Title: EE441 Data Structures Chapter V Complexity of Algorithms
1EE441 Data StructuresChapter VComplexity of
- Özgür B. Akan
- Department of Electrical Electronics
Engineering - Middle East Technical University
- akan_at_eee.metu.edu.tr
- www.eee.metu.edu.tr/akan
- An algorithm is a computable set of steps to
achieve a desired result. - Not sufficient that algorithms perform the
required tasks. - They should do so efficiently, making the best
use of - Space
- Time
Efficiency is important!!!
3Efficiency in Time and Space
- Time
- Instructions take time
- How fast does the algorithm perform?
- What affects its run-time?
- Space
- Data structures take space
- What kind of data structures can be used?
- How does the choice of data structure affect the
4Objectives of Complexity Analysis
- Two algorithms that accomplish the same task
- Which one is better???
- Given an algorithm, is it possible to determine
how long it will take to run? - Input is unknown
- Do not want to trace all possible execution paths
- For different input, is it possible to determine
how an algorithms runtime changes?
5Measuring Growth of Work
- While it is possible to measure the work done by
an algorithm for a given set of input, we need a
way to - Measure the rate of growth of an algorithm based
upon the size of the input - Compare algorithms to determine which is better
for the situation
6Sequential Search Algorithm
- e.g. Search an n-element array for a match with
a given key return the array index of the
matching element or -1 if no match is found - int SeqSearch(DataType list , int n, DataType
key) - // note DataType must be defined earlier
- // e.g., typedef int DataType
- // or typedef float DataType etc.
- for (int i0 iltn i)
- if (listikey)
- return i
- return 1
- Here, at worst case n comparisons
(operations) performed - expected (average) n/2 comparisons
- expected computation time ? n
7Sequential Search Algorithm
- e.g., if the algorithm takes 1 ms with 100
elements - it takes 5 ms with 500 elements 200ms
with 20000 elements etc. - Another approach Binary Search Algorithm
- (Using a sorted array)
8Binary Search Algorithm
- int BinarySearch(DataType list, int low, int
high, DataType key) -
- int mid
- DataType midvalue
- while (lowlthigh)
- mid(lowhigh)/2 // note integer division,
middle of array - midvaluelistmid
- if (keymidvalue) return mid
- else if (keyltmidvalue) highmid-1
- else lowmid1
- return 1
9Binary Search Algorithm
- e.g. int list55,17,36,37,45
- low0, high4 key44
- 1) mid(04)/22 3) mid(44)/24
- midvaluelist236 midvaluelist445
- keygtmidvalue keyltmidvalue
- lowmid13 highmid-13
- 2) mid(34)/23 4) since high3ltlow4, exit the
loop - midvaluelist337 return -1 (not found)
- keygtmidvalue
- lowmid14
10Binary Search Algorithm
- e.g.
- int list55,17,36,37,45
- low0, high4 key5
- (the same example with different key)
- 1) mid(04)/22 2) mid(01)/20
- midvaluelist236 midvaluelist05
- keyltmidvalue keymidvalue
- highmid-11 return 0 (found)
11Binary Search Algorithm
- In the worst case, Binary Search makes ?log2n ?
comparisons - e.g. n log2n
- 8 3
- 20 5
- 32 5
- 100 7
- 128 7
- 1000 10
- 1024 10
- 64000 16
- 65536 16
(ceil) Smallest integer larger than or equal to
e.g. if Binary Search takes 1msec for 100
elements, it takes tk ?log2n ? 1mseck
?log2 100? k1/7 msec/comparison Hence,
t(1/7) ?log2n ? t500(1/7)
?log2500?9/7?1.29msec t20000(1/7)
12Binary Search Algorithm
13Computational Complexity
- Compares growth of two functions
- Independent of constant multipliers and
lower-order effects - Metrics
- Big-O Notation O( )
- Big-Omega Notation ?( )
- Big-Theta Notation ?( )
- Allow us to evaluate algorithms
- Has precise mathematical definition
- Used in a sense to put algorithms into families
- May often be determined by inspection of an
14Definition Big-O Notation
- Function f(n) is O(g(n)) if there exists a
constant K and some n0 such that - f(n)Kg(n) for all nn0
- i.e., as n??, f(n) is upper-bounded by a
constant times g(n).
- Usually, g(n) is selected among
- log n (note loganklogbn for any a,b??)
- n, nk (polynomial)
- kn (exponential)
15Big-O Notation
Upper Bound
f(n) is O(g(n))
Work done
Our Algorithm
Size of input
16Comparing Algorithms
- The O() of algorithms determined using the formal
definition of O() notation - Establishes the worst they perform
- Helps compare and see which has better
17Big-O (Examples)
- e.g. f(n)n2250n106 is O(n2)
- because
- f(n)n2n2n2 for n 103
- 3n2
e.g. f(n)2n1023n?n is O(2n) because
1023nlt2n for ngtn0 and ?n lt2n ?n f(n)32n
for ngtn0
18Correct Interpretation of O()
- O(1) or Order One
- Does not mean that it takes only one operation
- Does mean that the work does not change as n
changes - Is notation for constant work
- O(n) or Order n
- Does not mean that it takes n operations
- Does mean that the work changes in a way that is
proportional to n - Is a notation for work grows at a linear rate
19Big-Omega Notation
- Function f(n) is ?(g(n)) if there exists a
constant K and some n0 such that - Kg(n) f(n) for all nn0
- i.e., as n??, f(n) is lower-bounded by a
constant times g(n).
20Big-Theta Notation
- Function f(n) is ?(g(n)) if there exist
constants K1 and K2 and some n0 such that - K1g(n) f(n) K2g(n) for all nn0
- i.e., as n??, f(n) is upper and lower bounded by
some constants times g(n).
f(n) is ?(g(n))
Work done
Size of input
- 3n2 17
- ?(1), ?(n), ?(n2)
- O(n2), O(n3),
- ?(n2)
22Analogous to Real Numbers
- f(n) O(g(n)) (a lt b)
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a gt b)
- f(n) ?(g(n)) (a b)