Title: Complex interventions, cluster trials, modelling and complexity
1Complex interventions, cluster trials, modelling
and complexity
- Mike Campbell
- Professor of Medical Statistics
- Medical Statistics Unit
- University of Sheffield
- UK
- m.j.campbell_at_sheffield.ac.uk
2Outline of talk
- What are complex interventions?
- Uses of modelling in complex trials
- Complex systems and self organised criticality
- Agent based modelling
- Summary
3What is a complex intervention?
- British Medical Research Council (2000)1 Complex
interventions are built up from a number of
components, which may act both independently and
inter-dependently. - Components include
- Behaviours
- Parameters of behaviours (eg frequency, timing)
- Methods of organising and delivering behaviours
- (eg GP/nurse, community/hospital)
- 1 MRC(2000) A framework for development and
evaluation of RCTs for complex interventions to
improve health
- The greater the difficulty in defining precisely
what, exactly, are the active ingredients of an
intervention and how they relate to each other,
the greater the likelihood that you are dealing
with a complex intervention (MRC 2000) - This definition is also consistent with a poorly
thought through intervention (Hawe, 2004)1 - 1 Hawe P, Shiell A, Riley T (2004) Complex
interventions how out of control can a
randomised trial be? BMJ, 328 1561-1563 -
5Complex intervention examples
- Patient education trials
- Patients have differing needs and levels of
knowledge, the education needs to adapt to the
requirements of the patients - Multi-agency interventions
- Eg a stroke unit, where neurologists,
gerontologists, physiotherapists and occupational
therapists all work together - Government initiatives
- Attempts to reduce waiting times
6Cluster randomised trials
- Complex interventions nearly always have to be
evaluated using cluster randomised trials - Three main reasons
- Necessity have to administer intervention in
clusters - Contamination to prevent control subjects
exposed to intervention - Synergy of effect patients encourage each other
- Many cluster trials are negative eg Diabetes
Care from Diagnosis, Hampshire Depression project - Reasons
- 1) Dynamics of intervention poorly understood.
- 2) Under powered cluster trials need more
patients than individually randomised trials - 3) Over optimistic effect size
- 4) Trials often modifying human behaviour more
difficult than say modifying a medical condition - 5) Difficulty in recruiting
8Drug Trials vs Trials of complex interventions
- Increasingly, grant giving bodies in UK require
early phase studies as well as qualitative
studies in planning complex interventions. - There is a big role for modelling in planning
these studies.
10Example of pre-trial modellingFalls trial1
- Falls are a public health problem 30 aged 65
falling each year in UK - Fear of falling is a major social problem
- Possible intervention falls risk assessment and
falls clinic - Is it worthwhile running a trial on this
intervention? - We constructed a model of intervention and put in
reasonable parameters - 1Eldridge et al J Health Serv Res Policy 2005
11Referral pathway for falls
- Older people at home
- Assessed by social service or GP
- gtRefer to Falls Clinic and/or OT
- services
- Older people in residential homes
- Assessed by Support services or
- residential staff
- gt refer to Falls Clinic
- Older people in hospital
- Assessed by hospital consultant
- gt refer to Falls Clinic
12Markov Model
- 11 falls related states
- Each state assigned a utility value which is
assumed to have beta distribution with given
parameters (obtained from literature) - Utilities assigned to each (with 25th and 75th
centile) - No fear of falling 1.0 (0.90 to 0.99)
- Fear of falling 0.67 (0.35 to 0.99)
- Good fracture and aftercare in community
- 0.31 (0.01 to 0.60)
- Bad fracture and aftercare in nursing home
- 0.05 (0.01 to 0.07)
- Annual clock with transitions mid-year.
- Death rates with/without fracture obtained from
Office of National Statistics - Fracture rates obtained from Public Health Common
Data set - Assume effect of treatment reduce risk of falling
by 36 - (recent review gave range 20 to 66
- Probability of entry to nursing home 0.01
- Examples of transition probabilities
- No fear of fallinggtfear of falling 0.108
(aged 65-74) - No fear of fallinggt fracture 0.003 (aged
65-74) - Model starts with 1000 people and continues until
estimates change little because majority dead.
14Modelling falls trials
15Net benefit measure
- Let ?C increase in costs from new intervention
- Let ?Eincrease in benefits from new intervention
(usually measured in Quality adjusted life years
QALYs) - Suppose we are willing to spend R per QALY
- Then intervention is approved if
- R?E- ?Cgt0 .
