Title: String Manipulation
1String Manipulation
STRING a collection of characters. STRING a
special type of array one row, multiple columns
The size of a string will differ with the
programming language. In BASIC, a string can
consist of 254 characters.
The position of each character in the string can
be mapped, and each character can be accessed
2String Manipulation
There are three string manipulation commands. Two
are similar. The third is the most powerful.
Three commands LEFT MID RIGHT
LEFT - captures the characters, starting at the
first character on the left side of the string
RIGHT - captures the characters, starting at the
first character on the right side of the string
3String Manipulation
SYNTAX LEFT(ltString namegt, Number of
characters) RIGHT(ltString namegt, Number of
characters) Must be stored in a string variable.
Example X My grade, in this class, is 92.3
CAL(1) January CALS(1) LEFT(CAL(1), 3)
4String Manipulation
MID - most flexible of string manipulation
MID(ltstring variablegt, starting position, number
of characters) A MID(X,3,4)
Use MID to locate a specific character. Some
files use special characters to separate
data. Ex X My grade, in this class, is
5String Manipulation
4000 capture percentage 4010 N 5
number of characters wanted 4020 L 0
letter counter 4030 FD N initialize
flag 4040 WHILE (FD N) 4050 L L 1
4060 Z MID(X,L,1) 4070 IF (Z
) THEN FD Y 4080 WEND 4090 LL L
N 4100 A MID(X,LL,N) 4110 PRINT
A 4120 AV VAL(A) 4130 PRINT AV 4190