Title: oStream: Asynchronous Streaming Multicast in ApplicationLayer Overlay Networks
1oStream Asynchronous Streaming Multicast in
Application-Layer Overlay Networks
- Yi Cui, Baochun Li, and Klara Nahrstedt
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
vol. 22 (1), Jan, 2004
Presented by Yuk
- Introduction
- Temporal Dependency Model
- Algorithms
- Analysis Scalability and Efficiency
- Performance Evaluation
- Conclusion and Comment
- Q A
- Fundamental challenge of on-demand media
distribution is unpredictability - Asynchrony
- Nonsequentiality
- Burstiness
- Previous IP-Multicast-based solutions
- Repeat the same media content on different
channels over time - Clients are synchronized at the price of service
delay - Proposed solution Asynchronous Multicast
5Temporal Dependency Model
6Hierarchical Stream Merging (HSM)
D. Eager, M. Vernon, and J. Zahorjan, Minimizing
bandwidth requirements for on-demand data
delivery, IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., vol. 13,
pp. 742757, Sept.Oct. 2001.
7Asynchronous Multicast (AM)
8Qualitative Comparisons
- Asynchronous group
- Purely end-host based
- Sequentialized sources
9Problem Formulation
Given a MDG, the optimal solution for MDT, i.e.,
to minimize the overall transmission cost of
media distribution, is to find the minimal
spanning tree (MST) on MDG.
10Algorithms MDT-Delete
11Algorithms MDT-Insert
12Some Theorems
Y. Cui, B. Li, and K. Nahrstedt, oStream
Asynchronous streaming multicast in
application-layer overlay networks, Dept.
Comput. Sci., Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL, Tech. Rep. UIUCDCS-2002-2289/UILU-ENG-
2002-1733, 2003.
13Practical Issues
- Content Discovery Service
- MDT algorithms require knowledge of all its
predecessors and successors - Degree Constrained MDT
- Constrain the outbound degree
- Modified MDT problem
- NP-complete!
14Practical Issues (contd) Simplified Session
15Scalability Server Bandwidth Savings
16Scalability (HSM)
17Scalability (AM)
18Scalability Plots
19Efficiency Link Bandwidth Reduction
20Efficiency Plots
21Performance Evaluation
- A single CBR video distribution
- Video length, T 1hr
- Simulation time 12 hrs
- Topology
- k-ary tree
- Router-level (transit-stub)
- AS-level (power-law)
22Server bandwidth consumption
23Link cost
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26Operation Complexity
- Concept of AM
- Take advantage of the strong buffering
capabilities of end hosts - Scalability
- Required server bandwidth lt the theoretical lower
bound of traditional IP-multicast - Efficiency
- The benefit overshadows the topological
inefficiency w.r.t link cost
- Simple solution provide good results
- (simply buffering at end-hosts)
- In-depth analysis and Extensive evaluation
- The main drawback
- Outbound gt inbound, not realistic
29Q A