Transmission Pricing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transmission Pricing


If losses and constraints are neglected, prices are the same everywhere and ... neglecting constraints ... neglecting losses. MS = cost of losses congestion rents ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Transmission Pricing

Transmission Pricing Congestion Management in a
Competitive Power Market
  • Janusz W Bialek
  • University of Edinburgh, Scotland

  • R. Green Electricity transmission pricing an
    international comparison Utilities Policy, Vol.
    6, No. 3, 1997
  • R.D. Christie, B. F. Wollenberg, I. Wangestein
    Transmission management in the deregulated
    environment Proc. IEEE, Vol. 88, No. 2, Feb.
  • D. S. Kirschen, G. Strbac Fundamentals of power
    system economics Wiley 2004

  • Historical perspective
  • Components of transmission costs
  • 6 principles of transmission pricing
  • Short-run transmission prices
  • Transmission pricing in the UK
  • Transmission pricing in interconnected networks
  • Conclusions

Historical perspective
  • Until 1990 vertically-integrated utilities
  • Short-term optimisation of combined generation
    and transmission
  • Tariffs included implicitly the cost of
  • No need for unbundling

Liberalisation (deregulation)
  • Breaking up the traditionally vertically-integrate
    d utility
  • Universal model generation separate from
  • Competition in generation
  • Regulated monopoly in transmission
  • Need to unbundle the tariffs
  • energy price determined by market forces
  • Regulated transmission price
  • Uplift (ancillary services)
  • How much should a generator/load pay for using
    the transmission network?

Components of transmission costs
  • Fixed costs
  • Return and depreciation of capital equipment
  • Operation and maintenance
  • Variable cost components (depend on utilisation)
  • Transmission (heating) losses due to flow of
    current I2R
  • Opportunity cost of system constraintscost of
    not being able to use cheaper generation due to
    transmission constraints
  • Optimal transmission price should be equal to
    short-run marginal cost
  • Complications
  • Network externalities actions of one user may
    affect all other users
  • Parallel flows (loop flows) in a meshed network
    energy from A to B flows through all parallel
    path in a meshed network
  • Real and reactive power flows

Two main functions of prices
  • Signal of relative costs
  • location in A costs twice that of B
  • transmission may be an alternative to a new
  • Distribution determine how many resources are
    transferred when a transaction takes place
  • Lowered generators profits and increased loads
  • Incentive to distort prices
  • Society welfare is maximised when prices are
    equal to marginal costs cost of increasing
    output by 1 unit
  • Marginal price is multiplied by the whole
    production to get the total revenue
  • Generally marginal prices are higher than average

6 principles of transmission pricing
  • Promote the efficient day-to-day operation of the
    bulk power market
  • Signal locational advantages for investment in
    generation and demand
  • Signal the need to for investment in the
    transmission system
  • Compensate the owners of the existing
    transmission assets
  • Be simple and transparent
  • Be politically implementable
  • Signalling in red, distribution in blue
  • First two short-term efficiency, 2-4 long-term
    efficiency, 5-6 implementation
  • 7th principle no solution can satisfy all 6

Principle 1 promoting day-to-day operation of
the bulk power market
  • all generators must be coordinated
  • economic dispatch must take into account the
    marginal cost of transmission
  • Two components of short-run transmission costs
  • Actual cost of transmission losses
  • Opportunity cost of transmission constraints
  • Relative importance is system specific
  • Marginal costs of losses and constraints should
    be added to generators operating costs when
    deciding which stations to run

Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs)
  • Generators submit bids (theoretically marginal
    generation costs)
  • System Operator (SO) runs OPF to determine
    optimal dispatch and resulting LMPs
  • pk price at bus k, p - price at the reference
    bus, dk demand at node k, µi Lagrange
    multiplier (shadow price) of constraint at line
    i, zi power flow at line i
  • Marginal price reference price cost of
    increased losses due increasing nodal demand by
    1MW cost of incresased constraints due to
    increasing nodal demand by 1 MW
  • If losses and constraints are neglected, prices
    are the same everywhere and equal to the marginal
    cost of the most expensive plant(s) running

