Title: MPI and Multicore: Random Ramblings
1MPI and MulticoreRandom Ramblings
- Brian Barrett
- Scalable Computer Architectures
- Sandia National Laboratories
- June 4, 2008
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by
Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin
Company,for the United States Department of
Energys National Nuclear Security
Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
2Development Model
Mary Shaw, Prospects for an Engineering
Discipline of Software, Carnegie Mellon,1990
3Why MPI worked
NX Shmem P4, PVM Sockets
Distributed Memory Hardware
Message passing woks
Legacy MPI codes
Mary Shaw, Prospects for an Engineering
Discipline of Software, Carnegie Mellon,1990
4Multicore Panic
Multicore Architctures
Mary Shaw, Prospects for an Engineering
Discipline of Software, Carnegie Mellon,1990
5What is MPI?
- MPI is an interface, not an implementation
- Implementations have different goals
- research, stability, performance, portability
- TCP, InfiniBand, or Portals
- Threads / independent progress or lowest latency
- Latency vs. zero copy eager
- MPI implementations do adapt and change
- SMP optimizations
- RDMA interfaces
- But what are we adapting to?
6Multicore MPI
- MPIs path forward dependent on hardware trends
- Yes, we know multicore is coming, but...
- Will caches be coherent?
- Will it have hardware multithreading?
- Will it have lightweight synchronization
primitives? - Will it have homogeneous cores?
- Will there be better hardware offload for
messaging? - HPC will have little influence over the answers
to these questions - The answers will influence MPI implementations
7Multicore MPI
- MPI point-to-point performance limited by
matching costs - NIC offload makes this pretty easy, of course
- Software approaches have cache collision problems
- Threading limited cache coherency?
- MPI Threads pushes towards multi-threaded MPI
- Currently quite expensive (locks in critical
path) - Lightweight synchronization limits cost
- Independent progress finally arrive?
- Needs hardware support or threads
8(No Transcript)