Title: Overview of introns and their structure
1Overview of introns and their structure
DNA Helix Mosaic featured on the cover of
Nature, February 15, 2001
Mathieu Lajoie
2Discovery of introns
- 1977
- Research Groups working on adenovirus at MIT and
Cold Spring Harbor reported that mRNAs were - Â mosaic molecules consisting of sequences
complementary to several non-contigous segments
of the viral genome - Phil Sharp (MIT) Rich Roberts (CSH)
- Nobel prize in Medecine 1993
3Discovery of introns
- 1978
- Pierre Chambon demonstrated the existence of
introns in the ovalbumine gene.
Ovalbumine is the protein contained in the white
part of the eggs so its easy to get a lot of
its mRNA. Chambon hybridized this mRNA with the
gene DNA and got the following image by
electronic microscopy
4Discovery of introns
- 1978
- Pierre Chambon demonstrated the existence of
introns in the ovalbumine gene.
5Discovery of introns
- 1978
- Pierre Chambon demonstrated the existence of
introns in the ovalbumine gene.
6Classification of introns
7Spliceosomal introns
Phylogenetic distribution
- Protein coding gene in nucleus
- 25 nt over 500 000 nt (TRPM3 human chr 9)
Adapted from http//mips.gsf.de/proj/yeast/review
8Spliceosomal introns
Sequence constrain very limited
Splice site
Splice site
consensus sequence (vertebrate)
9Spliceosomal introns
Splicing mecanism
- Spliceosome 5 snRNP more than 760 proteins
- snRNP snRNA 7 proteins
- Needs ATP
- Produce a lariat
10Spliceosomal introns
Splicing mecanism
11Spliceosomal introns
The dystrophin gene 2400 kb contains 78 introns
wich represent 99.5 of his length. Only 0.5
of the gene is coding !
12Spliceosomal introns
Utility ?
- Could protects gene families against unequal
13tRNA introns
Phylogenetic distribution
- Eukarya
- Archaea
- Eubacteria
- Three protein enzymes a site-specific
endonuclease, a tRNA ligase, and a
14Group I introns
Phylogenetic distribution
- Fungal mitochondria
- Plant mitochondria and chloroplasts
- Nuclear genome of some protists and fungi
Eubacterial bacteriophage genomes. - Not found in vertebrate genes.
Adapted from http//mips.gsf.de/proj/yeast/review
15Group I introns
- Mitochondrial mRNA and rRNA genes
- Chloroplastic rRNA and tRNA genes
- Nuclear rRNA genes
- mRNA genes of phage
- tRNA genes of bacteria
Adapted from http//mips.gsf.de/proj/yeast/review
16Group I introns
- Four blocks of conserved sequences in the
catalytic core - No splice site consensus
- Well defined secondary structure
- Size range from 68 to 3000 nt
- Most are over 400 nt
Adapted from http//mips.gsf.de/proj/yeast/review
17Newer representation
Old style drawing
Exon seq. in lower case and boxed
Shows how splice sites can be brought close
together by internal guide sequence.
splice site
Conserved core
Cr.LSU intron
183-D Model of Tetrahymena rRNA Intron
Catalytic core consists of two stacked helices
domains 1. P5 P4 P6 P6a (in green) 2. P9
P7 P3 P8 (in purple) The substrate is
the P1 P10 domain (in red and black), it
contains both the 5 and 3 splice sites.
19Group I introns
Splicing mecanism
20Group I introns
Splicing mecanism
- Needs external G nucleotide cofactor
21Group I introns
Splicing mecanism
- Needs external G nucleotide cofactor
22Group I introns
Splicing mecanism
- Needs external G nucleotide cofactor
23Group I introns
Splicing mecanism
- Needs external G nucleotide cofactor
- Produce a linear intron
24Group I introns
Splicing mecanism
- Needs external G nucleotide cofactor
- Produce a linear intron
- Most can splice without protein
- Doesnt need ATP
- Splicing modulated by some proteins
25Group I introns
Group I intron
Exon n
Exon n1
26Group I introns
Group I intron
Exon n
Exon n1
27Group I introns
Group I intron
Exon n
Exon n1
 homing endonucleaseÂ
28Group I introns
Group I intron
Exon n
Exon n1
 homing endonucleaseÂ
Gene with target sequence without group I intron
Exon n
29Group I introns
Group I intron
Exon n
Exon n1
 homing endonucleaseÂ
Gene with target sequence without group I intron
Exon n
Exon n
Exon n1
30Group II introns
Phylogenetic distribution
- Organellar genome of lower eukaryotes
- Eubacteria
- Archaebacteria
- Organelle mRNA
- Eubacteria mostly outside ORF
- Archea inside other introns (twintrons)
Dai, L., Toor, N., Olson, R., Keeping, A., and
Zimmerly, S. (2003). Database for mobile group II
introns. Nucleic Acids Res. 31 424-426
31Group II introns
Phylogenetic distribution
- Organellar genome of lower eukaryotes
- Eubacteria
- Archaebacteria
- Organelle mRNA
- Eubacteria mostly outside ORF
- Archea inside other introns (twintrons)
Dai, L., Toor, N., Olson, R., Keeping, A., and
Zimmerly, S. (2003). Database for mobile group II
introns. Nucleic Acids Res. 31 424-426
32Group II introns
2D structure
33Group II introns
2D structure
RT Reverse Transcriptase X Maturase D DNA
binding En Endonuclease
34Group II intronssplicing
No protein is required in vitro
Very similar to spliceosomal splicing
35Group II intronssplicing
Reverse transcriptase is required in vivo
36Group IImobility
37Group IImobility
- Such process occurind at specific sites (highly
efficient) - is called retrohoming
-  Invasion into unrelated sites (low
frequencies) is called - retrotransposition
38Group IIevolution
Dai, L., Toor, N., Olson, R., Keeping, A., and
Zimmerly, S. (2003). Database for mobile group II
introns. Nucleic Acids Res. 31 424-426
39(No Transcript)
40(No Transcript)
41(No Transcript)
42(No Transcript)
43Group II evolution
It is widely accepted that group II introns are
the ancestors of slpiceosomal nuclear introns
foung in higher eukaryote, including humans.
- Common splicing mecanism
- Structural similarities between group II introns
and snRNA-intron-exon pairings in spliceosome.
Dai, L., Toor, N., Olson, R., Keeping, A., and
Zimmerly, S. (2003). Database for mobile group II
introns. Nucleic Acids Res. 31 424-426
44Group II evolution
LINE 20 of Human genome
Dai, L., Toor, N., Olson, R., Keeping, A., and
Zimmerly, S. (2003). Database for mobile group II
introns. Nucleic Acids Res. 31 424-426
45Group IIevolution
46Group II evolution
Might group II intron confer an advantage to
the host genome ?
- For
- Exon shuffling might creates new genes
- Alternative splicing increase proteome (in
Euglena ct) - Spread of genes contained in introns
- Against
- Genome instability senescence (In Podospora mt)
- Generation of scrambled genes (in Chlamydomonas)
47Classification of introns