Title: HESR 4: beam dynamics and collective effects
1HESR 4 beam dynamics and collective effects
- Tasks
- Task 1 Detailed beam accumulation studies
- barrier bucket manipulations
- Task 2 Beam cooling and kinetic equilibrium
- Code development and benchmarking
- 3D beam distribution in the HESR
- Task 3 Collective instabilities and impedances
- Impedance library and budget
- GSI, Darmstadt
- High current beam physics group
- Contact O. Boine-Frankenheim
- FZ Jülich
- IKP, COSY group
- Contact A.Lehrach
- Uppsala University, Sweden
- The Svedberg Laboratory
- Contact V. Ziemann
Task 1 has been dropped, because
accumulation will be performed in the RESR.
Deliverables Report(s) on optimized beam
equilibrium, loss and stability
2Work accomplished
- Employment
- August 2005 Scientist for HESR beam dynamics
simulations hired at GSI. - Published reports
- Analysis of the HESR luminosities using
realistic machine cycles - Kinetic study of longitudinal beam cooling
equilibrium and beam loss - Beam heating and loss due to pellet targets
- Detail study of IBS at HESR relevant energies in
RHIC - Ongoing studies
- 3D beam equilibrium and loss studies space
charge field of the e-cooler - Beam stability and impedance budget effect of
trapped ions
3Example results
Longitudinal simulations Internal target
induced longitudinal tail in a barrier bucket
3D simulation studies Tune footprint with
e-cooler space charge. Simulations with MAD-X.
S.Sorge, et al., to be published
4Publications and reports in 2006
1 Beam Performance and Luminosity Limitations
in the High-Energy Storage Ring A. Lehrach,
O. Boine-Frankenheim, F. Hinterberger, R. Maier,
D. Prasuhn Nucl. Inst. and Methods A 561
(2006) 289. 2 Beam equilibrium and beam loss
with internal targets in the HESR O.
Boine-Frankenheim, R. Hasse, F. Hinterberger, A.
Lehrach, P. Zenkevich Nucl. Inst. and
Methods A 560 (2006) 245. 3 When are pellet
targets to thick ? V. Ziemann Nucl.
Inst. and Methods A 565 (2006) 370. 4 Analysis
of measured transverse beam echoes in RHIC
S. Sorge, O. Boine-Frankenheim, W. Fischer
Proc. of ICAP 2006, October 2-6 2006, Chamonix
Mont-Blanc, France 5 Beam-dynamics simulation
studies for the High-Energy Storage Ring (HESR)
A. Lehrach, O. Boine-Frankenheim, R. Hasse. D.
Prasuhn Proc. of ICAP 2006, October 2-6
2006, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France
5Work plan