Title: Wholesale Power Price Forecast 012803 Current Trends Update
1Wholesale Power Price Forecast01/28/03 Current
Trends Update
- Jeff King
- January 31, 2003
2What is the power price forecast?
- An estimate of future wholesale spot market power
prices. - E.g., as would be traded as short-term contracts
at the Mid-Columbia trading hub. - 2001 to 2025.
- Monthly and annual average prices for high
low-load hours (can also look at hourly prices).
3Ancillary products
- Market-driven future generating capacity
additions. - Estimate of fuel use.
- Estimate of certain environmental effects of
system operation (e.g. CO2 production). - Transmission usage
4Uses of the power price forecast
- Estimate the market value of new resource
alternatives (e.g., conservation measures). - Estimate the cost implications of policies
affecting power system composition or operation
(e.g., value of a seasonal shift in hydro
output). - Estimate environmental effects of changes in
power system composition or operation (e.g.,
effect of resource additions on CO2 production). - Price forecast input into risk analysis model.
- Resource development forecast into GENESYS model
5Forecasting process
6Geographic Scope
- Load-resource areas defined by transmission
bottlenecks - individual generating units (gt3700 total)
- fuel price forecasts for ea. LRA
- load forecast for ea. LRA
- load curtailment blocks for ea. LRA
- new resource options for ea. LRA
7General assumptions
- Projects under construction are completed as
scheduled additional projects are market-driven. - Suspended projects
- If gt 25 complete, entered as partial-cost new
resource options. - If lt 25 complete, omitted
- New projects are developed by resource-specific
mix of developers. - Projects scheduled for retirement are retired
additional retirements are market-driven.
8Other general assumptions
- Intra-regional transmission cost
- 15/kW/yr point-to-point transmission basic
ancillary services cost plus 1.9 transmission
loss penalty. - Exceptions include peaking units and industrial
cogeneration - Pancaked inter-area transmission losses rates.
- Bid margin set at 5 of variable cost.
9Significance of the Current Trends Case
- Our best estimate of future wholesale power
prices resulting from continuation of current
economic and energy policy trends. - Average water conditions
- Average loads
- Not necessarily the Right thing to do
- may not fully consider value of risk mitigation.
- may represent less than desirable reserve levels.
- Not intended to represent a recommended course of
10Current Trends case assumptions
- NPPC medium fuel price forecasts.
- NPPC medium load forecasts
- Demand returns to medium growth rates by 2006.
- Long-term growth adjusted for programmatic
conservation. - New resource options most likely to play
significant role - Gas-fired combined-cycle GT
- Duct firing (power augmentation) for
combined-cycle - Gas-fired simple-cycle GT
- Wind
- Pulverized coal-fired steam-electric
- Solar PV
- Permanent 1.7 cents/kWh production incentive for
new wind solar.
11More Current Trends case assumptions
- SBC and RPS resource development where adopted
- simulated as new wind.
- quantity based on estimated above-market resource
cost (resource cost less price forecast) - Oregon CO2 standard for all new fossil units
- offset fee 1/TCO2 (2000), escalating at 20/yr.
- applies to 17 of total CO2 production.
- 7.50/MWh green tag revenue for new renewables.
- Intermittent resources limited 20 of total
native capacity, by area. - No new coal in Western WA, W. OR, CA.
12Forecast Fuel Price Trends(/yr, 2003 2025)
13Natural gas prices are based on US wellhead
14New resource characteristics
15Additional new resource characteristics
16Updates since September draft
- Updated inventory of recently-completed projects
and projects under construction. - Updated load growth forecasts.
- CO2 offset cost escalates as originally intended.
- Adjusted hydro shaping factors British Columbia.
- Corrected fuel price pointers for several
resources. - Corrected New Mexico variable gas prices.
- Recalibrated duct-firing and RPS/SBC resource
builds. - Adjusted quantities of second block of new wind.
- Recalculated fixed OM costs for existing
resources. - First load curtailment block restored to default
17Forecast WECC Resource Mix (012503 Current
Trends Update)
18Mid-Columbia price forecast
19Levelized Mid-Columbia price forecast (2006 25)
20Monthly average prices loads (Mid C)
21Forecast WECC Fuel Use
22Forecast WECC CO2 Production(012403 Current
Trends Update)
23Base sensitivity studies 1
24Base sensitivity studies 2