Stone Fruits - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stone Fruits


All shoots and branches bearing knots should be pruned out during the winter. ... should be designed to promote hardening off in the fall and prevent winter injury. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Stone Fruits

Stone Fruits
  • Prunus is a genus of trees and shrubs, including
    the plums, cherries, peaches, apricots and
  • It is traditionally placed within the rose family
    Rosaceae as a subfamily
  • The flowers are usually white to pink, with five
    petals and five sepals. The fruit of all Prunus
    species is a drupe with a relatively large
    "stone". Leaves are simple and usually
    lanceolate, unlobed and toothed along the margin.

Stone fruits
Peach Diseases
  • Black knot
  • Brown rot
  • Perennial canker
  • Peach scab

Peach Diseases
  • DISEASE Black knot
  • PATHOGEN Apiosporina morbosa                 
    (Syn. Dibotryon morbosum)
  • HOSTS members of the genus, Prunus,mainly
    affecting cultivated plum, prune and cherry and
    to a lesser extent wild plum and cherry.

  •  Black knot is a disease that is most severe on
    cultivated crops in orchard and ornamental
    planting situations.
  • Black knot disease is mainly a problem in North
    America (Canada, the United States and Mexico)
    where it is indigenous.
  • Black knot has been reported on 24 species of
    Prunus but is most commonly found on wild and
    cultivated plums and cherries. The disease can be
    found throughout North America but is most
    commonly found in the northeast.

Black knot - Symptoms
  • Thick, black, irregular swellings on the twigs.
    The presence of these symptoms is often first
    noticed in the winter season when they are
    unobscured by leaves. However, the fungal
    disease-causing agent has been present for quite
    some time.
  • The pathogen's presence disrupts the normal
    growth of the twigs and a tumor-like growth forms
    at the infection site.
  • The first symptoms appear as small, light brown
    swellings of the current or previous season's
    growth. The the swellings turn olive-green in
    color with a velvety texture in 2nd season. The
    knots darken and appear to have a hard, brittle

Disease Cycle
Disease Cycle cont.
  • Overwinters in the knots. The first ascospores
    are forcibly discharged at the time of bud break
    in early spring. Temperatures between 16C and
    27C (60-80F) are needed for discharge
    (continues until 2-3 wks. after bloom).
  • Ascospores are spread by air currents and rain
    splashing. Mainly the succulent green shoots and,
    occasionally, wounded tissues are most
  • The knots develop very slowly, and by the end of
    the summer they appear only as small galls that
    might easily be overlooked. The following spring
    the knots enlarge very rapidly and are soft in
    texture with become greenish-brown color as
    conidia develop over their surfaces.

Cultural Management
  • Cultural management strategies are important in
    black knot management. Monitoring and pruning
    sources of inoculum. All shoots and branches
    bearing knots should be pruned out during the
    winter. This pruning should be completed before
    ascospore discharge begins in the spring.
  • Winter is also a good time to look for and remove
    sources of inoculum in nearby wild Prunus species
    in hedgerows and woodlots.

  • Genetic resistanceVarieties may vary in their
    ability to tolerate or resist an infection.
    Resistance is as important as fruit
    characteristics, tree size, and flowering time.
  • Site selectionConsider the site location. Avoid
    planting new trees near areas with known problems
    such as abandoned orchards.
  • Biological controlInterest in biocontrol agents
    is increasing because of the loss of certain
    fungicides registrations and the fact that
    applicators would prefer to reduce their exposure
    to pesticides.
  • Chemical ManagementFungicides are normally only
    recommended for sites
  • with valuable trees and/or severe infections
  • Fungicides work best as a protectant and are
  • if cultural practices are not also employed.

Brown rot
  • PATHOGEN Monilinia fructicola, M.
    laxa,                   and M. fructigena
  • HOSTS  Stone fruits (peach, nectarine, cherry,
    plum), almond, and occasionally some pome fruits
    (apple and pear)

Brown rot
  • The brown rot fungi cause a blight of blossoms
    and twigs and a soft decay of fruits of peaches,
    cherries, and plums. Thus, there are two distinct
    phases of this disease.
  • Blossom and twig blight
  • Fruit rot

Blossom and twig blight
  • This phase of the disease occurs in early spring
    when the trees are blooming, although twig blight
    also can occur during the fruit rot phase.
  • The anthers and pistil of the flower are infected
  • Infected blossoms wilt, turn brown, and usually
    cling to the twig. Extension of the infection
    into the peduncle and twig results in a necrotic
    area in the woody tissue termed a canker.
  • Under moist or humid conditions, ash-gray-brown
    colored sporodochia bearing conidia form on the
    surface of diseased blossoms and twigs. A gummy
    substance usually exudes from the cankers,
    causing the blighted flowers to adhere to the

Blighted blossom, twig canker, gummy exudate,
and tufts of conidia.
Blossom and floral tube colonized by the fungus
Fruit rot
  • Fruit susceptibility to brown rot increases
    during the 2 to 3 week period prior to harvest.
    Increased susceptibility is associated with an
    increase in sugar content as the fruits ripen.
  • Tan-brown, circular spots are visible on the
    fruit. Under humid conditions, ash-gray-brown
    masses of conidia develop on these lesions.
  • If environmental conditions are wet and warm
    during fruit ripening, the entire crop can
    literally be destroyed overnight.
  • Diseased fruit that do not fall to the ground
    dehydrate and become shriveled mummies that
    cling to the branch. Sometimes the fungal
    infection extends from the fruit into the twig
    and branch.

