Title: Introduction to Javascript
1Introduction to Javascript
2Javascript on HTML pages
Javascript file
lttag Javascriptgt
lttag stylegt
3Javascript on an html page
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtJavascript and
DOMlt/titlegt ltscript type"text/javascript"
gt var datenew Date() var hourdate.getHours(
) if (hourgt22 hourlt5) document.write("Y
ou should go to sleep") else document.write(
"Hello, world!") lt/scriptgt lt/headgt ltbodygt lt/body
gt lt/htmlgt
4External code file
var datenew Date() var hourdate.getHours() if
(hourgt22 hourlt5) document.write("You should
go to sleep") else document.write("Hello,
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtJavascript and
DOMlt/titlegt ltscript type"text/javascript"
src"jsdom.js"gtlt/scriptgt lt/headgt ltbodygt I love
you! lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
Hello, world! I love you!
5Variables and values
- var i0, result 0for (i 0 i lt 10 i)
result idocument.write(i " " result
"ltbr/gt") document.write("ltbr/gtltbr/gt") - var i 0 declares a variable and sets the value
to 0 (assignment statement) - statement terminator
- Var a, A
- JavaScript is case sensitive
6Data types in JavaScript
- Numbers 0.44
- Strings document.write ("ltbr/gtltbr/gt") inside
single or double quotes - lta href"http//www.evtek.fi" onMouseOver
"window.status'Click here to know more about
EVTEK' return true" onMouseOut"window.status'
' "gt - String literals document.write (\n\t")adds a
new line and a tab - Boolean valuestrue, false
- ltA HREF"http//www.evtek.fi" onMouseOver
"window.status'Click here ' return true"
onMouseOut"window.status' ' "gt - onClick
- onerror
- onSelect
- onChange
- onMouseOver
- onKeyPress
8Expression and operators
- Assignment Operators
- xy is the same as xxy
- Comparison Operators
- is equal to
- !is not equal 5!8 returns true
- Logical Operators
- and
- String Operator alert (i " " result
9Conditional statements
- if ( !Math.random ) // here you call a standard
functiondocument.write('ltpregt -- weather
called off due to rain --lt/pregt')else if (
Math.floor((Math.random()2)) 0 )
document.write ("ltbgtIt's just awful.
lt/bgt\n")elsedocument.write ("ltemgtHow
wonderful it is!lt/emgt\n")
- for (i 0 i lt 10 i)
- result idocument.write(i " " result
"ltbr/gt") document.write("ltpgtlt/pgt") - Increment ii1 or i
- var x 1var result 0while ( x lt 10 )
// the loop is repeated until xgt10result x
x alert ("The result is " result "
and x is " x )
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- ltscript type"text/javascript"gt
- function disp_alert()
- alert("I am an alert box!!")
- lt/scriptgt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltformgt
- ltinput type"button" onclick"disp_alert()"
value"Display alert box"gt - lt/formgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
13DOM Document Object Model
- document.form1.text1.value ltform name"form1"gt
ltinput type"text" name"text1"gt lt/formgt - parent.location word1 word2 ".html"
14Javascript as a programming language
- Object-oriented
- Instead of writing procedural programs, write
class libraries to encapsulate behaviors - DOM is not a collection of dumb elements but a
hierarchy of types - Styles are properties of objects
- Complete OO code with error handling, instance
methods, static methods and type hierarchies - Versatile use of functions
- A large number of object-oriented libraries
- Used to create User Interfaces