Title: Third
1Third Grade Rules
2There are seven rules for third graders to
know and follow.
3These rules are to keep you safe and allow you to
41. Follow directions quickly and quietly.
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62. Walk in a silent single-file line when moving
from place to place.
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83. Listen politely while others are speaking.
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104. Respect others keep all hands, feet, objects
and unkind words to yourself.
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125. Respect school and personal property.
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146. Come to class prepared must have books,
planner, binders, homework.
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167. Complete class work as directed.
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18What will happen if you DO follow the rules?
19You will earn a ticket you can turn in for a
20What happens if you choose to break a rule?
21Will you turn into a frog?
23You may experience the dreaded silent lunch!
24Third Grade Procedures
25- Bathroom
- Take the pass and place it on the bathroom door.
- Two at a time only!
- NO bathroom during instruction.
26- Bathroom
- Keep the bathroom neat and clean.
- Flush, flush, flush.
27Sharpening Pencils
28- You need to sharpen 2 pencils during morning work
time. - You may resharpen during breaks.
- You may NOT sharpen during class time.
29Voice Levels
30- 0 Silence
- 1 Whisper
- Inside Voice
- 3 Outside Voice
32- S Sit Up
- L Lean Forward
- A Activate Thinking
- N Name Key Information
- T Track the Talker
33Morning Routine
34- Report to homebase.
- Make a lunch choice.
- Sharpen pencils.
- Complete morning work.
35Fire Drills
36- Go outside with the teacher you are with.
- Regroup into homebases. Just look for your
teacher and get in line. - Be silent!
37Tornado Drill
38- Go to the closest bathroom.
- Be silent.
39Wednesday Folder
40- Take home every day.
- Go over papers with your parents.