Title: Alternative Financial Sources
1Alternative Financial Sources
- Tyree Clark, Teddy Dillingham, Lindsey Fleming
- Jarrod Tahsequah, Lindy Waters, LuAnn Werdel
2Democracy in America
- These Americans are the most peculiar people in
the world. Youll not believe it when I tell you
how they behave. In a local community in their
country, a citizen may conceive of some need
which is not being met. What does he do? He
crosses the street and discusses it with his
neighbor. Then what happens? A committee comes
into existence and then the committee begins
functioning on behalf of that need. And you
wont believe this but its true All of this is
done without reference to any bureaucrat! All of
this is done by the private citizens on their own
initiative. - -Alexis de Tocqueville,
- Democracy in America
3Fiscally Challenging Times
- It is becoming increasingly difficult for
schools to deliver educational services using
traditional sources of revenue such as the
proceeds of broad-based taxes. The resulting
fiscal strain has prompted efforts to identify
and draw upon alternate sources of revenue.
4Alternative sources
- We will share three possible sources of
alternative funding
- School Business Partnerships
- (LuAnn Lindsey)
- Foundations (Jarrod Tyree)
- Competitive grants (Teddy Lindy)
5School /Business Partnerships-History
- Businesses and schools have been involved with
each other since the late 1800s, and their
relationship formalized into partnerships since
the late 1970s-However, conditions in the 1980s
accelerated the development of these partnerships
- Education crisis in public schools
- Low skill level of entry-level workers
- Demands of an evolving economy
- Between 1983-84 to 1987-88, business partnerships
rose from 42,200 to 140,800
- Grobe et al. 1993, p.4
7History cont..
- Initially, educational partnerships were created
by school system staff to
- Foster school-community cooperation
- Provide incentives for students
- Supplement curriculum and staff
- Obtain equipment
- And Businesses gained by
- Improved public relations
- Enhanced community image
- (Clark
1992, p.2)
8History cont..
- However, during the 80s, school reform called
for changes that would ultimately transform the
nature of education and business partnerships.
9What has changed?
- Schools were faced with the need for
educational reform measures that would better
prepare a diverse student population for the
higher order thinking and reasoning skills
required in an increasingly knowledge-based
service-driven economy, and..
10What has changed cont..
- Businesses were faced with the threat of an
inadequately prepared work force that would
jeopardize their competition with other
industrialized nations.
11The Roads Converge
- Motivated to improve the academic and technical
skills of the future work force, businesses and
schools joined in partnerships of various sizes
and types to achieve their common and separate
goals. Schools certainly needed the human and
monetary resources that business seemed inclined
to invest, and business needed educated, highly
skilled employees.
12A note of caution
- Before a school partners with a business,
ethical and philosophical issues need to be
considered by school leaders
- We share no common vocabulary
- Our bottom lines represent different outcomes
- Do we even share a fundamental belief in exactly
what the issues are?
13 Rewards of Partnerships
- Whatever the type of business and education
partnership, the benefits must be realized by all
partners or the arrangement is not a partnership
(Grobe et al. 1993) In successful partnerships,
the benefits radiate from one partner to another,
resulting in rewards for all involved..
14Rewards cont.
- Education gains
- increased access to new technology
- enhanced opportunities for professional growth
- Students gain
- reduced truancy
- reduced drop-out rate
- Business gains
- better prepared work force
- increased public confidence and support for
- And improved quality of community life and the
potential to improve the economic health of the
entire country.
15Business Partnerships with Schools
16Goals of Business Partnerships
- Education is the key to successfully preparing
youth for careers in the 21st century
- Verizon- Commitment to education is driven by
its responsibility as a good corporate citizen
and by the understanding that todays students
will be tomorrows employees, consumers,
regulators, and neighbors. - Integris Health- Returnship is giving back to
the community in financial, emotional, physical,
and spiritual ways.
- Other businesses leaders view their involvement
in education primarily as a way to conduct market
research and advertise in schools.
- National PTA adopted a resolution that warned
against any business exerting so much power to
influence the curriculum (National PTA 1997).
- Many education policies now condemn certain types
of school-business relationships as exploitation
and a violation of public trust (Center for the
Analysis of Commercialism in Education 1999).
Educators and policy-makers are especially
critical of corporate sponsors who use their
access to a captive audience for commercial
purposes (tobacco contract).
18Example- Santa Fe South Charter High School
- Charter law allows for outside solicitation
- Charter schools act as not-for-profit agency
- Access private foundations, govt. grants, private
donations, business partnerships
- Naming Rights (Kerr McGee Biology Lab)
- Auction (Local car dealerships)
- Wal-Mart (Scholarships, buildings)
- Hobby Lobby (buildings)
- County Health Department (Idea of Community
- Regents for Higher Education (Collaboration of
partnerships Hospitals - Vo-tech - schools)
20Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence
- http//www.ofe.org
- 156 local education foundations
- Average existence of 11 years
- Oldest were formed in 1984
- More than 15 million distributed in 2000 2001
school year
21Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence
- Programs with the most impact
- Grants to teachers
- Staff development grants
- Mentoring and tutoring
- Scholarships
22Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence
- Most successful fundraisers
- Membership drive
- Annual campaign
- Alumni solicitations
- Events and activities
- Duck races, carnivals, golf tournaments,
auctions, pancake dinners, alumni brick sidewalk,
- Contributions
23Norman Public School Foundation
- Painting A Brighter Future
24What is the NPSF?
