Title: Program 5
1Program 5
- Converting an infix expression to postfix
- When evaluating an infix expression, the standard
order - of operations are followed
- 1. Expressions in parenthesis
- 2. Multiplication/Division from left to right
- 3. Addition/Subtraction from left to right
2Program 5 converting infix to postfix
- It's easy to see which operation is performed
first, - second, etc...with an infix expression
- (4 5) (1 2)
- It becomes a little more difficult with postfix
expressions - 4512
3Program 5 converting infix to postfix
- To account for this problem, the different
operators and parenthesis - are assigned a priority value
- operator priority
- ( 0
- ) 0
- 1
- - 1
- 2
- / 2
- These priorities will be used in order to help
determine when to pop - an item from a stack or when to push an item onto
a stack.
4Program 5 converting infix to postfix
- Start by putting a set of parenthesis around the
infix - expression
- - the left one goes on the stack
- - the right one goes on the end of the infix
string - Process the infix expression one character at a
time, - from left to right
- - if the character is a digit or letter, put it
on the end of - the postfix expression
5Program 5 converting infix to postfix
- Process the infix expression one character at a
time, - from left to right
- - if the character is a left parenthesis, push
it on the - stack
- - if the character is an operator, pop the stack
until - the top value has a smaller priority than the
current - character. Each character that is popped off
should - be put onto the end of the postfix string.
Once done - popping, push the operator onto the stack.
6Program 5 converting infix to postfix
- Process the infix expression one character at a
time, - from left to right
- - if the character is a right parenthesis, pop
the stack - until the top value is a left parenthesis.
Each value - that is popped off should be put onto the end
of the - postfix string. Once done popping, pop off
the left - parenthesis.
7Program 5 converting infix to postfix
- When implementing in C, two "parallel" stacks
will - be used
- 1. The first stack will hold the various
operators and left parenthesis in the infix
expression. - 2. The second stack will hold the priority for
the various operators and left parenthesis. - Since these stacks are "parallel", every time one
of - them is altered the other must also have the same
- alteration applied.
8Program 5 converting infix to postfix
- Push a left parenthesis and its corresponding
priority on the stacks - Append a right parenthesis onto the end of the
infix expression - While the end of the infix expression has not
been found - If the character in the infix expression is a
letter or digit - Put it on the end of the postfix expression
- Else if the character in the infix expression
is a left parenthesis - Push it and its corresponding priority on the
stacks - Else if the character in the infix expression
is an operator - Find the priority of the current character in
the infix expression - Find the priority of the top item on the
character stack - While priority of top item on char stack gt
priority of current char - Pop the character and integer stacks
- Put the popped character on the end of the
postfix expression
9Program 5 converting infix to postfix
- Else if the character in the infix expression is
a right parenthesis - Find the top character on the character stack
- While the top character is not a left
parenthesis - Pop the character and integer stacks
- Put the popped character on the end of the
postfix expression - Find the new top character on the character
stack - Endwhile
- Pop the character and integer stacks to
remove the left parenthesis - Endif
- Endwhile
10Program 5 Building an expression tree from a
postfix expression
- This process requires a stack, but this one will
hold tree nodes, - rather than data.
- The postfix expression will be processed one
character at a time - - if the character is a digit, then it is the
beginning of a constant - value. Create a tree node that has a data
field equal to the - constant value and push it on the stack.
- NOTE Dont forget to ensure that processing
continues with - the character AFTER the constant value.
11Program 5 Building an expression tree from a
postfix expression
- The postfix expression will be processed one
character - at a time
- - if the character is a letter( ie. a variable),
create a - tree node that has a data field equal to the
letter. - - if the character is an operator, create a tree
node - that has a data field equal to the operator.
Initialize - the new nodes right and left children by
popping the - stack. Push the new node onto the stack.
12Program 5 Building an expression tree from a
postfix expression
- Once the entire postfix expression is processed,
there - will be one node remaining on the stack. It is
the root of - the tree.
13C string class
- A standardized string object that can be used in
place of - character arrays.
- Multiple Declaration Formats
- string str This invokes the default constructor
and - makes str an empty string.
