Title: Discussion
1Discussion 17 JavaScript Programming
2Text Box
Review namevalue
lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtText Boxlt/h2gt lt/tdgt
lttdgtName ltinput type"text" name"myName"
id"title" size"20" maxlength"30" /gt
lt/tdgt lt/trgt
3Check Box
Review namevalue
lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtCheck Boxlt/h2gt lt/tdgt lttdgtUS
Citizen ltinput type"checkbox"
checked"checked" name"citizen"
id"citizen" value"US" /gt lt/tdgt lt/trgt
4Radio Buttons
Review namevalue
lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtRadio Buttonslt/h2gt lt/tdgt
lttdgt ltinput type"radio" name"year"
id"y1" checked"checked"
value"Fresh" /gtFreshman ltinput
type"radio" name"year" id"y2"
value"Soph" /gtSophomore ltinput
type"radio" name"year" id"y3"
value"Jun" /gtJunior ltinput
type"radio" name"year" id"y4"
value"Sen" /gtSenior lt/tdgt lt/trgt
5Text Area
Review namevalue
lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtText Arealt/h2gtlt/tdgt
lttdgtlttextarea name"address" id"address"
cols"20" rows"10"gtType your address here.
lt/textareagt lt/tdgt lt/trgt
6Selection List
Review namevalue
lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtSelection Listlt/h2gtlt/tdgt lttdgt
ltselect name"color" id"color" size"1"gt
ltoption value"R" selected"selected"gtredlt/o
ptiongt ltoption value"G"gtgreenlt/optiongt
ltoption value"B"gtbluelt/optiongt
ltoption value"C"gtcyanlt/optiongt ltoption
value"M"gtmagentalt/optiongt ltoption
value"Y"gtyellowlt/optiongt lt/selectgt
lt/tdgt lt/trgt
7Event Handling
lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtText Boxlt/h2gtlt/tdgt lttdgtTitle
ltinput type"text" name"title" value""
size"20" maxlength"30" onchange"window.a
lert(demoform.title.value)" /gt
lt/tdgt lt/trgt lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtButtonlt/h2gtlt/tdgt
lttdgtltinput type"button" name"go" value"GO!"
onclick"window.alert(demoform.title.value)" /gt
lt/tdgt lt/trgt
8What is JavaScript?
- JavaScript is a scripting language - a scripting
language is a lightweight programming language. - A JavaScript defines lines of executable computer
code. - A JavaScript is usually embedded directly in HTML
pages. - JavaScript is an interpreted language (means that
scripts execute without preliminary compilation). - JavaScript was designed to add interactivity and
programming to HTML web pages. - Performs calculations such as totaling the price
or computing sales tax. - Verifies data such as with credit card
applications. - Adapts the display to user needs.
9Why JavaScript?
- JavaScript is used in millions of Web pages to
improve the design, validate forms, and much
more. - JavaScript was developed by Netscape and is the
most popular scripting language on the internet. - JavaScript works in all major browsers that are
version 3.0 or higher. - Everyone can use JavaScript without purchasing a
license. - JavaScript is supported by all major browsers,
like Netscape and Internet Explorer.
10Basic JavaScript
- The content of the ltscriptgt element is a
JavaScript program. - We can use variables and expressions such as,
- Pay payRatehours
- Tax PaytaxRate
- We can use built-in system functions.
- alert(), document.write(), document.writeln()
- Math.random(), Math.round()
- We can write and reuse our own functions
11What are the variable names?
- lthtmlgtltbodygtltform name"demoform"gt
- lth1gthtml form widgets demolt/h1gt
- title ltinput maxlength"30" name"title" /gtltbr
/gt - ltinput type"button" value"go!" name"go"gtltbr
/gt - us citizen ltinput type"checkbox"
checked"checked" - name"citizen" /gtltbr /gt
- Freshmanltinput type"radio" checked"checked"
name"year" /gt - Sophomoreltinput type"radio" name"year" /gt
- Juniorltinput type"radio" name"year" /gt
- Seniorltinput type"radio" name"year" /gtltbr /gt
- lttextarea name"address" rows"10" /gtType your
address here.lt/textareagtltbr /gt - ltselect size"1" name"color"gt
- ltoption selected"selected"gtRedlt/optiongt
- ltoptiongtYellowlt/optiongt
- lt/selectgt
- lt/formgtlt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
How many are there?