Transmission losses
neglecting constraints
  • The derivative can be greater or less than zero
    so transmission cost due to the losses may be
  • Losses are I2R so marginal cost (derivative) is
    twice the average cost
  • Charging the marginal cost leaves money on the
    table merchandise (or network) surplus1 cost
    of losses

neglecting losses
  • pk depends on congestion anywhere in the network
    so even a single constraint may cause all nodal
    prices to differ in a meshed network
  • A constraint may bind for the last few MW of
    generation, so that absolute saving from
    releasing constraint is small
  • But marginal price is charged for all MWs so
    marginal cost is large
  • The difference merchandise (or network) surplus2
    congestion rents S (constrained flow zi ) x
    (shadow cost of constraint µi)

Merchandise (network) surplus
  • MS cost of losses congestion rents
  • It is money left on the table after generators
    have been paid
  • It cant be kept by SO as it would create inverse
    incentives (the higher losses and congestion, the
    higher MS)
  • It can be used towards paying the fixed costs of
    transmission (i.e. paying for the transmission
    network itself)
  • Experience shows that merchandise surplus covers
    only 20-40 of fixed network costs need to have
    a top-up
  • Discussed later

  • LMP is the same for generation and demand located
    at the same node
  • Bidding generators are paid for their whole
    production at their LMP while loads are charged
    for their whole consumption at their LMP
  • A bilateral contract A-B is charged a
    transmission (wheeling) price LMP(B) LMP(A)
  • A transmission price (wheeling rate) may be
    negative when a contract A-B reduces losses
    and/or reduces congestion
  • Sometimes difficult to stomach by utilities

  • Transmission prices (i.e. differences between
    nodal prices) can be very volatile due to
  • Hedging use merchandise surplus to fix
    transmission prices for contracts
  • LMPs are used in New Zealand, and widely in USA
    (PJM, NYISO etc)
  • Behind the Standard Market Design proposed by
    FERC in USA
  • Violently opposed by many as not-transparent,
    complicated and too centralised

Simplifications of LMP
  • Zonal, as opposed to nodal, prices to simplify
  • Prices within a zone are assumed to be the same
  • Valid only in radial connections of zones
  • Even a single constraint may make all the LMPs to
    differ in a meshed network
  • Arbitraging - used in California with disastrous

  • Zones would result in a few clusters with similar
    prices and standard deviations
  • No clusters in any of the months

Summary April 1998 through September 1999
Modifications of LMP
  • LMPs for generators (because they may respond to
  • Lower average prices for the loads (because they
    cannot respond in real time)
  • Again arbitraging

Other approaches to charging for short-run
transmission costs
  • Charge uniformly, i.e. everyone pays equal share
  • Simple so good for trading
  • Inefficient as charges do not reflect costs
  • Acceptable if the costs are relatively small (has
    worked for 15 years in the UK)
  • LMPs are volatile so publish a-priori
    transmission prices which generators will have to
    take into account when submitting their bids
  • Good for trading as transm. prices are known
  • May be used for losses but very difficult for
  • Scandinavia seasonal locational loss factors
  • Locational loss factors blocked by northern users
    in the UK

Principle 2 Signalling locational advantages for
investment in generation and demand
  • Important for new investment you cant move the
    current plants
  • LMPs send correct signals but only for small
  • Large projects can change power flows (and costs)
    considerably so transmission prices will change
    (see hedging)
  • UK locational transmission prices, published
    apriori, based on MW-km approach (discussed later)

Principle 3 Signalling the need for investment
in the transmission system
  • Transmission investment is often an alternative
    to a power plant
  • Prices will only be useful if are based on
    marginal costs
  • Large LMP differences signal a weak transmission
    link in need of upgrading
  • Three problems with using high price
    differentials to guide investment in transmission
  • Most investment are lumpy and will lead to
    significant change in flows and prices so it is
    difficult to lock in to ex ante prices
  • When transm. ownership is divided, any investment
    may cause significant externalities
  • Most utilities do not use transmission prices to
    guide investment (except Australia and New

