Title: Content Labeling: SocioCultural Dynamics
1Content Labeling Socio-Cultural Dynamics
- Rachel Yould
- Keio University
2Why do socio-cultural considerations matter?
3The traditional cross-disciplinary divide is
closing for purposes of research funding
- Collaborative teams are increasingly a necessity
for the attainment of foundation public sector
funding for technical visioning - Marriage of technical vision socio-political
4Socio-cultural considerations must now be
- Before
- Policy-makers formed strategy (though not
necessarily innovation!) - Computer scientists led implementation
- (ARPA as exception in one way, but this too,
was the product of non-scientist strategy) - Now
- Major initiatives to integrate these strands
5The traditional cross-disciplinary divide
persists in technology policy circles
- Social scientists populate most high-level task
forces in North America and Australia and,
perhaps to a slightly lesser degree, in Europe
and Asia
6The traditional cross-disciplinary divide
persists in technology policy circles
- Social scientists and social activists
predominate in conferences that address the
social integration of emerging technologies - (cf. UN World Summit on the Information Society)
7- Thus, non-scientists are contributing heavily to
the legislation, regulation, non-commercial
funding initiatives, and activist agenda-setting
that will, in many ways, ultimately shape the
uptake, integration, and deployment for many
networking capabilities
8Socio-cultural dynamics inform user preferences
and assimilation of new technologies
- These dynamics differ considerably across social
contexts - User preferences and concerns vary considerably
according to online device
9Community based Web of Trust must incorporate
the input of all elements of the growing (and
diversifying) Web user base
10- Influx of non-technically oriented user classes
- Differs considerably from the techies that
characterized the original North American user
population - Trust mechanisms must respond to non-techie needs
and concerns and be communicated in terms they
can appreciate this is not simply an issue of
technical capability and deployment
11Content labeling is inherently subjective and
will be perceived through diverse socio-cultural
12- Perceptions of profanity and nudity in the US as
compared to Western Europe is one fairly
straightforward example - How are labels defined?
- Do labels differ according to perceived user
demographics? Articulated user preferences (e.g.,
a scale from conservative to liberal)?
13Content labeling hinges upon accountability that
will be enforced largely through community
- This requires an active, educated, and empowered
user base that involves effectively even
non-technically inclined users
14The specifications for content labeling will vary
according to cross-cultural market preferences
- Compare cellular phone-enabled text messaging
labeling requirements relative to devices
supporting rich multi-media components - Compare relatively closed networks such as the
proprietary content systems deployed by Japanese
mobile Internet systems relative to the open
architecture associated with PC-enabled WWW
15The Traditional Computer Science Social Science
Divide is closing
- Organizational trends and forces
- Fundamental cross-disciplinary relevance
- Issues of regulation and security emerge
alongside new innovations - Influx of non-technically literate users
16This requires that computer scientists be in
conversation with social scientists,
policy-makers and activists, and non-technical
user groups in more sustained and robust terms.
17How do we initiate this dialogue?
- Issues ? Action Agendas
- Inclusive Development for Diverse Applications
- Active Sustained Involvement
- Inclusive Web of Trust
18Inclusive Development for Diverse Applications
- How do we involve social scientists and
non-technical users in the development and
deployment of RDF? - How do we specify RDF so that it serves as an
agile and responsive mechanism that is seamlessly
applicable across diverse device and
socio-cultural contexts?
19Active Sustained Involvement
- How do we raise awareness of mechanisms such as
RDF among communities of non-scientists and
encourage widespread participation in holding
content providers accountable to RDF-enabled
content labels?
20Inclusive Web of Trust
- How do we engender social trust in mechanisms
such as RDF (as opposed to technical confidence
among knowledgeable computer scientists)? - How do we extend this sense of trust to user
groups that will never play an active role in the
interactive development process?