Title: The Downward Spiral of Sin Romans 1:1832
1The Downward Spiral of Sin Romans 118-32
2- I read in a periodical the other day that the
fundamental thing is how we think of God. By God
Himself, it is not! How God thinks of us is not
only more important, but infinitely more
important. Indeed, how we think of Him is of no
importance except insofar as it is related to how
He thinks of us. - C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory, p. 13
3The Downward Spiral of Sin
- Why is God so angry?
- God has clearly revealed Himself
- 119-20
4The heavens declare the glory of God the skies
proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day
they pour forth speech night after night they
display knowledge. There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes
out into all the earth, their words to the ends
of the world. Psalm 191-4
5My religious feeling takes the form of a
rapturous amazement of natures law which reveals
an intelligence of such superiority that compared
with it all the systems of thinking and acting of
human beings are an utterly insignificant
reflection.Albert Einstein
6But let us admit that no matter how small the
chance, it could happen, one molecule could be
created by such astronomical odds of chance.
However, one molecule is of no use. Hundreds of
millions of identical ones are necessary. Thus
we either admit the miracle or doubt the absolute
truth of science.Lecompte de NouyÂ
7- Â Â Â "Science is possible only because we live in
an ordered universe which complies with simple
mathematical laws. The job of the scientist is to
study, catalogue and relate the orderliness in
nature, not to question its origin. But
theologians have long argued that the order in
the physical world is evidence for God. If this
is true, then science and religion acquire a
common purpose in revealing God's
work."Â Â Â Â Â Paul Davies, God and the New Physics,
p. 144.
8The Downward Spiral of Sin
- Why is God so angry?
- God has revealed Himself
- 119-20
- Mankind has suppressed the truth
- 118b,21
- Gods world is really messed up
- 118a
9The Downward Spiral of Sin
- God is angry because
- Mankind has perverted worship 121-25
- Idolatry 122-23
10Their idols are silver and gold, The work of
mans hands. They have mouths, but they cannot
speak They have eyes, but they cannot see They
have ears, but they cannot hear They have noses,
but they cannot smell They have hands, but they
cannot feel They have feet, but they cannot
walk They cannot make a sound with their throat.
Those who make them will become like them,
Everyone who trusts in them. Psalm 1154-8
11- Idolatry Whatever we believe will satisfy us and
at the same time remain controlled by us.
Idolatry is reducing god to manageable terms.
12The Downward Spiral of Sin
- God is angry because
- Mankind has perverted worship 121-25
- Idolatry 122-23
- Immorality 124-25
- Mankind has perverted self 126-27
- Mankind has perverted society 128-31
13They exchanged the glory and the truth
God gave them over
Blindness toward God
They exchanged the natural function
God gave them over
Blindness toward self
They disregarded the knowledge
God gave them over
Blindness toward others
Cheerleaders for evil