Principle 4 Compensating the owners of existing
transmission assets
  • It is essential as otherwise companies would not
    invest in the future
  • Due to lumpy investments, economies of scale and
    loop flow effect in meshed networks, marginal
    pricing methods (like LMPs) recover only 20-40
    of fixed costs
  • Additional residual charge needed often much
    higher than the main signal
  • Transmission revenues are usually capped to
    prevent perverse incentives
  • Some attempts of merchant transmission projects
    in Australia

Principle 5 Simplicity and transparency
  • Essential for traders
  • But marginal prices are complex and not easy to
  • Usually some compromise required, e.g. zones

Principle 6 Political implementation
  • Any pricing systems produces winners and losers
    but losers tend to shout louder
  • No good to have an optimal methodology if it
    cannot be implemented
  • Most utilities tend to understate price
    differentials to make them more acceptable

MW-km methodology
  • Used in two cases
  • residual charge merchandise surplus due to LMPs
    covers only about 20-40 of fixed network costs
    so need to recover the rest
  • UK no LMPs so need to charge generators and
    loads for fixed cost of transmission
  • Principle determine a usage of a network due
    to each generator/load in terms of (power flow)
    x (distance)
  • Definition of usage is unique for a transaction
    (generator-load pair) but not for a nodal
  • Many different approaches

Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS)
charges in the UK
  • Hot topic in UK with direct involvement of JB and
  • NETA almost pure bilateral market balancing
  • Cost of losses and congestion recovered uniformly
  • TNUoS is a fixed annual price charged per kW of
    installed capacity to recover fixed network costs

  • Methodology
  • increase demand at a node by 1 MW balanced by the
    slack node (dc load flow)
  • calculate the resulting increase in line flows
  • sum up all the increased flows multiplied by the
  • Multiply by expansion constant (approx. 10/
    for 400 kV lines)
  • Average charges within zones
  • Add a uniform shift to achieve a required
    generationdemand split of payments
  • Distinct north-south pattern of flows in the UK
    resulting in pronounced north-south differentials

  • But even those high differentials recover only
    16 of fixed costs
  • Reason lumpy investments and loop flows
  • Lumpy investments the network is overdesigned
  • Loop flows some lines are loaded more (wrt
    limits) than the others and you cant load more
    underutilised lines without overloading other

  • 1 GW plant in North of Scotland would pay 20M
  • 1 GW plant in Cornwall would get paid 10.5M
  • Danger for renewable projects in Scotland
  • Huge protests in Scotland ignored by Ofgem
  • Approved for implementation but Scottish Power
    launched Judicial Review
  • Well see

Assessment of TNUoS charging
  • Promote the efficient day-to-day operation of the
    bulk power market no as TNUoS prices are fixed
  • Signal locational advantages for investment in
    generation and demand very good main reason for
    using TNUoS
  • Signal the need for investment in the
    transmission system no
  • Compensate the owners of the existing
    transmission assets yes
  • Be simple and transparent simple but not
    necessarily transparent
  • Be politically implementable no because of high
    geographic differentials

Transmission pricing in interconnected networks
  • Europe (countries), USA (utilities), India (5
  • Practically almost every country has a different
    transmission pricing regime
  • Nightmare to arrange a cross-border trade
  • Pancaking
  • Early solutions contract path, i.e. an arbitrary
    decided transmission path linking two countries

Example of parallel flows trade from northern
France to Italy
Source H-J Haubrich, W. Fritz
Unexpected flows in bottlenecks
Source P. Bonnard, 2003 IEEE Trans. Distr. Conf
  • Contracts paths must not be used for operation
    (congestion management) and should not be used
    for transmission pricing
  • Less of a problem if dc links used
  • USA moves by FERC towards Standard Market Design
    (LMPs), Regional Transmission Organisations and
    seamless trading
  • Europe annual payments between countries to
    compensate for the effects of cross-border trades
    (redispatch, losses and use-of-system)
  • How to decide who pays how much?
  • Marginal MW-km (like UK TNUoS) cannot be used as
    prices would depend on the choice of European
    balancing (slack) node
  • Number of alternatives proposed, e.g. tracing

  • Despite 15 years of experience, transmission
    pricing remains a hotly disputed topic
  • Contradicting goals simplicity vs
  • Almost every country has a different regime
  • I hope youll get it right!
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