Title: Dave D
121CN Migration process overview
- Dave DArcy Jim Feenan
- BT Wholesale
The dates and other information about BT's 21CN
programme in this presentation are based on the
best information currently available. As in any
programme of this size and complexity, they may
be subject to change
- The purpose of this presentation is to explain
the process of migration to 21CN - Testing activities across the programme.
- What happens before, during and after each
migration phase. - Quality gate process and role of the Migration
Control Centre (MCC). - Migration into business as usual.
- Fallback and emergency critical services.
- The intended audience is
- Communication providers (CPs) and resellers.
3Whats been done to date?
- Consult21 - ensure industry is aware of the 21CN
vision and BTs progress towards it. - Proof of process - consultation, engagement,
transparency. - Testing - lab tests.
- - test calls.
- - CPE compatibility tests.
- Pre-migration work infrastructure, products.
- switched-on the industry-wide, non-commercial
campaign to communicate about the process of
migration. - .and the migration has started!
4Pathfinder migration in south Wales
5Customer migration is underway
- The first customer migrations began on 28th
November 06 in Wick, near Cardiff. - The principle of building up gradually, ensuring
infrastructure and full testing at each stage, is
supported by industry. - Customers in Cardiff, Bridgend and the Pontypridd
area will be the next to have their services
transferred. - By the end of 2007, around 350,000 lines in south
Wales are expected to have been migrated to the
new infrastructure. - Migration will be underway in all regions of the
UK during 2008. - By the end of the decade 21CN migration will be
substantially complete. - Customer experience is key to success.
6The many facets of testing
- Proof of Concept
- Vendors testing
- Conformance Testing (CT), Multi-Vendor CT (MVCT)
and Network Integration Testing (NIT) - Operational Support Systems (OSS) testing
- Integration Verification Validation Testing
(IVVT), end-to-end OSS testing - Infrastructure/network testing
- NIT and First Office Application (FOA)
- Service testing
- User Live Acceptance Testing (UAT/LAT), Service
FOA (SFOA), Consult21 Conformance Testing Working
Group, Experience Development Centre (EDC), CP
test facility Swansea - Transfer engineering (TE)
- Test tools and test automation
Test numbers
Test complexity
7Lab Testing
- Network Integration Testing (NIT) and
Verification and Validation (IVVT) - 600,000 tests (100,000) since November 2006.
- 9,500 trouble reports cleared.
- Test labs at Adastral and Swansea (BT) and
Solihull, Guilford and Reading (vendors with BT). - Test model equivalent to 20 UK inner core
capacity. - Customer Premise Equipment (CPE)
- Hundreds of CPE tested in the LAB and Swansea CP
test facility. - Industry invited to offer CPE for testing.
- Results published in open forum to industry via
Consult21 test database. - Test management automation
- Central management of all test cases.
- Audit trail of test configuration.
- Database of test results.
- Test planning and statistics on test execution.
8FOA Approach
Element Managers and OSS
BRAS Broadband Remote Access Server MSAN Multi
Service Access Node FOA First Office
Application IP Internet Protocol DC
Data Centre CS Call Server Tx
Transmission V Voice BB Broadband
Infrastructure FOA
Voice Service FOA1
Operational Testing
Broadband Service FOA1
Transfer Engineering FOA1
Data services FOA1
9Activity schedule timeline example
(Taken from Broadband) Scenario Activity Schedule
- Fulfilment
OSS Integration Initiation Provide Mixed
Products Provide BT Trial End-Users Home
Movers Incl. Sim. Provides Modify Cease Migra
tion Management Information Systems BTW End to
End Forced Failure Billing Customer Reporting
c 150 Plus Scenarios
10TE trials and testing, three phased approach
- Proving the manual/automated methods for
preparing the frame for TE. - Producing quality procedures.
- Testing the synthetics used in modelling
resources. - Assessing the impacts on customer service.
- Progressively introducing the testing and
trialling of Voice, Broadband and ISDN,
migration methodologies. - Use of business scenarios / test cases to
provide end-to-end testing of migration.
11Timetable update South Wales
Apr/May/June 07
July/Aug/Sept 07
Oct/Nov/Dec 07
Jan to June 08
July to Dec 08
Wick and Bedlinog for voice (non ISDN)
Migration of voice (non ISDN) on next 12
exchanges (58,000 lines)
Migration of voice (non ISDN) on next 55
exchanges (290,000 lines)
ISDN2 30 Migrations
ISDN Trials
Broadband Migration trial in West Midlands
South Wales Industry review period
12Timetable update Overall programme
First stage of migration for POTS (South Wales)
ISDN 2 and ISDN 30 (South Wales)
National Migration Begins (Broadband lines
National Migration (Voice, Broadband and ISDN)
National migration (voice, non ISDN)
New enhanced testing capability available for
industry service testing
Periods indicated are financial years, April
to March.
13Generic migration process
Transfer completion
Configure and verify
Prepare the network
On the night migration
Connect to 21CN Data Extracted
TransformLoad Pre-transfer Testing From 12
weeks prior
Post transfer tests monitoring Up to 7 days
Cutover to 21CN Data Activation Call Re Routing
to 21CN On the night
Frames Cleansed Data Audited Frame
preparation From 36 to 12 weeks prior
Our goal seamless customer transfer to 21CN
1421CN Principles of end user migration
- Smooth switchover planned
- Designed scheduled in consultation with
industry. - Every effort made to minimise end user
disruption. - Acting responsibly
- Migration control centre will manage transfer
process. - Special measures for emergency and critical
services. - Established incident procedures come into play
for unforeseen circumstances.
15Migration Command and Control structure
End Customers
End Customer Contact Centre (Communications
Working Group)
Communication Providers
BTW Service Centres
Network Management Centre
Migration Control Centre
- Core Business Functions
- Pre-Migration Management
- Migration Management
- Schedule Change Management
- Fault Management
- Fallback Management
- Alarm Monitoring
- 2nd / 3rd line fault support
1621CN migration process summary
- Migration Timetable
- The preparation of the network
- Testing
- Configure and verify
- On the night migration via the MCC to deliver
and execute - Monitoring
- Transfer completion
- Customer experience at the forefront of all we do
- Engagement, open and transparent
- 18 April Product retirements
- 24 April 21CN overview
- 2 May Migration process
- 22 May CPE compatibility testing programme
- 31 May Switched-on communications campaign
- 27 Sept Migration portal overview
- Information and support for communication
providers on the 21CN programme - http//www.btwholesale.com/consult21
- The independent public information website
covering the process of migration - http//www.switchedonuk.org
- For general information about BTs 21CN programme
go to - http//www.btplc.com/21CN/