- Began in 1984 with seventy-eight community
leaders making their commitment to the
educational future of children by establishing
the Norman Public schools Foundation. A Board of
Directors comprised of community volunteers was
formed which operates independently from the
school administration or school board of the
Norman Public Schools. The Purpose of the
foundation is to award grants to teachers to
enrich the academic curriculum on Norman Public
25What is the mission of the NPSF?
- The mission of the Norman Public Schools
Foundation is to enhance the educational
experience for students in the Norman Public
26How Does the Foundation Operate?
- They are a non-profit, tax exempt organization.
A portion of all contributions from their fund
drives is placed in a permanent endowment. The
remainder of the contributions along with the
interest from the endowment is used to fund
grants to teachers.
27How does the NPSF get its money?
- Tax-deductible contributions to the NPS
Foundation are given during the annual
fundraising drives. The businesses, families,
and caring citizens, as well as memorials and
tributes, are given to insure that Normans
students continue to receive the highest quality
of education in the state.
28How are grants selected?
- The allocation committee, comprised of
foundation board members along with community
volunteers, read grants each semester submitted
by teachers. Names of schools and individual
teachers are withheld on each grant application
when being evaluated by the committee
29Grants to Teachers
30What types of grants are funded?
- Classroom sets of graphing calculators for
advanced statistics courses
- Telescopes for middle school environmental camps
- Numerous computer software programs and licenses
- Historical maps and video
- Numerous sets of supplemental reading programs
and books, math manipulatives, microscopes,
computer headphones, puppets for primary grades,
and music and art materials.
31Oklahoma City Public School Foundation
- http//www.okckids.com
- Established in 1984
32Oklahoma City Public School Foundation
- MAPS for Kids
- Collaboration among City of OKC, OKC Public
Schools and OKC Public School Foundation
- Sales Tax Proposition
- 512 million over seven years
- 29 million collected to date
- Bond Proposition
- 180 million over five years
- 82.7 million currently sold
33Oklahoma City Public School Foundation
- MAPS for Kids
- Allotted funding
- 478 million for construction and renovation
- 52 million for computer technology
- 9 million for buses
- 153 million for suburban districts
- 3,678.66 per pupil
34Oklahoma City Public School Foundation
- Principal for a Day
- Began in 1991
- 95 OKC public officials and 750 community leaders
- Arts Funding
- Grants designed to improve art curriculum
- 280,000 awarded to date
35Oklahoma City Public School Foundation
- Partners in Education
- Began in 1994
- 70 of 94 OKC public school are engaged
- Power Hour
- Follow the Leader
- It Makes Cents
- Lets Celebrate
- Business Internships
- 2,500 volunteers
- Goal of 10,000 tutors by 2007
36Oklahoma City Public School Foundation
- Summertime Savings Coupons
- Frontier City admission
- Benefit concert
- At Bat for Books
- SBC, Oklahoma Redhawks and OKCPSF
- Volunteers to reduce or eliminate substitute
teacher pay
- 2 million dollar saving to OKC district
37Oklahoma City Public School Foundation
- Endowment for the Pursuit of Teacher Excellence
- 1 million privately funded
- OKC public school teachers achieve National
- 2300 cost (2000 grant)
- 5-year commitment to OKC PSD
- OKC PSD goal to lead the nation in certified
teachers by 2010
39Proposal writing is a part of a process that
- Planning
- Research
- Outreach
- Collaboration of partnerships
40Developing a Grant-writing Team
- Knowledge about the grant writing process
- Knowledge of research techniques
- Background in areas addresses by the grant
- Knowledge of population to addressed by the
- Writing / reviewing skillsĀ
41Gathering research for the Grant requires
background documentation and research in three
42Requests for Proposals (RFP)
- Abstract or Executive Summary
- Statement of Need or Significance of the Problem
- Program Objectives or Program Goals
- Project Description or Plan of Operation
43Requests for Proposals (RFP)
- Applicant and/or Community Support
- Organization Information or Corporate Capability
- Evaluation of Program
- Budget / Budget Justification or Budget / Budget
- Appendices
44U.S. Department of Education
- http//ed.gov
- Good source for grants funded through the U.S.
Department of Education
- Can be confusing to navigate
45Oklahoma State Department of Education
- http//sde.state.ok.us
- Limited source for federal and state grant
- Easy to use, but sometimes slow to download
46Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
- http//www.cfda.gov
- Extensive source for all federal grants (both
education- and non-education)
- Easy to use