Title: Ontario Science Managers Forum April 1920, 2001
1Ontario Science Managers ForumApril 19-20, 2001
- Input from participants on key science issues
- - facilitated by Bob Chartier, Leadership Network
21) What are 2-5 actions around Recruitment
Retention in the Federal ST Community?
- more funding (salary, equipment)
- exercise opportunities for collaboration
- intellectual challenges unique to ST environment
(intellectual properties) - knowledge transfer
- comfortable working environment
- clear career path (potential)
- unbiased recruitment mechanism
- interdepartmental recruitment drives on a local
basis - push awards program further celebrate successes
- more interdepartmental assignments
- hire 20 indeterminate staff against directed
sun-setted money (increase risk management) - establish mentoring program using bridging to
hire former senior employees (...beware of
bureaucracy here)
31) What are 2-5 actions around Recruitment
Retention in the Federal ST Community?
- better education of existing legislation (i.e.,
TB policy /15 hr/wk) - make national fund available so that PS/private
sector/academic can each apply (go both ways) - have PSC coordinate info visits by subject matter
(orgs 5NR) to universities (2nd 3rd year
students) and high schools - lack of diversity in support areas due to local
vs. national recruitment - foster interest in grad students to work on temp
basis put into scholarships - redirect more funding - programs to science
- pro-active science towards policy
- long-term vision encourage flexibility
- ask employees what it would take to keep them
(i.e., flexible hours, work environment) - closer to market salaries
41) What are 2-5 actions around Recruitment
Retention in the Federal ST Community?
- Competitive research budgets
- reduce administration, overhead
- change public perception of P.S. - better
marketing - challenging assignments
- appropriate/intellectually open management
framework - recognize employee needs aspirations, not just
the organizations
52a) What are 2-3 core values of the ST
Community? (...continues...)
- Honesty
- data
- Integrity
- acting on findings
- Responsibility/Accountability
- Objectivity
62a) What are 2-3 core values of the ST
Community? (..concluded)
- Public Service
- at the leading edge of ST
- innovation
- discipline
- transparency
- colleagues, stakeholders
- relevance of the science
- pride
- in ones work
- respect for co-workers
- commitment/diligence
- to the science process
- inclusiveness
- EE/diversity
72b) What are 2-3 ways to maintain the integrity
of these values?
- make peer review more transparent include lay
review if appropriate - promote select on basis of values (see 2a)
- promoting these values in employment, financial
HR processes decisions - more in-house research to reduce conflict of
interest - clear statement of core values for the
organization (doctrine manual) - organizational culture supports dissemination of
factual finding (Potential Government conflict?) - by building trust through education
communication - cascading the vision to all levels of
organization - senior managers need to understand sciences (by
formal science training? what level required?) - flatter org structure - team vs. hierarchy
83) What are 2-5 actions needed to develop
Science Managers?
- training before they become managers
- tools to identify potential
- recognize that all good scientists are not
necessarily good managers - encourage and support development of personal
learning plan - program that recognizes excellence in science
management - avoid the whip syndrome (some dont want to be
the manager) - the need for a science manager vs. a regular
manager - managerial exchanges
- create professionalism, skills (take leadership
course) - mission orientation for managers
- consistency between managers on similar issues
- acting assignments
- bonus pay/performance pay for all staff (for
taking on managerial responsibilities) - 360 degree feedback to identify areas for
improvement with consultation with staff and
94) What are 2-3 other recommendations for
rejuvenating our Federal ST Community?
- provide scientific (state of the art) tools
required - competitive salary levels to attract retain -
comparable to private sector - () sharing resources across labs within
jurisdictions (federal, provincial, municipal) to
create a unified federal approach to integrate
the perspectives - (people) more opportunities and flexibility to
partner/sabbatical adjunct with other
labs/universities/departments/ministries both
nationally internationally - improved educational leave training to foster
continuous improvement, including orientation for
new employees - flexibility in work location and working hours to
be implemented - simplify procedures and processes to facilitate
the work - budget flexibilities, decision-making
(decentralize) - recruitment activities / workshops at educational
institutions - increase A-base salary dollars
- retain those that want to be let go those who
want to go without penalty
104) What are 2-3 other recommendations for
rejuvenating our Federal ST Community?
- a bonus system based on productivity budgeted
- invest in your employees already working as well
- they are the retention - recognize everybodys contribution include in
communication strategies - knowledge to be retained on computer for new
recruits to access information corporate
memory that is leaving - knowledge management - with overlapping to train new recruits by leaving
employees - improve quality of workplace by capital
improvements in partnership with employees - more capital federal for partnering identify
share best management practices - improve Workforce Adjustment Policy ability to
negotiate terminations