Title: Proteomics
Astrid Bruckmann IBL, Leiden University
Workshop Transcriptomics and Proteomics in
Zebrafish, Leiden University,13-22 March 2006
2Why Proteomics?
Genome - Transcriptome
- Proteome
from Graves and Haystead, 2002
- several levels of regulation from gene to
function - Proteins are the ultimate operating molecules
producing the physiological effect - Proteome the protein complement of a genome
Proteomics large-scale characterization and
functional analysis of
the proteins expressed by a genome
3Types of proteomics and their application to
from Graves and Haystead, 2002
4Proteomics - the challenge
- The Proteome is
- - dynamic
- - highly complex
- - relative protein abundances in a cell can
differ from 105 up to about 1010 - Proteomics aims to analyze the levels and
structure of all proteins present in a cell or a
tissue including their post-translational
modifications - (Honoré and Østergaard, 2003)
- Proteomics approaches include
- 1) protein identification
- 2) protein quantitation or differential
analysis - 3) protein-protein interactions
- 4) post-translational modifications
- 5) structural proteomics
Proteomics is complementary to transcriptomics
and metabolomics, integration of different
-omics data should lead to a more complete
understanding of biological systems at a
molecular level
5Proteomics - the classical definition
Two-dimensional gelelectrophoresis (2D-PAGE) of
cell lysates
Mass spectrometry
generates global patterns of protein expression
? annotation
large-scale visualization of differential
protein expression
Peptide mass fingerprinting for protein
- - High resolution 2D-PAGE first developed in 1975
(OFarrell and Klose) - - Combination with biological mass spectrometry
(1990s) - - Availability of genome sequences in databases
- ? central role
in proteomic studies
6 First dimension Isoelectrofocusing (IEF)
strip containing a pH gradient immobilized on
a gel matrix (Garfin et al. 2000)
7Position of proteins before IEF
Position of proteins after IEF
8Second dimension SDS-PAGE
- Proteins enter SDS-Polyacrylamide
- gel and are dissolved according to
- their molecular mass
- Postelectrophoretic staining of the
- proteins with
- Coomassie,
- Silver,
- Fluorescent stains (SYPRO Ruby)
9 2D-PAGE based expression proteomics
- Protein expression profiling 1000 proteins
routinely detectable in a - 2D-gel ? global changes in the proteome
readily detectable
- posttranscriptional control mechanisms can
influence protein expression - posttranslational modifications of a protein such
as phosphorylation, glycosylation, processing of
signal sequences or degradation can be visualized
SYPRO Ruby stained gel
10Protein identification by peptide mass
from Graves and Haystead, 2002
- The unknown protein is excised from a gel and
converted to peptides by the action of a
specific protease. The mass of the peptides
produced is then measured in a mass spectrometer. - (B) The mass spectrum of the unknown protein is
searched against theoretical mass spectra
produced by computer-generated cleavage of
proteins in the database.
11Mass spectroscopy for protein identification
MALDI-TOF spectrum
Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation
12Generation of protein expression reference maps
- Link protein information with DNA sequence
information from the genome projects, - comprehensive 2D-gel databases constructed for
different cell types - Listed at
- WORLD-2DPAGE http//www.expasy.org/ch2d/2d-inde
132D-PAGE based differential expression proteomics
- 2D-gel electrophoresis combined with mass
spectrometry to get - qualitative and quantitative protein
behavioural data - Most frequently used method in proteome analysis
from Pandey and Mann, 2000
14Workflow of differential expression proteomics
- Sample preparation
- Isoelectrofocusing (1.dimension)
- Equilibration incl. reduction, alkylation
- SDS-PAGE (2. dimension)
- Staining
- Imaging
- Spot detection and matching
- Normalization and quantification
- Analysis
- Cutting of selected spots
- Trypsin digestion in-gel
- Identification with mass spectroscopy
- Database comparison
Steps to be practised during the workshop
152D-PAGE critical points
- Samples must be run at least in triplicate to
rule out effects from gel-to-gel - variation ? statistics
- Standardized procedures needed to obtain a high
reproducibility of 2D-gels
- Sample preparation as
- simple as possible
- Isoelectrofocusing conditions
- (patience)
- Staining fluorescent stains
- for high sensitivity and high
