Title: ISM 6121
1ISM 6121
- The Trilogy
- Managers, Users
- and Developers
2The Trilogy
The Mgr
The User
The Geek ?
3System Failures
- 24 Success Rate
- ERPs
- 85 End in Failure
- Problem with measuring Success
- Problem with Communications
4Seeking Consonance
5Different Success Measures
- Users
- Satisfaction
- With the System, Usefulness, Usability, etc.
- Managers
- On time, Within Budget
- Geeks
- Code Excellence, Intellectual Stimulation
- it is by no means assured that the parties
involved are communicating from the same
6Alvarez (2002)
- Examined Communication Patterns
- Users and Analysts
- Different realms of meaning!
- Analysts
- Technology based frame of reference
- How can I code that
- Users
- Personal work experience frame of reference
- How do I perform my job
- Collective Understanding and Agreement
- Metrics used for Evaluation
- Resolve Goal Conflict
8Expectation Gaps(Discrepancy Theory)
- Stakeholders maintain expectations
- Expectations Reality
- No Gap
- Expectations lt Reality
- Negative Gap (confirmation)
- Satisfied
- Expectations gt Reality
- Positive Gap (disconfirmation)
- Dissatisfaction
- Study 1 (job performance) and 2 (SERVQUAL)
- Users vs. IS Staff
- IS Staff discounted users expectations
- Performance, Quality of Product, Quality of
Personal, Dependability, Team Work, Leadership - IS Staff Lacked Understanding of User Expectation
- Users less satisfied with IS Staff Job
10Results Study 3
- IS Staff vs. IS Management
- Management Misjudged Staff Expectations
- Desire to Manage, Entrepreneurship, Autonomy,
Geographic security, Job Challenge, Employ
Technical Expertise - Management Lacked Understanding of IS Staff
Expectations - Gap
- Lower IS Staff Career Satisfaction
- Failures
- May not be due to faulty systems but
- Mismatched Expectations between
- Users
- Staff
- Managers
- Success Consonance
- Pre-project Partnering
- Develop expectations about people on the project
team - Develop expectations about the process
- Negotiated Expectations
- Monitor Progress
12Communication Skills
- Hornik, Chen, Klein and Jiang
- (2003)
13Success Consonance
- Premised on Communication
- Users, Managers, Staff
- Understand each others perceptions
14Types of Communication
- Interpersonal
- 76 Oral contacts (IS Managers)
- Presentation
- Written
- System proposals, requirements, documentation,
training manuals - (Jacobs, 1998) http//search.epnet.com/direct.asp?
15The Trilogy
The Mgr
The User
The Geek ?
16Discrepancy Theory
- Individuals
- Have Expectations
- Perceive if Expectations were met
- If met
- Satisfied
- If not met
- Unsatisfied
17Expectation-Confirmation Theory
- Consumer Behavior
- Individuals
- Form an Expectation about a service/product
- Use the service/product
- Compare Expectation with Perceived Performance
- Expectation met
- Satisfied
- Expectation not met
- Unsatisfied
18Study Premise
- IS Users, Staff and Managers
- Difference Expectations regarding
- Communication
- Written, Interpersonal and Oral
- Gap between Expectations and Perceived
Performance - Affect Satisfaction
- User satisfaction
- Career satisfaction
- Job performance evaluation
- Communication Gap is not associated with Career
Satisfaction - Communication Gap is associated with User
Satisfaction - Communication Gap is associated with Job
Performance Evaluation
20User Satisfaction
- Not solely related to system function or
performance. - Depends on Communication Competency
21Project Team Orientations
- Klein, Jiang, Tesch
- (2002)
22The Geeks
End User
23Technical IS Staff Expectations
- Commitment, Planning, Structured Techniques
- Technicians
- Lack knowledge of Human Needs Motivation
- System information is privileged
- End users are dumb!
- End users dont care
24End-User IS Staff Expectations
- End-Users should play a critical role
- System Definition
- Training
- Emphasize User Requirements Specs
- Development Process is Important
- Obtain User Acceptance
25Sociopolitical IS Staff Expectations
- Complications result from
- Different End-User Personalities
- Turnover of EUs and Top Management
- Success or Failure depends on
- System Development
- Organizational Power
- User Resistance and Politics is Inevitable
26System Failure Perceptions
- IT Staff Orientations System Failure
- IT Staff Orientations Skill Needs
27Survey Results
- I messed up (Can we try again?)
- 17 Responses