Title: Session Title
1(No Transcript)
2Identify Critical Success Factors
Evaluate Interventions
SCPS/CDDRE Continuous Improvement Process
Define Current Performance Levels
Identify Problems
Determine and Verify Root Causes
Identify Interventions
3Go slow to go fast.
4Change Theory
Desired Change Process in Education
Variation of Tuckman, 1965
5Continuous Improvement Process
- Identify Critical
- Success Factors
- What is important to your
- organization in mathematics?
6Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to
go from here?' That depends a good deal on
where you want to get to,' said the Cat. I
don't much care where--' said Alice. Then it
doesn't matter which way you go,' said the Cat.
7Critical Success Factors
- Reduce the number/percentage of students scoring
at Level 1 on the FCAT. - Reduce the number/percentage of students scoring
at Level 2 on the FCAT. - Reduce the number/percentage of students scoring
at Levels 1 and 2 on the FCAT. - Increase the number/percentage of Level 1 and 2
students who meet their annual learning gains. - Intensive reading students who achieve
proficiency on the FCAT will maintain or increase
their FCAT reading level on subsequent FCAT
8Critical Success Factors
5 4 3 2 1
- 30 reduction of non-proficient students in
three years
10Sample Critical Success Factors
- Increase the number of schools that meet their
AYP. - Increase the number of subgroups that meet their
AYP. - Increase the number and percentage of students
who score proficient on the State assessment.
11Continuous Improvement Process
- Determine Current Levels of Performance
- Where are you now in relation
- to your Critical Success Factors?
12Current Levels Of Performance
- If you arent crystal clear on where you are,
you cant consider continuous improvement. - Improvement compared to what?
13Current Levels Of Performance
- Its not uncommon for schools to have multiple
sets of the same data!
14Number and Percentage ProficientGrade 8
15Factual Data Questions
16Sample Factual Data Questions
- In each grade level, how many and what percentage
of students scored at the proficient level in
Reading for the current year? - In each grade level, how many and what percentage
of students scored at the proficient level in
Reading for previous years? - Have the number/percentage of students scoring at
the proficient level in Reading changed over the
years? If so, how? - In each grade level, how many and what percentage
of students scored at the proficient level in
Math for the current year? - In each grade level, how many and what percentage
of students scored at the proficient level in
Math for previous years? - Have the number/percentage of students scoring at
the proficient level in Math changed over the
years? If so, how?
17Sample AYP Factual Data Questions
- Did you meet your overall state goal?
- What is your schools state performance label?
- Has your state performance label changed? How?
- In which areas (whole school, grade levels,
subgroups) did you meet or not meet AYP in
Reading? - In which areas (whole school, grade levels,
subgroups) did you meet or not meet AYP in Math? - Did you meet or not meet all the participation
requirements? - Did you meet or not meet AYP for the third
academic indicator?
18Factual Data Statements
- Examine your data.
- Answer your factual questions.
- Create factual data statements.
19Sample Factual Data Statements
- We met our AYP last year but not this year.
- We have 9 fewer 4th grade students scoring
at the proficient level this year when compared
to last year. - The number/percentage of 5th grade students who
were proficient in 2005 is similar to the
number/percentage of 3rd grade students who were
proficient in 2003. -
20Facing the Facts
- False Assumption
- When faced with data, people will act in a
logical manner.
21Facing the Facts
61o How do you interpret your schools data?
22Facing the Facts
- Schools are socio-political organizations.
There are many factors beyond data that influence
23- All good-to-great companies began the process
of finding a path to greatness by confronting the
brutal facts and their current reality. - Jim Collins
- Good to Great
2481 to 90 School Buses
25Facing the Facts
26Facing the Facts
- Creating a climate where the truth is heard
involves four basic practices
- Lead with questions, not answers. (Or, lead with
data and follow with questions.) - Engage in dialogue and debate, not coercion.
- Conduct autopsies, without blame.
- Build red flag mechanisms that turn information
into information that cannot be ignored.
-Jim Collins Good to Great
27Additional Guidelines for Facing the Facts
- Small group dialogue before large group
- Well-organized, easy to interpret data
- Keeping the information front and center (time
and focus) - Modeling by leadership
- Advocacy by leadership
- Benchmarking against others and self
- Continuously asking Are we getting the results
we want? - Autopsies of other schools data
- Ask people to predict what the data will show.
28Continuous Improvement Process
- Not every student is proficient
- Not every students is meeting their Annual
Learning Gains
30Continuous Improvement Process
- Determine and
- Verify Root Causes
- What are the primary
- causes to your barriers?
31Root Cause Analysis
Determine Root Causes Related to Critical
Success Factors
Organizational Culture
Student Demographics
External Factors
Professional Development
Organizational Structure
32Root Cause Homegrown
33- Schools are perfectly designed to get the
results they are currently getting.
34Continuous Improvement Process
- What interventions have a proven record of
making a difference in student mathematics
achievement ?
35 C-BAM - Levels of Use (LoU) Level
VI Renewal Level V Integration Level
IVB Refinement Level IVA Routine Level
III Mechanical Use Level II Preparation Leve
l I Orientation Level 0 Non-use
36Categories of Change
- First-Order Change
- Second-Order Change
37First-Order Change
- Changes that improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of what is currently done. - Does not disturb the schools basic
organizational features or substantially alters
the way students and adults perform their roles.
38Second-Order Change
- Changes that alter the fundamental ways in which
organizations are put together, including new
cultures, goals, structures, and roles.
39Florida Center for Reading Research
- Corrective Reading
- Reading Edge
41Continuous Improvement Process
- How do we carry out the innovation?
42Identify Critical Success Factors
Evaluate Interventions
SCPS/CDDRE Continuous Improvement Process
Define Current Performance Levels
Identify Problems
Determine and Verify Root Causes
Identify Interventions
43Continuous Improvement Process
- How well did the innovation work?
44Critical Success Factors
- When all is said and done, how will we determine
if we have been successful?
45Identify Critical Success Factors
Evaluate Interventions
SCPS/CDDRE Continuous Improvement Process
Define Current Performance Levels
Identify Problems
Determine and Verify Root Causes
Identify Interventions