- A function is a reusable code-block that will be
executed by an event, or when the function is
called. - A function consists of a piece of computation
that takes 0 or more arguments (input data) and
returns a value (output data). - In Javascript, you can make functions yourself,
and there are also predefined functions.
- To create a function
- function funcName( arg1, arg2, . . . )
- JavaScript Code
- To call a function
- funcName( argExp1, argExp2, . . . )
- Each argument is assigned to each parameter
- The body of the function is executed.
14Predefined System Functions
- document.write("HTML text")
- Writes its parameter out as if it were HTML
- document.writeln("HTML text")
- Writes one or more HTML expressions, followed by
a carriage return, to a document in the specified
window. - alert("HTML text")
- Used to alert the user
- Can be used to debug program
15Function Demo
Concatenate Operator
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- ltscriptgt
- function sayHello()
- alert("Hello " myForm.go.value)
- lt/scriptgt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltform name"myForm"gt
- ltinput type"button" name"go" value"GO!"
- onclick"sayHello()" /gt
- lt/formgt
- lt/bodygt
- lthtmlgt
16Three Programming Constructs
17Conditional Demo
- function evaluatePay()
- if (myForm.pay.value lt 100)
- alert("You earn less than 100 dollars")
- else
- alert("You earn 100 or more dollars.")
- My Pay ltinput type"text" name"pay"
- onchange"evaluatePay()" /gt
18Iterative Demo
- function countDown()
- for (i 5 i gt 0 i i - 1)
- alert( i " " i " " i " " i )
- ltinput type"button" value"Count Down"
- onclick"countDown()" /gt
ltform name"myForm"gtlt/formgt
ltinput type"text" name"myName" size"25" /gt
ltinput type"checkbox" name"clothes" value"Tie"
/gtTie ltinput type"checkbox" name"clothes"
value"Hat" /gtHat ltinput type"checkbox"
name"clothes" value"Coat" /gtCoat
myForm.clothes0.value myForm.clothes0.checked
ltinput type"radio" name"year" value"Soph"
/gtSophomore ltinput type"radio" name"year"
value"Jun" /gtJunior ltinput type"radio"
name"year" value"Sen" /gtSenior
myForm.year1.value my Form.year1.checked
ltselect name"color"gt ltoption
value"R"gtredlt/optiongt ltoption
value"G"gtgreenlt/optiongt ltoption
value"B"gtbluelt/optiongt lt/selectgt
myForm.color.value myForm.color2.value myForm.co
lttextarea name"myBox" cols"25" rows"2"gt
20Text Box
lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtText Boxlt/h2gt lt/tdgt
lttdgtName ltinput type"text" name"myName"
id"title" size"20" maxlength"30" /gt
lt/tdgt lt/trgt
21Check Box
lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtCheck Boxlt/h2gt lt/tdgt lttdgtUS
Citizen ltinput type"checkbox"
checked"checked" name"citizen"
id"citizen" value"US" /gt lt/tdgt lt/trgt
22Radio Buttons
lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtRadio Buttonslt/h2gt lt/tdgt
lttdgt ltinput type"radio" name"year"
id"y1" checked"checked"
value"Fresh" /gtFreshman ltinput
type"radio" name"year" id"y2"
value"Soph" /gtSophomore ltinput
type"radio" name"year" id"y3"
value"Jun" /gtJunior ltinput
type"radio" name"year" id"y4"
value"Sen" /gtSenior lt/tdgt lt/trgt
23Text Area
lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtText Arealt/h2gtlt/tdgt
lttdgtlttextarea name"address" id"address"
cols"20" rows"10"gtType your address here.
lt/textareagt lt/tdgt lt/trgt
24Selection List
lttrgt lttdgtlth2gtSelection Listlt/h2gtlt/tdgt lttdgt
ltselect name"color" id"color" size"1"gt
ltoption value"R" selected"selected"gtredlt/o
ptiongt ltoption value"G"gtgreenlt/optiongt
ltoption value"B"gtbluelt/optiongt
ltoption value"C"gtcyanlt/optiongt ltoption
value"M"gtmagentalt/optiongt ltoption
value"Y"gtyellowlt/optiongt lt/selectgt
lt/tdgt lt/trgt