Title: Internet Accessibility
1Internet Accessibility
- Lessons from pilot actions supporting the United
Nations Programme for Persons with Disabilities
By Leo Valdes, Managing Director,Vision Office.
in a video,Leo Valdes introduces himselfas the
presenter of this topic
- The Gateway Pilot
- Concurrent Research
- Web Accessibility
- Distance exchanges
3Gateway Pilot
- Planning was key
- Discussion with users
- Prototyping
- Look and Feel
- Organization of site
- Audience / Messages
- Content
4Concurrent Research
- How do Persons with Disabilities use the
Internet? - Define Accessibility
- Barriers?
- Solutions?
5What is Accessibility?
- Providing flexibility to accommodate the users
needs and preferences - Paper on Accessibility on the Internet
- http//www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/disacc00.htm
6Internet Accessibility Issues
- Three issues identified...
- Electronic Mail
- Base Technologies - Adaptive Technologies
- WebAccessibility
7Web Accessibility
- Problems
- Complex layouts
- Description for graphics
- Tables, Forms
- Multimedia
- etc
8Web Accessibility - Solutions
- Browsers / add-ins
- World Wide Web Consortium
- Site planning
- Accessible HTML
- Validators
9Accessibility Validators
- CAST Bobby
- www.cast.org/bobby
- WAI Validator
- www.w3c.org/wai
- Checklist validators
10International Exchanges
- ASEAN Perspective, Bangkok, July 1999
- North American models not necessarily applicable
- Manila, Philippines, July 1999
- Guanajuato, Mexico, May 2000
11Universal Design and Web Accessibility
- Understanding Universal Design principles
Video Title Universal Design. Narrated Heres
the door leading out of my home office. There
are no handles, but there is a face plate. This
visual cue tells me that I should push, and there
is no handle to mistakenly pull the door. Thats
good design. Similarly, your buttons should have
visual cues, such as alt text. It shouldnt
just blend in with the whole pages text.
(Pushes face plate to open door and leave room.)
Video of Leo Valdes saying There is still a lot
more to understand to help make the Internet
accessible. Ive provided some resources here
for your further reading. Until the next
session, thank you for your attention.
- Available at
- www.worldenable.net
- www.intlmgt.com
- www.visionoffice.com
- www.un.org/esa/ socdev/enable