1Valorisation Conference Competitive advantage
-the business case for e-learning
Dissemination and Exploitationof Project
- Budapest, Hungary 12 May, 2006
- Aristides CLADES
- European Commission DG Education and Culture
- Dissemination and Exploitation of Results
2Dissemination and Exploitation of Results
- Definition and Relevance
- Exploitation of programme results 2000-2006
- LdV experience (transfer monitoring conference)
- Other EU level experiences (Socrates, Youth )
- 3. Lifelong Learning in future a new generation
of programmes
- Dissemination and exploitation of project
results, products, outcomes - with a view to optimising their value
- enhancing their impact
- integrating them into systems and practices at
local, regional, sectoral, national and European
level (to achieve sustainability) - User needs taken into consideration from the
outset - Also known as valorisation
- Much more than dissemination alone
4Why is it important?
- Sustainability of project results
- Capitalization on investments
- Transferring results to transform systems and
practices - Avoid re-inventing the wheel
- Enhanced impact of programmes and projects
- Reduced timescales for policy innovation
- Feeding the political processes (bridge between
policy and implementation)
5Why valorisation-exploitation- Verwertung?
- It is a matter of prime importance that results
of programmes are not confined to the archives,
that project outcomes find their way into
mainstream practice and that the lessons of the
programme are transferred into policy
- Dissemination general information, brochures,
website, conferences, presentation of results - Exploitation focus on new target groups, new
sectors, needs of beneficiaries, testing,
adaptation, transfer, integration into systems
7Exploitation of results (2000 - 2006)
- Implementation of European Community vocational
training policy - Laboratory of innovation in the field of Life
Long Learning (LLL)
8Exploitation of results (2000-2006) the earlier
- Users needs not taken into account during project
devleopment - Exploitation at project end too late
- Reduced impact
- Some innovative results but no customers lined up
- No user involvement
- No exploitation
- Dissemination only at the end
9 LdV experience
- LdV II (2000-2006) valorisation mentioned but
- -ex-post 2000-2002
- -ex-ante on a voluntary basis 2003-2004
- -ex-ante compulsory 2005-2006
- after 2006 Ex-ante and Compulsory for all
programmes (not only LdV)
10Basic requirements for projects
- Matching offer and demand
- Needs analysis
- Projects respond to identified, emerging,
potential needs
11Instruments to support exploitation of results
2003 - 2005 (ex-post, ex-ante)
- Thematic Monitoring Events (ex-ante) to exchange
experience, strengthen the networking between
projects, practitioners and decision makers - Transfer of Innovation (ex-post) - 3 calls in
2003/2004, 22 results transferred to 31
12and Valorisation Conferences
- Organisation of events (conferences, seminars
and linked exhibitions) bringing together
succesful promoters and potential users to
promote the dissemination and exploitation (ie
valorisation) of innovative LdV products and
13Valorisation Conferences
- 3 calls for proposals
- /- 40 conferences (2004-2006)
- the lessons
- the particular role of regions
14 Actual approach (2005-2006)
- Interactivity between promoters users
- Valorisation plan from the start of the project
- Very successful
Innovative work Users
15Dissemination and exploitation a New Challenge
for all DG EACs programmes
- Mandatory in the Leonardo da Vinci Programme
- Socrates General call for proposals 2006
expresses expectation that transnational projects
consider valorisation activities - Requirement in the integrated action programme
for cooperation in the field of lifelong learning
- key activity exploitation and transfer of good
project results - Opportunity in programmes such as culture, youth,
16Ex-ante exploitation requires active strategy,
participatory process
- from the project design stage
- close monitoring of its implementation throughout
the entire life cycle of the project - integration of potential users from the
beginning, ongoing and substantial interaction
between partners and users with continuous
17Other EU level experiences
- Socrates
- Grundvig
- Erasmus
- Comenius
- Lingua
- Equal
- Other EU/national/regional programmes
18 New LLL programme Proposed structure
19 Exploitation of Results in the new Lifelong
Learning programme (2007-13)
- Transversal measure (Key Activity 4)
- Ex-ante and compulsory for all education and
training programmes
20KA4 A transversal measure for dissemination and
exploitation of results
- Specific horizontal measure for the dissemination
and exploitation of results for the new LLL