- string str (s) This creates and initializes str
to contain a copy of - s, which may be a string or character array
- string str (charAr, n) This creates and
initializes str to contain a - copy of the 1st n characters of charAr
14C string class
- Reading a string object
- getline(cin, str)
- This extracts characters from cin and stores
them in str until a newline character OR end of
file is reached - getline(cin, str, delimiter)
- This extracts characters from cin and stores
them in str until the delimiter is found (not
stored in str) OR end of file is reached - cin gtgt str
- This extracts characters from cin and stores
them in str until whitespace is found OR end of
file is reached.
15C string class
- Printing a string
- cout ltlt str
- This inserts characters from str into cout
- Assignment Operator Format
- str value
- Assigns a copy of value to str. value may be a
string, char array, or char
16C string class
- Concatenation Operators
- str value or value str
- returns the result of concatenating str and
value, which may be a string, char array, or
character - str value
- Appends a copy of value to str. value may be a
string, char array, or character.
17C string class
- Subscript Notation
- strp
- returns a reference to the character stored in
str at position p - Relational Operators
- str lt s str lt s
- str gt s str gt s
- str s str ! s
- s may be a string or char array
18C string class
- Useful methods
- str.c_str()
- converts the string object str to a null
terminated char array - returns const char
- str.substr(p, n)
- returns a copy of a sub-string n characters
long, starting at position p
19AVL tree deletions
- As with deletion from a binary search tree, a
node is deleted from - an AVL tree using the standard inorder successor
(predecessor) - logic for binary search trees.
Deleting 15 using inorder successor logic results
20AVL tree deletions
- But, just like insertion, deletion can cause an
imbalance, which - will need to be fixed by applying one (or more)
of the four - rotations.
Deleting 12 using inorder successor logic results
21AVL tree deletions
- What kind of rotation should be performed to fix
the imbalance?
22AVL tree deletions
- If we identify the parent of the actual node that
was deleted, then - - If the left child was deleted, the balance
factor at the parent - decreased by 1.
- - If the right child was deleted, the balance
factor at the parent - increased by 1.
- The change in balance factor can move up the tree
from the - deleted node's parent all the way to the root.
Therefore, it's - possible that a node's balance factor could
become 2 or -2. If - this happens, then balance needs to be restored.
23AVL tree deletions
- Let A be the node where balance must be restored.
- If the deleted node was in A's right subtree,
then let B be the root - of A's left subtree. Then
- - B has balance factor 0 or 1 after deletion --
then perform - a single right rotation
- - B has balance factor -1 after deletion -- then
perform a - left-right rotation
24AVL tree deletions
- If the deleted node was in A's left subtree, then
let B - be the root of A's right subtree. Then
- - B has balance factor 0 or -1 after deletion
- then perform a single left rotation
- - B has balance factor 1 after deletion -- then
- perform a right-left rotation
25AVL tree deletions
After a single left rotation
26AVL tree deletions
Delete 9 from the tree
27AVL tree deletions
A is node 5. 9 was deleted from As right
subtree, so B is node 2, which has balance factor
28AVL tree deletions
Is the tree balanced after the rotation?
29AVL tree deletions
- Unlike insertions, one rotation may not be enough
to restore balance to the tree. - To fix the imbalance, find the next node where
balance factor is bad (call this A) - - if As balance factor is positive, then let B
be As left child - - if Bs left subtree height is larger than Bs
right subtree height, then - perform a single right rotation
- - if Bs right subtree height is larger than
Bs left subtree height, then - perform a left-right rotation
- - if Bs left and right subtrees have equal
height, you may perform either - rotation
30AVL tree deletions
- To fix the imbalance, find the next node where
balance factor is bad (call - this A)
- - if As balance factor is negative, then let B
be As right child - - if Bs right subtree height is larger than
Bs left subtree height, - then perform a single left rotation
- - if Bs left subtree height is larger than Bs
right subtree height, - then perform a right-left rotation
- - if Bs left and right subtrees have equal
height, you may - perform either rotation
31AVL tree deletions
What type of rotation must be performed to fix
the imbalance?
32AVL tree deletions
A single left rotation with the highlighted
33AVL tree deletions
A right-left rotation with the highlighted nodes
34AVL tree deletions
Result after the single left rotation
35AVL tree deletions
Result after the right-left rotation