16Falls trial results
- Modelling showed that intervention would reduce
falling by 2.8 - At 30,000 per quality adjusted life gained, only
40 chance of intervention being cost effective - Main reason for failure few people who actually
fall are picked up by system - Can test sensitivity of model to assumptions by
changing them mainly sensitive to costs - Decided not to proceed with main trial
17Cochrane review
- Cochrane review showed effects of screening and
treatment interventions of about 30 - Possible reason for difference our intervention
is aimed at the community, not a specific target
18Modelling summary
- Pre-trial modelling very useful saved an
expensive failure - Modelling also used extensively by the British
National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence (NICE) to evaluate cost effectiveness-
especially where trial data on costs non-existent
19Feedback models
- Falls model complicated but not complex
- The simulation is linear one cannot go from
outcome to intervention - Complex model involves feedback
20Examples of feedback
- From patients
- General practitioner adjusts his/her consultation
style depending on patient - Educator adjusts mode of delivery depending on
clients preferred mode of listening - From outcomes
- Diabetic trainer will modify advice depending on
HbA1c results
21Complex adaptive systems
- Characterised by the following key properties1
- Consist of multiple component agents that are
connected through local agent-agent interactions - Interactions tend to be non-linear and feedback
on one another - The system can adapt to changes in internal and
external environment - Difficult to remove a part of system and replace
it. - System capable of learning
- 1 Complexity for Clinicians Holt T (ed)
Radcliffe Publishing (2004)
22Self-organised criticality
- Example sand box
- Build a pile of sand, grain by grain
- As pile grows, addition of further grain triggers
a local motion whereby sand rearranges itself. - As pile grows, large avalanches occur
- At this point, pile grows no further.
- Amount of sand added equals amount that slides off
23Self organised criticality (2)
- Difficult to define. One attempt a statistical
steady state that is produced by processes of
infinite separation.. of time scales.. and
exhibits scale invariance - Used in geology to describe earthquake
distributions, in evolution to describe
punctuated equilibrium
24Power law
- Let s be number of grains that topple in an
avalanche - Let N(s) be number of avalanches of size s over
a long period of time - Then can show that
- This is known as the power law and is a feature
of self organised criticality - Describes number of earthquakes of a particular
intensity well.
25General practitioner consultations as self
organised critical systems
- Must operate on edge of chaos
- If too rigid, such as sticking to guidelines, may
miss important clues - For example, during a consultation a patient
casually mentions unexplained weight loss. - Consultation changes direction dramatically
(small input, big change)
26General practice as a complex system1
- 142050 episodes of back pain with at least one GP
consultation in New Zealand - Plot log (frequency of episodes) against
log(number of consultations per episode) i.e
log(P) vs log(n) - 1 Love T and Burton C (2005) General practice as
a complex system a novel analysis of
consultation data. Family Practice
27Illustration of Power Law (data from Love and
28Conclusions by authors
- Family practice behaves as a complex adaptive
system - Suggests frequent attenders are not a discrete
group - The system comprising patients and their health
care providers influences its own consultation
rates - Interventions should be aimed at whole systems
and not targeted at individuals - Since complex gtUnpredictable response to stimuli
29Features of self organised criticality
- Non-linear responses
- Large inputs may result in little change
- Small inputs may result in large change
- Statisticians might suggest a truncated negative
Binomial model - Can develop probabilistic models and get a
reasonable fit, which dont require any
assumptions about criticality.
31Is general practice a complex system?
- A power law suggests a complex system
- However, having a power law does not require that
general practice is a complex system. - Could find probability distribution to mimic
observed frequencies
32Critique of self-organised criticality (SOC)1
- SOC not a theory but a series of models connected
by formal analogy - SOC models too simple in real life situations
- SOC models useful as sketches capturing main
features of a phenomenon - SOCs useful as a new way of thinking about
certain processes - Useful for simulation
- 1 Frigg R(2003) Self-organised criticality what
it is and what it isnt. Stud Hist Phil Sci 34,
33Agent-based modelling (ABM)
- ABM is based an a set of autonomous decision
making entities called agents - Each agent assesses situation and makes decision
- Agent based models can exhibit complex behaviour
patterns - ABM looks at behaviour of individuals
- ABM easy to program
34Agent based modelling and simulation
- ABM allows non- linear feedback
- Agent based modelling can display complex
behaviour and self-organised criticality - ABM predicts emergent phenomenon
- Eg a traffic jam may move in opposite direction
to the cars that cause it
35Previous uses of agent based modelling
- Flows
- Traffic flows in a city
- How to regulate traffic lights
- Emergency evacuation of buildings
- Design of emergency exits
- Customer behaviour in theme parks
- Distribution of rides throughout park
- When to extend opening hours
36Possible uses of agent based modelling in medicine
- Simulation of complex interventions
- Eg in patient education, people react differently
to received materials. Some will seek more
information from, say, the Internet. Others may
react negatively. - Simulation of organisations
- Eg a stroke unit
37Agent based models in pilot studies
- I suggest that agent based models would be useful
to simulate complex interventions. - They could be used to explore how to design the
intervention to achieve maximum effect.
- Proponents of complexity often antagonistic to
statistics (also to evidence based medicine and
guidelines) - They argue that statistics concentrates on the
marginal values, ignoring interactions at
individual level. - Similarly, they argue that evidence based
medicine tries to make each individual conform,
ignoring local circumstances. - I have yet to see good examples of agent based
modelling in medicine.
39Work to be done
- Use agent based models to model complex
intervention - Problem find simple rules.
- Advances in computing have thrown up many
competitors to statistical analysis, eg neural
networks, genetic algorithms. - Complexity, self organised criticality and agent
based modelling are new areas to be explored. - May emerge as of peripheral interest to
statisticians but an area to be aware of.