Title: Incremental Network Programming for Wireless Sensors
1Incremental Network Programming for Wireless
- Jaein Jeong and David Culler
- UC Berkeley, EECS
2Introduction Programming a Large Sensor Network
- Program is developed in the host and loaded to
- In system Programming
- Programming time increases in proportion to
- Network Programming
- Saves programming time.
- But, sending whole code over radio still takes
- Goal reduce programming time by sending the code
3Network Programming Steps
- Incremental network programming
- (1) Encoding Generates the difference of the two
code. - (2) Dissemination Transmits the difference.
- (3) Decoding Rebuilds the new code using the old
code and diff.
Host Machine
Sensor Node
(1) Encode
(2) Dissemination
(3) Decode
Sensor node
4Design Considerations
- Reduce the amount of transmission.
- Network programming keeps a large amount of data.
- Programming time is proportional to the data
size. - Minimize the access to the external flash memory.
- The program code is stored in the external
memory. - The external flash is slower than the on-chip
memory. - Avoid expensive operations for sensor nodes.
5Difference Generation First Approach Fixed
Block Comparison
- Storage Organization
- Two memory chunks for the previous and new
program. - Fixed Block Comparison
- Compares in fixed sized blocks.
- Doesnt work when code is shifted.
- Comparing at every byte
- Finds shared blocks with high cost.
- Need an efficient way of finding shared blocks
even with the shift.
6Difference Generation Using Rsync algorithm
- How can we find shared blocks efficiently?
- Checksum of a block doesnt change even for code
shift. - Cheaper than comparing the whole block.
- Idea of Rsync algorithm.
7Difference Generation Using Rsync algorithm
- Use two level hash (checksum, hash)!
- (1) Build hash table for previous image.
- (2) For a block of new image, calculate checksum.
- (3) Lookup hash table.
- For a matching checksum, calculate hash.
- Otherwise, move to the next byte and repeat (2).
8Dissemination Modified Rsync for Wireless
- Original Rsync algorithm
- Receiver scans binary data and calculates
checksums. - Expensive for sensor nodes.
- Our modification
- Assumes the host knows code history of sensor
nodes. - Avoids overhead on sensors.
9Difference Msgs Program Rebuild
- Host sends difference as a sequence of messages.
- Non-matching block ? Download
- Matching block ? Copy
- Sensor rebuilds new image using the diff.
- Performance Optimization
- Copy blocks are aligned to the beginning of flash
memory records.
10Experiment Setup
- Test Applications
- Simple network programmable app XnpBlink and
XnpCount. - XnpBlink blinks LED.
- XnpCount counts number and outputs to LED and
radio. - Test Scenarios
- Case 1 Changing a constant (XnpBlink)
- Case 2 Modifying implementation file (XnpCount)
- Case 3 Major change (XnpBlink ? XnpCount)
- Case 4 and 5 Modifying configuration file
11Results Using Rsync
- Compared transmission time with non-incremental
delivery. - Fixed Block Comparison Almost no speedup except
for case 1. - Using Rsync algorithm
- Speed up of 2 to 2.5 for a small change (case 2
and 4). - Still limited speed up for big changes (case 3
and 5).
12Problems Difference Delivery still not optimal
- Difference is decoded without being stored.
- Size of copy msg is limited to bound running
time. - May send unnecessarily many copy messages.
- Requests retransmission of all the records for a
missing copy message.
13Optimizing Difference Delivery
- Solution Separate difference delivery and
(1) Stores the differencescript in the first step
(2) Rebuilds the program after receiving decode
14Results Using Rsync with separate decode
- The performance of using Rsync algorithm with
separate decode command is similar to just using
Rsync. - But, the performance for changing a constant has
improved (speed up of 9.1).
15Previous Work
- XNP TinyOS 1.1 network programming
implementation. - Supports code dist. / reprogramming, but not
incremental update. - Reijers et al (Delft Univ. of Tech., Netherlands)
/ Kapur et al (UCLA) - Generates the incremental code update at
instruction level. - But the algorithm depends on instruction set of a
specific platform. - Maté / Trickle (UC Berkeley)
- Generates the virtual machine code, not the
native code. - Our incremental network programming approach
- Generates the code difference using the Rsync
algorithm. - No assumption of code structure. Platform
independent solution.
- We extended TinyOS network programming
implementation for incremental update. - We used Rsync algorithm to encode / decode
program code difference. - Over non-incremental delivery, weve achieved
- Speedup of 2 2.5 for changing a few lines.
- Speedup of 9.1 for changing a constant.