Title: The West African Kingdom of Mali
1The West African Kingdom of Mali
- In this lesson, students will be able to define
the following terms - Trans-Saharan Trade
- Mansa Musa
- Pilgrimage
- The Five Pillars of Islam
2After the demise of Ghana, the West
African Kingdom of Mali emerged as a
great trading empire.
3Trans-Saharan Trade
- The Trans-Saharan trade was a trade across the
Sahara desert. - This trade connected North Africa and West
Africa. - North African salt and other goods were exchanged
for West African gold.
4The Trans-Saharan trade connected North Africa
and West Africa.
5The Kingdom of Mali
- The rulers of Mali took control of the gold
fields. - By controlling the gold fields, the rulers of
Mali greatly increased the kingdoms revenue. - Traders entering and exiting the kingdom were
also taxed.
6Mansa Musa was a great king of Mali.
7Mansa Musa
- The most powerful king of Mali was Mansa Musa.
- Mansa Musa set up a great center of learning in
Timbuktu. - He also expanded the empire.
8A great center for learning was established in
9Conversion to Islam
- Mansa Musa converted to Islam.
- He made a pilgrimage to Mecca. Pilgrimage to
Mecca is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. - During his pilgrimage, Mansa Musa gave away a
tremendous amount of gold.
10Mansa Musa was a famous ruler of Mali. He
expanded his empire, established a great center
for learning, and made a pilgrimage to Mecca.
11The Five Pillars
- The Five Pillars of Islam
- Belief in One God
- Pray five times a day facing the holy city of
Mecca - Fasting during Ramadan
- Charity to the Poor
- Pilgrimage or holy trip to Mecca
12The Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca. A Muslim
must visit Mecca, the birthplace of the Prophet,
once in his lifetime, if able.
13Mecca is a holy city to Muslims. It is the
birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad.
14Questions for Reflection
- What was the Trans-Saharan trade and how did it
increase cultural diffusion? - Who was the most significant ruler of Mali and
why was he important? - Why did this ruler take a pilgrimage to Mecca?
- What are the Five Pillars of Islam?