- linear range of detection
Currently possible to run 12 gels in parallel
16Difference in-gel 2D-PAGE system (DIGE)
- Proteins are labeled prior to running the first
dimension with up to three different fluorescent
cyanide dyes (Unlu et al.1997) - Allows use of an internal standard in each gel
which reduces gel-to-gel variation, - reduces the number of gels to be run
- Adds 500 Da to the protein labelled
- Additional postelectrophoretic staining needed
from Kolkman et al. 2005
17Limitations and challenges of gel-based approaches
- Dynamic range detectable on 2D-gels 104, protein
expression levels of a cell can vary between 105
(yeast) and even 1010(humans) - ?enrichment or prefractionation strategies
needed to reach less abundant proteins - Resolution of 2D-gels has its limits
- ?use narrow pH range gels and combine
- Protein extraction and solubility during IEF can
be a problem for poorly water-soluble proteins
e.g. membrane proteins or nuclear proteins - Challenges for further development in gel-based
proteomics - improve sample preparation to be able to
analyze extreme proteins (extremely basic or
acidic, extremely small or big, extremely
hydrophobic), - sensitivity, dynamic range, automation
182D-gel based proteomics the state-of-the-art
versus the challenge
19Other proteomic approaches
- Liquid chromatography coupled to mass
spectrometry - - Shotgun multidimensional protein
identification technology MudPIT - (Link et al. 1999)
- - ICAT isotope coded affinity tags (Gygi et
al. 1999), cysteine biased - - iTRAQ (Ross et al. 2004) amine specific
labelling of peptides, - quantification possible with tandem mass
spectroscopy - Peptide and protein arrays (Lueking et al. 1999)
- Yeast two-hybrid system (Fields and Song, 1989)
- Phage display (Zozulya et al. 1999)
20ICAT for measuring differential protein expression
- ICAT consists of a biotin affinity group, a
linker region - that can incorporate heavy (deuterium) or light
(hydrogen) - atoms, and a thiol-reactive end group for linkage
to - cysteines.
- Proteins are labeled on cysteine residues with
either the - light or heavy form of the ICAT reagent. Protein
samples - are mixed and digested with a protease. Peptides
labeled - with the ICAT reagent can be purified using
avidin - chromatography.
- ICAT-labeled peptides can be analyzed by MS to
- quantitate the peak ratios and proteins can be
identified - by sequencing the peptides with MS/MS.
from Graves and Haystead, 2002
212D-PAGE in functional proteomics
- Typical question
- Identify specific proteins in a cell that undergo
changes in abundance, localization, or
modification in response to a specific biological
condition - Often combined with complementary techniques
(protein biochemistry, molecular biology and cell
If - Monitoring quantitative changes in
the biological process of interest
- Quantitatively looking at protein
Then 2D-gel based proteomics is the
method of choice
22Zebrafish samples used for 2D-GE Experiment
Phenotypic differences between untreated and
treated zebrafish embryos
- Treatment startet at high oblong stage of
development - Samples taken from 70-90 epiboly stage
23Workflow of Differential Expression Proteomics
- Sample preparation
- Isoelectrofocusing (1.dimension)
- Equilibration incl. reduction, alkylation
- SDS-PAGE (2. dimension)
- Staining
- Imaging
- Spot detection and matching
- Normalization and quantification
- Analysis
- Cutting of selected spots
- Trypsin digestion
- Identification with mass spectroscopy
- Database comparison
Steps to be practised during the workshop
242D-Gelelectrophoresis Practical
3 different protein samples from a) untreated
b) ethanol treated embryos
selenium treated embryos Experiment 1 7cm IPG
strips 3-9 NL Passive rehydration/loading per
sample 4 replicates, 12 strips run at the same
time, has already been done ? Start with
equilibration and proceed to second
dimension Experiment 2 7cm IPG strips 3-9 NL
Passive rehydration/loading per sample 2
replicates, 6 strips to be run 7cm IPG strips
7-10 Anodic cup loading to improve resolution
of basic proteins per sample 2 replicates, 6
strips to be run ?Start with performing first
252D-gel analysis software practical
- -Introduction into the PDQuest software
- package
- -Demonstration of an comparative
- analysis of gels from two different
- sample types (wildtype, mutant)
- -Practising PDQuest analysis of the gels
- run during the workshop
- -Compare
- a)control embryos vs.
- ethanol treated embryos
- b)control embryos vs.
- selenium treated embryos