Title: Jessica Purcell
1Suggestions for giving effective presentations
that will captivate your audience in 16 easy steps
2How to give an effective presentation
Jessica Purcell Department of Zoology University
of British Columbia
- Thanks to my classmates from Zoo502 2004/2005 for
reminding me what NOT to do in a presentation!
4Presentation Outline
- I will show a variety of examples of presentation
tools that may distract your audience, but they
are still really fun to play with!
- I will be silly in this talk, but these issues
are real!
6Things to Avoydin PowerPoint
- Crazy colour skemes
- Distracting animation
- Unecessary Sound (I cant even bring myself to
include sound affects) - Speling errors
- Putting too many words on slides
- Reading directly off slides
- Difficult to read fonts
- Small type
- Pictures or graphs that do not contribute to your
point - Dark on dark and light on light
What to avoid
7PowerPoint Dos
- Keep slides simple!!!
- - Few words (rule of 5)
- Large text (24 pt)
- Plan about one slide per minute!
- Explain figures slowly and clearly!
What to do
Take home message Take the time to explain
Linear regression R20.95, plt0.0001
(supervisor only)
Effective Tools
9What not to do while presenting
- Dont turn your back to the audience
- Dont block anyones view of the screen
- Dont rush
- Dont fiddle
- Dont wing it
- Dont expect your audience to know
- Dont use jargon!
- Dont apologize!!!!
What to avoid
10Oh Shit, wheres my graph?
What to avoid
11Technical Issues
- Always PDF, just in case!
- Mac/PC issues
- of pixels
- If projector colour lamps are not working, low
contrast colours will be invisible!!
What to avoid
12What to do while presenting
- Breathe
- Make eye contact with audience members
- Interact with your slides
- Speak clearly
- Know your audience
What to do
13Presentations differ from writing
- Being repetitive can be GOOD!
- Its ok to be informal
- Less constraint imposed by formatting
What to do
14Developing your style
- Different styles can be equally effective
- (e.g. humour, unique slide layout, attractive
visual aids)
What to do
16Developing your style
- Different styles can be equally effective
- Be careful not to go overboard on gimmicks
- Figure out what works for you!
What to do
17Presentation Outline
- I will show a variety of examples of presentation
tools that may distract your audience, but they
are still really fun to play with!
- Keep it simple!
- Use your presentation as an advertisement for
your work - Pitch to the right level for your audience
- Find your presentation style
19Course Goal
- Essential skills for grad students
- Safe venue to practice develop presentation
skills - Presentations will include articles, teaching,
your research.
20Did I miss anything?
- What else drives you crazy?
- What do you admire in other
- peoples presentations?
21Welcome to the department!