(No Transcript)
Disease cycle
Management of Brown Rot
  • Orchard location is important. Trees planted in
    orchards having poor air movement, and thus slow
    drying conditions, are more likely to have
    blossom blight and brown rot.
  • Sanitation practicesThe removal of diseased
    fruit mummies and blighted twigs from the trees
    and removal of fruit and mummies from the orchard
    floor can substantially reduce overwintering
  • Post-harvest controlPractices used during
    harvest can significantly impact the amount of
    fruit decay following harvest. Picking and
    handling fruit carefully to avoid injuries,
    cooling fruit promptly after harvest by
    hydrocooling or forced air cooling, using clean
    containers to hold the fruit, and timely
  • FungicidesBlossom blight occurrence is very much
    dictated by the weather conditions. In areas
    where blossom infection occurs, 1 to 3 fungicide
    sprays beginning just as the blossoms open
    control blossom blight.

Symptoms SIUC ARC 2001
Perennial canker
  • Also called Valsa canker, Cytospora canker,
    Leucostoma canker, and peach canker, is one of
    the most common and debilitating diseases of
    peach trees. Successful long-term production of
    peaches is seldom possible if the disease is not
  • PATHOGEN Leucostoma cincta 
  • HOSTS  Stone fruits (peach, nectarine, cherry,

  • Somewhat variable depending on which part of the
    tree is attacked. The most conspicuous and
    pronounced symptoms usually appear on major
    scaffold limbs and older branches.
  • Dark, sunken cankers expand along the limbs,
    producing large amounts of amber-colored or dark
    brown gum at their edges. As the cankers enlarge
    with age, infected tissues crack, dry out, and
    appear blackened affected limbs become
    progressively more girdled, lose their vigor, and
    eventually die.
  • Gumming cankers can also be seen at other common
    sites of infection, including narrow-angled
    branch crotches, trunks injured by machinery,
    rodents, or insect pests, poorly healed pruning
    wounds, and leaf scars or winterkilled buds on
    young shoots.

  • In the early spring, conidia are exuded in a
    sticky mass from pycnidia embedded in the wood.
    Perithecia sometimes are also formed in dead
    tissue after a couple of years, but the
    ascospores are considered to be of minor
    importance in the disease cycle.

  • 1. New plantings. Do not be establish next to old
    cankered blocks of peaches. Nursery stock should
    be canker free and not excessively large. Trees
    should be protected against peach tree borer
    before planting and promote wide-angle branching.
  • 2. Pruning and training. It is critical to train
    in a manner that maintains wide branch angles and
    an open center to the tree. Two of the most
    common sites of canker initiation are
    narrow-angled branch crotches and the weak twigs
    that develop within tree centers.

  • 3. Winter hardiness. Horticultural practices
    should be designed to promote hardening off in
    the fall and prevent winter injury.
  • 4. Pest control. Brown rot, oriental fruit moth,
    peach tree borers, and rodents all cause cankers
    or injuries that can subsequently be invaded by
    the perennial canker fungi.
  • 5. Canker eradication. During the pruning
    operation, remove all cankers on small branches
    or limbs, making a thinning cut at least 4 inches
    (10 cm) beneath the edge of the cankered zone.

Peach scab
  • PATHOGEN Cladosporium carpophilum  
  • HOSTS  Stone fruits (peach, nectarine, cherry,
  • This disease can affect twigs and leaf petioles,
    but the most serious damage results from fruit

  • First appear on fruit when they are half formed
    to nearly full grown, about six to seven weeks
    after petal fall.
  • Small, round, olive-green spots about l/l6-l/8
    inch in diameter develop on the fruit.
  • Spots are superficial and slowly enlarge. They
    may merge to form large, irregular blotches that
    turn velvety, dark olive-green or black.
  • Severely infected fruit may be stunted, become
    misshapen, or crack open. When fruits crack open,
    they are often invaded by other fungi that rot
    the fruit.
  • Leaves may also be infected by scab. Small (l/4
    inch), round, and yellowish-green to
    yellowish-brown spots develop on the underside of
    the leaf.

Disease Cycle
  • The fungus overwinters in lesions on twigs.
  • Conidia are produced in the spring after
    petal-fall and are windblown or splashed about by
  • The conditions which favor disease development
    are temperatures above 60F for spore production,
    over 50F (optimal 72F to 86F) for spore
    germination, and between 36F and 95F for
    disease development. Most infection occurs at the
    shuck-split stage of growth, although the fruit
    remains susceptible through harvest.
  • Spores from the fruit reinfect the twigs and
    leaves, completing the disease cycle.

  • Fungicides - Most scab infection occurs between
    shuck-split and 6 weeks after shuck split. This
    period coincides with the peak spore production
    by the fungus.
  • Fungicide sprays during bloom and petal fall are
    not necessary for scab control.
  • Proper pruning increases air movement within the
    tree crown and decreases the likelihood of twig
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