stations that have GRP and
Reach around average(130-80) - Titan ? Aurel Vlaicu stations that have GRP and
Reach under average (130-80) - Politehica ? Dristor Pasaj stations that have
GRP and Reach less than the medium (sub 40)
average 100
26Thank you!