Title: Welcome to SimELMO Newspaper Print Front and Back Edition
1Welcome to SimELMO Newspaper(Print Front and
Back) Edition! In this simulation you will learn
to display newsprint pages that have text on both
sides of the page via the document camera. To
begin turn the projector on via the control
console at the lower right.
Steve BonhamCenter for Excellence in
TeachingGeorgia Southern University2005
2Now select the source to send to the projector
click the Doc Cam button on the console.
3Flip the document cameras power switch to on.
4Press the lamp button to turn the upper lamps on.
Note that the main output light is now lit.
5Newspapers can be a challenge. Because they have
print on both sides of the page a problem known
as showthru can make text difficult to read.
Click the newspaper above to place this news page
on the bed of the Elmo.
See if another video device is connected by
clicking RGB1 or RGB2.
6Text on the opposite side is showing through the
Insert Backing Sheet?
7A backing sheet is nothing more than a thick
dark sheet of paper that minimizes showthru.
Nice, but you might want to widen out a bit.
8Text on the opposite side is showing through the
Insert Backing Sheet?
9Text on the opposite side is showing through the
image. Turning the base lamp on makes showthru
even worse.
10Turning off the lamps reduces showthru but
darkens the image.
11A backing sheet is nothing more than a thick
dark sheet of paper that minimizes showthru.
Nice. Text is legible here, but you might want to
widen out a bit.
12Text and images on the opposite side are showing
through the page.
Insert Backing Sheet?
13Turning the base lamp on makes showthru even
14Turning off the lamps reduces showthru but
darkens the image.
15A backing sheet is nothing more than a thick
dark sheet of paper that minimizes showthru.
That may be too wide. Now the text is hard to
16Text and images on the opposite side are showing
through the page.
Insert Backing Sheet?
17Turning the base lamp on makes showthru even
18Turning off the lamps reduces showthru but
darkens the image.
19A backing sheet is nothing more than a thick
dark sheet of paper that minimizes showthru.
That IS too wide. Now the text is really not
readable. Good shot of Dr. DeVries though.
20Text and images on the opposite side are showing
through the page.
Insert Backing Sheet?
21Turning the base lamp on makes showthru even
22Turning off the lamps reduces showthru but
darkens the image.
23Sorry. Youre not allowed to make that selection
on the control console in this simulation.
Nope. Nothing on RGB1. Try RGB2 or Main Output.
Nope. Nothing on RGB2. Try RGB1 or Main Output.