Title: Time is the Enemy
1Time is the Enemy
- Pam Kelly
- Macquarie University
2Re-create the wheel ? !
- Share
- the lesson plan
- the contents that are applicable
- the original idea
3LAMS Community
4LAMS Community
Click on the sequence
5and now a Preview Button
7Education Course
- Introduction to Learning Objects
- 2006 Semester 1 and 2
- 2007 Semester 1 podcast
- 2007 Semester 2 new podcast
8Change to grouping
Check Resources
Change to automatic grouping
10Social and Ethical Issues
- Noticeboard
- Q and A
- Grouping
- Resources
- Discussion
- Share resources
- Multiple Choice
- Noticeboard
11New Lesson on an old theme
copying software
A friend has asked to copy a computer game that
you received for your birthday . . .
Vote - Is it legal to copy software - Yes/No
12Stage, content, time
Subject Information Processes and
Technology Audience Stage 6 HSC Run time 100
Outline of Activities - Syllabus Discussion
("You will need to") - Refresher quiz (MC) -
Netiquette (QA) - Electronic Banking (Survey,
Online Links, Chat/Scribe Grouped) - Internet
Monitoring (Internet Industry Association) -
Take-home task replicated from past HSC paper -
Submission tool
This is a sequence teaching students about Social
and Ethical Issues in Communication Systems. It
follows the NSW IPT Stage 6 outcomes and draws
some content from the Heinemann textbook
series. The sequence assumes students have
already been familiarised with Communication
Systems and is designed to facilitate the
teaching of the last sub-topic, Social and
Ethical Issues in Communication systems. This
sequence teaches learners to DEMONSTRATE
knowledge of the content and APPLY knowledge to
SPECIFIC EXAMPLES. Students - Describe and
justify the need for ethical behaviour when using
the Internet - Discuss the ethical issues that
have arisen from use of the Internet including
- the availability of material normally
restricted. - Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce)
- Domination of Content and Control of Access to
the Internet - Identify the type of communication
system in use for a given scenario - Be
participants of a team and exchange ideas and data
14Time is the Enemy
- Re-use
- re-cycle
- Rather than
- re-invent