Title: Rating Agency Presentation
1(No Transcript)
2The Paths of Europe
is a project of promotion and marketing It
involves the territories crossed by the two great
pilgrimage routes (European Cultural
Itineraries) Via Francigena Cammino di
3The hystory of the project
Conceived and set up in Leader II (1997-2001)
2 Lag partners SOPRIP (I) and PORTODEMOUROS
(S) Actions common trademark,
informative/promotional materials, twinning
between municipalities, web site The limit
of the cooperation was the restricted
representativeness of the two LAG partners
4LEADER The new objectives
Relaunch, develop and consolidate the
cooperation experience set up between 1997 and
2001 during Leader II Extend and strengthen the
project partnership network Develop local
resources through the implementation of action
directed at supporting local products Ensure a
future for the cooperation experience
ITALY SOPRIP S.p.A Garfagnana Ambiente e
Sviluppo Sviluppo Lunigiana Leader Vallèe
dAoste Leader SPAIN Portodemouros Val do
Limia Terra de Celanova Ribeira Sacra Lucense
FRANCE Artois Lys
Other Groups interested in taking part Antico
Frignano (I) Titerno (I)
7The organization
Public Local Authorities
Planning and implementation of strategic
Operational instruments
E.E.I.G. Common operative structure
Local Action Groups
8The actions
Initiatives common to the two routes
- Actions to strenghthen the two
- touristic products, Via Francigena
- and Cammino di Santiago
9The actions Initiatives common to the two routes
Comunication project
Web site www.camminideuropageie.com
Strategic operating marketing project
Creation of a E.E.I.G.
Enlargement of the project partnership
10The actions Actions to strenghthen the two
touristic products, Via Francigena and Cammino
di Santiago
- Production of
- promotional and
- informative materials and
- national and regional guides
Organisation of a series of publications in
specialized magazine
Planning of events on the route
11The actions Local actions
Every local Action Group has developed this part
of the project in accordance with the specific
needs of its own territory
Opening of pathways
Promotional materials
Support to business concerns
This part of activity is the one that involves
the greatest financial investment for each Group
12The E.E.I.G
Objective 1) Facilitate cooperation
activities 2) Give continuity and stability to
the cooperation and to the promo-marketing
function Activities Promotion of the
trademark Paths of Europe Coordination of
common projects Organization of events,
marketing actions and commercial promotion of
products (agricultural-food, craft, tourist,
cultural, etc) Preparation of catalogues and
participation at trade fairs
13The E.E.I.G
Activities Organization of tourist packages
intended for specific market niches Organization
of the influx into the territories (tourist
reception services) Designing and supplying the
web site Elaboration of new project proposals
Research of new opportunities of community
14The head Lag role
1. the outline of the project and the preparation
of the cooperation agreement 3. the
management and coordination of the
implementation of the project and the review of
the project after the introduction of new
partners 4. the financial coordination, checking
the time scheduling of activities and
relative costs 5. drawing up reports and
implementation schedules aimed at assessing
the projects physical, financial and
procedural state of progress 6. the
communication between Management Authorities,
encouraging the flow of information between
157. the coordination of partners presentation and
Communication initiatives 8. liaison with
national networks and with the European
network 9. to manage operating relations with
the E.E.I.G with regards to common actions,
formalising assignments to the common structure
also on behalf of the partners in the
cooperation project 10. to organise meetings and
exchanges between the partners 11. to develop
contacts and relations with possible new
partners, both at an institutional level and
between the LAGs, aimed at extending the
partnership network.
16The partner role
1. Communication to the respective AGs of all
changes and updates regarding the project 2.
The organisation of meetings and exchanges
between partners in the respective
territories 3. The development of contacts and
relations with possible new partners 4. The
involvement of local administrations and economic
and social operators in the relative territories
in the project
175. The development of information relating to the
two routes in the territories of their
concern 6. The divulgation of information
relating to the progress of the project with
regards to their territories 7. Reciprocal
information to partners about all the initiatives
at a local level which may be of interest to the
single partners 8. Acknowledgement and
coverage of the costs for common actions managed
by the common legal structure E.E.I.G
18The problem
Relationship between LAGs, the E.E.I.G. and
Regional Auth.
Within the same country (e.g. Italy) - each
regional authority has adopted different
procedures - diversified interpretations
regarding certain management aspects, such as the
role and activity of the common structure, the
methods for accounting for costs sustained,
etc. Between different countries (e.g. Italy,
Spain and France) - there are no
institutionalised opportunities for discussion on
the projects - the partners in the project are
obliged to search for a synthesis between the
different regulations of the various States We
need to create opportunities for the Regional
Authorities of the various countries involved to
meet together and to clarify, once and for all,
the aspects that today still remain unclear.