Title: The New Monarch Data Pump 7: A Special Preview
The New Monarch Data Pump 7 A Special
Preview Mike Urbonas Product Marketing Manager
2Our Online Agenda.
- Introduce the NEW Monarch Data Pump 7
- Outline key new features and improvements over
previous versions of Data Pump - See Monarch Data Pump 7 in action live demo
- Discuss pricing, upgrade path
- QA
3What is Monarch Data Pump 7?
- Key Goal Combine key features of a data
extraction (ETL) tool with report data
distribution system - A true enterprise data integration and
information delivery solution - Capable of processing large volumes of data
4What is Monarch Data Pump 7?
- A total rewrite of Monarch Data Pump from the
ground up for far superior performance, better
scalability and more exporting options
5Key Features of Monarch Data Pump 7
- 100 Monarch V7 Compatibility
- Full utilization of Monarch V7 Projects
- Significantly improved data distribution
- New Distribution Editor - new exporting choices
Prerequisites - Dramatically faster data upload using OleDB
- 50-100 faster upload to SQL Server!
- Vastly improved Job Logging Task Scheduling
- Automatic Alerts
- Full support for scripting using VB.NET
- Rebuilt based on the open Microsoft .NET framework
6(No Transcript)
7New Performance
- More Scalable
- OleDB Export replaces ODBC
- 30 faster data upload to MS-Access
- 50 to 100 faster data upload to MS SQLServer!
- A process can be subject to Prerequisites, such
as the existence of a specified file, in order
for Data Pump to perform the process.
8New Distribution Capabilities
- Global Distributions
- Useful for Inbox/Outbox style approach
- Example Anything exported to c/costctr100
gets automatically e-mailed to Cost Center 100
manager - Export-Level Distributions
- More granular
- Each export can be distributed precisely
9New Distribution Options
- RSS Pull Distribution
- E-Mail Push Distribution
- Copy File Disposition
- Move File Disposition
- Delete File Disposition
- Translate Provide URLs for intranet/extranet
- NT Event Log Logging and Integration
10New Distributions
- RSS Export - PULL Distribution
- RSS Really Simple Syndication
- Being hailed as a powerful spam-avoiding
alternative to e-mail. - Monarch Data Pump 7 can generate RSS feeds that
contain user defined information and location of
exported files. - RSS can be used by portals and also RSS news
readers (many available for free).
11New Distributions
- E-Mail - PUSH Distribution
- SMTP and Windows Address Book/Outlook. WAB also
supports LDAP Queries - Multiple attachments are bundled
- Attachments are not mandatory
- Naming macros are available (such as
automatically include Data Pump Process name
within email body, add a date/time stamp, etc.)
12New Distributions
- Translate
- Allows the translation of file paths to URLs for
RSS distributions and Web Service processes. - Access exported data files via web browser
- Copy (with macro naming)
- Move (with macro naming)
- Delete
13Break to Live Demo
- View the recorded Monarch Data Pump 7 demo
14New Scripting
- Supports VB.NET
- Full .NET framework functionality available
- Called at Pre-Export and/or Post-Export
- Scripts can also reference Job Logs
15New Scripting
- Script Editor includes wizards
- Common Uses
- Run command lines
- Add distributions dynamically
- Create alert triggers
- Add events to the JobLog
- Call external processes to get files
16New Scheduling Logging
- Now utilizing Windows Scheduler
- New Job Log
- XML file created for each MDP Process launched
(job) - Contains the Recipe as well as Log describes
what file(s) were used to create a custom data
view and when it was executed, was it successful,
etc. - Of potential use for auditing/Sarbanes-Oxley
purposes - You can add more user-defined entries using script
17New Alerts
- Basic Predefined Alerts exist already in MDP7
- You can also define Script-generated Alerts
- Send an alert using E-Mail, RSS, etc.
- Example You can set up an Alert notifying the
MDP7 Administrator via email that a process
failed for some reason
18Monarch Data Pump 7 Pricing
- New purchase 4500 per server 2 CPU limit
- Additional CPUs 1150 per 2 addl CPUs
- DISCOUNT Pre-Order a new MDP7 purchase before
July 31 for 4000 - Upgrade path from any previous version of Monarch
Data Pump 1600 - DISCOUNT Pre-Order your upgrade before July 31
for 1250
19QAand thank you!
- Monarch Data Pump Sales/Upgrade Inquiries
- 44 (0)1962 835014Sales_at_datawatch-europe.com