Title: Managing the Industrial data
1Managing the Industrial data
Compilers Meeting
Norwich, 18-20th March 2008
2NUBEL vzw Non Profit Organization
Scientific council
Board of directors
Federal public service Health, Food Chain
Safety and Environment Scientific Institute of
Public Health Federation of the Food Industry
(Fevia) Federation of the Distribution Sector
Effective members
Additional members
Development, update and management of
Belgian food composition data base Distribution
of the data to potential users Exchange of data
on a national and international level
- Belgian Food Composition Data booklet
- Dutch-French
- Food composition database of Brand products
- website www.internubel.be
- Dutch-French-English-German
- Software-programme Food Planner
- website www.nubel.be
- Dutch-French
5Collaboration with the food industry and retailers
- Scientific feedback on nutritional value of
foods and food products - NUBEL information can be used by the food
companies - to improve quality of food products
- labelling of food products
- NUBEL data are distributed among schools and
The producer / retailer decides on a voluntary
basis to make the nutritional information of its
branded products available to the brand name
database of the NUBEL association To fill-in
the database, to simplify and reduce the
workload, the data may be provided in-house
format files
Participating manufacturers / retailers have
free access to the online brand name
database The recording cost of a product in the
brand name database is single. Changes on the
composition of the product are modified without
extra charges Changes on the composition of the
product are instantly updated in the online
database The product file provides a place for
the image of the product
8Commitment of the Industry
The producer / retailer assumes responsibility
for the scientific reliability of the delivered
data. The producer / retailer will be fully
liable for all possible consequences in case the
given information is incorrect. Providing Nubel
on a regular basis with data of new products (at
least 5 nutrients), updating existing data and
informing if a product is out of market (3
9Commitment of NUBEL
Manual introduction of the data in the
database Translating the product names in 4
languages Updating the data as soon as
possible To be able to generate a complete
composition of a product, Nubel carries out a
number of analyses on these brand products with
regard to micronutrients, which lead to an
interaction between Nubel and the food industry.
Nubel will only publish the data after written
approval of the producer / retailer
11The Food Industry and the Food Distribution
Sector are our effective members so they activate
their own members, i.e. the food companies and
retailers to collaborate with Nubel.
12Thank you for your attention